Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Touch) In a dream, examining means spying, eavesdropping or paying attention to a conversation one should not listen to.. (read all at source)
To examine that concept a little further, look at the races involved in the dream. Whites are still in most positions of power - you want your child to be empowered. (read all at source)
To examine your teeth, warns you to be careful of your affairs, as enemies are lurking near you.
If they appear decayed and snaggled, your business or health will suffer from intense strains.
To dream of spitting out teeth, portends personal sickness, or sickness in your immediate family. (read all at source)
To examine the mechanism in a dream - a difficult situation.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
"Let us examine one instance.
"A young woman, adored by her husband, dies at Moscow. Her father-in-law, at Pulkowo, near St. Petersburg, saw her that same hour by his side. She walked with him along the street; then she disappeared. (read all at source)
You must examine the symbols and see what they mean to you. Perhaps you see something about yourself that is exposed publicly as beginning to decay. Part of it has already been destroyed and another part of it is weakened and beginning to deteriorate. (read all at source)
Kneeling to examine something more closely could represent a desire for understanding
Kneeling in a worship service could represent a feeling of ritual or habit... (read all at source)
Microscope-Examine: Close examination; discern, (as in discerning of spirits), self-examination; (1 Cor 11:28)
Microwave Oven- Instant: Quick work; convenience, sudden; impatience; (Romans 9:28)
Milk-See Food/Milk... (read all at source)
The key is to examine how you reacted to the fire in the dream. Were you afraid of it? Pleased by it? Comforted or enthralled by it? This will guide you towards the correct interpretation.
Symbols in Dreams
Dream Encyclopedia... (read all at source)
Exams/Being Examined
- also see Dream Dictionary: Tests
Exams of most kinds in dreams are more-often-than-not symbolic of our own high expectations and further judgements and criticisms. It is the unconscious suggesting a need to refrain from such harsh assessment of oneself. (read all at source)
The one will be examined if see a teacher - the dream, suggest to prepare for the tests and exams if you are a student. It could also show the need to learn more, but not necessarily specific things, as it could be something about life;... (read all at source)
We just have to examine why people are inside the mental asylum and we can start relating it into our real life. Mental asylum is there to help the people suffering from a certain mental condition. It is created to correct things that need to be adjusted. (read all at source)
dovetail, down, draft, drag, drag sail, draw, draw rein, drift anchor, drift sail, drive back, drogue, due bill, dun, earmark, ease off, ease up, ease-off, ease-up, encage, enclose, end, endgame, ending, engrave, engraving, enjoin, ensuring, epenthetic vowel, establishment, examination, examine,... (read all at source)
If you are having dreams about pacifying someone, it may be helpful to examine who it is being pacified. Different people in dreams often represent aspects of ourselves, so if you have a loud, boisterous friend it can sometimes be that they represent your loud and boisterous side in your dreams. (read all at source)
While the dream has little to do with the actual idea that your health is threatened, the action of placing something in quarantine allows you to examine how you enact 'compulsory isolation' when you might find more happiness by opening up. You may not be giving free reign to your feelings. (read all at source)
Examine your life to see what area may be causing you frustration or worry. Are you are having difficulties at work? These problems may have you feeling tense and while you need to act normally while awake, the worry can manifest into chase dreams at night. (read all at source)
Also often used to get closer to or examine someone or something.
Example: On my right in the hedge I found my manuscript of my present writings scattered, wet with rain, and jumbled. (read all at source)
Obviously if we examine just how bad things can get they very distressing dreams. Why does the mind seem to need to shock itself? Why do we need to scare the living daylights out of ourselves? The worst nightmares will tend to be risk dreams. (read all at source)
If your life feels like it is set on a course for disaster, examine your mistakes and resolve to set a new and better course. If the accident happens to someone else in your dream then examine your heart for you may have suppressed hostility towards that person. (read all at source)
Examine why you feel that you need to undergo such a dramatic change and how you feel about undergoing the procedure. Are you changing a particular part of your anatomy? Is it your face, implying that you want to face things differently? (read all at source)
Acceptance of anything which is fake or counterfeit suggests you may be too trusting, so reexamine your current relationships. To accept an invitation is a forerunner to an inheritance or an unexpected gift. (read all at source)
Obviously, one would want to examine possible trigger events, such as other weddings in waking life, before too much interpretive work goes into this dream. This dream may be simple wish-fulfillment or personal anticipation. (read all at source)
If the setting is secondary, then examine the other details of the dream more closely. However, if the bus and/or the bus ride was a focal point of the dream consider the value that it holds for you. (read all at source)
X-ray health issues indicated; feeling examined or under scrutiny; focusing on the surface of an issue. Where do you need to be looking beneath the surface for an explanation? (read all at source)
Angels appear in our dreams when we are examining our attitudes, and indicate that we need to also examine our motivations. The Angel is a messenger. When we take the time to trust and soul-search, they will lead us to new insights and new directions. (read all at source)
Seeing yourself in a tv episode is preparing your self to an upcoming test in your life. Like you are being examine by god. It might be someone you know or someone you care about that it is actually bothers you what he or she thinks about you.
Find more dreams containing 'episode'... (read all at source)
Ginae - Fort Worth Photography Examiner
Food and Cooking
Submit Link!
Ce visez? - Dictionar de vise. (read all at source)
Exaggerated sizes of things are to get your attention. Examine them in detail.
Instills a sense of instability and tenuous related to the subject involved. (read all at source)
To see plant or tree roots in your dream, symbolize the unconscious mind and soul. You need to carefully examine your inner thoughts in order to understand yourself. If you use them as medicine, it forewarns you of approaching sickness or sorrow. (read all at source)
Aquarium-symbolic of being trapped or feeling examined
AR-15 (see Guns)
Arab-symbolic of the Middle East and Islam... (read all at source)
If a chest of drawers appears in your dream, it can be a sign that is time to examine these emotions and thoughts. (read all at source)
Conversely, it may be an indication that there is a family secret you have been carefully hiding from those around. You may wish to examine what the cabinet holds.
To dream that you are cleaning and organizing your cabinets indicates that someone from your waking life is taking advantage of you. (read all at source)
To see a lynx in your dream, symbolizes secrecy. There is more to be known and more to be learned. You need to expose and examine those secrets and learn from them.
To see a lyre in your dream, represents joy and harmony. The symbol may also be a pun on "liar". (read all at source)
To dream of fishing signifies a need to examine your emotions and to delve deeper into your unconscious. Because fish also refer to your intuition, you might be fishing for a solution to a problem - you already know how to solve it.
fit... (read all at source)
If the dreamer fails the exam, or if he awakens before knowing whether he passed or failed, the goal may be unfeasible at this time and should be re-examined. If the dreamer passes the exam, then, in spite of obstacles, he has it in him to get what he wants. (read all at source)
To dream that you are signing a contract, predicts a rise in your social or work status. If you dream of entering into a bad deal, you should think twice about committing to a relationship. Carefully examine what you are getting into.
Control Dreams... (read all at source)
A dream of a snake bite reminds you that you need to resolve or come to terms with a situation or behavior that is paralyzing your ability to make a decision or move forward. Getting bitten by this wild creature is an invitation to examine what is currently 'poisonous' in your life and to remedy it. (read all at source)
Camera - Projections of the self condition. The dream is a camera, taking pictures of your true self and not the imaged self as seen during your waking hours. Holding on to the past. A need to examine your past. (read all at source)
A pool of water in a lovely garden shows that you will have much success in love and marriage; a swimming pool indicates that you will enjoy many social gatherings with good friends. Of course, you must examine each aspect of the dream and if you are less then happy, or your life is threatened,... (read all at source)
A supply or need for a creative process, such as paint, scissors, or computer graphic design program
The process of establishing or building something
The process of breaking something down into its smallest components (for example, to examine or understand it)... (read all at source)
To dream that you are signing a contract, indicates that you are ready to commit to a long term relationship or project.
To dream that you enter into a bad contract, signifies to think twice about committing to a relationship. Carefully examine what you are getting into.
Construction... (read all at source)
a dream of failing an examination, if one is a student, may be a literal warning of being unprepared. Outside of such context, it could relate to failing some other kind of test. Or it could even have a "punny" nature, e.g. that one has failed to examine some aspect of his life adequately. (read all at source)
If your afraid of the snake that signifies your fears with the opposite sex or afraid of commitment. Some dream symbols we get would be easy to interpret, but the more complicated dream symbols are ones we have to examine them under a fine microscope. (read all at source)
Examine them in detail.
sliding - Instills a sense of instability and tenuousness related to the subject involved.
snake - An recurring issue that has not been resolved yet. Can involve treachery or sense of betrayal. (read all at source)