Evil pursues the unfortunate dreamer. If you are banished to foreign lands, death will be your portion at an early date.... Continue dream interpretation - Banishment"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Banjo... (read all at source)
Dreaming that something evil, such as the devil, is trying to harm you or is coming after you can mean:... (read all at source)
Dreaming that something evil, such as the devil, is trying to harm you or is coming after you can mean:... (read all at source)
dark evil clouds dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
Evil is often a symbol of people who are really out to get you? Do you feel you are relentlessly the target of someone who will just not give up? (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation/evil spirit visited
I recently went to a fortune teller.. She pretty much right on evrything with my life..she even told me that I am able to sense things.. She is not the first that has told that.. & at times I feel I can.. (read all at source)
Evil or Bad person around The blood-sucking vampire is such a frightening creature that he is commonly regarded as an embodiment of the evil. Ancient Indian dream books understand him as a warning before own gentleness which is used from other.
Psychological Meanings:... (read all at source)
Sensing evil in a dream is usually a reflection of something within the dreamer they do not wish to acknowledge. This maybe either something they have done or something that was done to them.
Exams/Being Examined
- also see Dream Dictionary: Tests... (read all at source)
evil a part missing; do the opposite and live; bad company; someone speaking evil of another; being given 'the evil eye'. What are you afraid of? (read all at source)
Human beings receive both physical and mental nourishment. As you grow, you are trained to express behavior that is ‘correct and good. (read all at source)
Evil. A dream involving an evil atmosphere or evil spirits predicts unaccountable obstacles to your current ambitions; you would do well to consider a change of direction and/or objectives. (read all at source)
Evil. Black magic. Intuition and wisdom. Fear of power.
Magic. Skillful. Looking for knowledge to increase your power. (read all at source)
Evil - ignorance, lack of awareness; something about yourself that can be destructive. (read all at source)
Evil pursues the unfortunate dreamer. If you are banished
to foreign lands, death will be your portion at an early date.
To banish a child, means perjury of business allies.
It is a dream of fatality. (read all at source)
Evil or righteous acts recently committed will more acutely affect the present waking mind than those enacted at a more remote period. In a similar way future disaster or success which is soon to occur will impress the dream mind more vividly than those which are to transpire at a later date. (read all at source)
An evil bear or terrifying bears; such as bears that are trying to kill you and are chasing you, could speak of a fear of something in your life, like a fearful or painful situation of the present or past. The key is, if you are afraid of something you don't have peace. (read all at source)
Shun evil in any form.
Take the advice of people around you.
Examine and consider your actions.
Detailed dream interpretation... (read all at source)
Bear: Evil men; danger (if one plays dead, a bear will not pursue them, so be crucified and die daily); Russia; wicked ruler over poor people, vindictiveness that is severe; antichrist of the last days; end time dominion and rule; financial matters as in: bear market. (2 Sam. 17: 8; Dan. (read all at source)
Flies - evil spirits, filth of Satan's kingdom; Beelzebub -'Lord of the flies'; live on dead things; occult
Grasshopper - destruction; drought, pestilence
Moth - symbol of destruction; deception (as a moth drawn to the flame)... (read all at source)
If you felt an evil power in dream you should change your plans. If you saw an evil person you will get help. If you were evil you must get better control of your temper. See also fear.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)
Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream. (read all at source)
Are you good or evil?
We all have a naughty side, but is yours taking over?
What intuitive power do you have? (read all at source)
Dark path-an evil place or the way of the wicked, Ps.35:6
Darkness-symbolic of being surrounded by evil or in need of God’s light, Joel 2:2
Dart (see poison arrow)
Darts (game) symbolic of being on target or aiming at something particular... (read all at source)
It is considered evil, yet it is the snake, created by God, that tempts man to gain knowledge. Sometimes snakes can symbolise the poisonous words and innuendo of the people around you.
Mystical Meaning of Snake Dreams:... (read all at source)
It is a place of evil and a place where the enemy and his evil works abound.
Revelation 18:2 ".and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." (GMR)
See also: Bars... (read all at source)
It has a dual meaning, and carrying the solar and lunar symbolism, personification of both good and evil. (read all at source)
To dream of snakes, is a foreboding of evil in its various forms and stages.
To see them wriggling and falling over others, foretells struggleswith fortune and remorse.
To kill them, you will feel that you have used every opportunityof advancing your own interests, or respecting that of others. (read all at source)
or touching or kissing the audience or showing her private parts: Intrigue or a proving matter in which those seen getting anything from her will perish in view of verse 35 of the Quranic chapter 'Al-Anbiyae' (The Prophets), which says: 'Every soul must taste of death, and We try you with evil and... (read all at source)
To dream that you are having trouble getting dressed, signifies that some evil person will preoccupy your mind to the point where you are not able to enjoy your daily life and its pleasure. (read all at source)
To hear evil, demonic laughing in your dream represents feelings of humiliation or helplessness. Learning If you dream of learning something, you will take great interest in acquiring knowledge. And if you are careful with your time and stick to your goals, you will advance far. (read all at source)
In this way he may, while asleep, see himself or a relative die, when in reality he has been warned that some good thought or deed is to be supplanted by an evil one. (read all at source)
If you see it rise up in your house, denotes that you will struggle to resist evil, but unless you see it subside, you will succumb to dangerous influences. (read all at source)
To dream of ice, betokens much distress, and evil-minded persons will seek to injure you in your best work. To see ice floating in a stream of clear water, denotes that your happiness will be interrupted by ill-tempered and jealous friends. (read all at source)
The witch in your dream could represent evil and ugliness or something more desirable such as enchantment. The word witch is usually used to describe a mean and heartless person, and in your dream you may be making associations in regard to yourself or someone else that fits that description. (read all at source)
People often feel possessed or invaded by an evil influence. The problem is fundamentally that such a dreamer feels that the ‘thing' is far stronger than them, and they have no power over it. (read all at source)
The basic theme of an army in ones dream is a struggle against the forces of evil, against the monsters and demons that threaten us. An army is an overwhelming force, irresistible and indestructible. It is a nameless power. (read all at source)
The famous Pandora's Box held all the forces of good and evil in it. Pandora opened the box and unleashed its wrath into the world. She was able to close the box and in it hope. Thus, it is said that hope remains. (read all at source)
A snake, being the ages old symbol of evil or satan, makes it a bad omen to have one show up in a dream. To see a lone snake and feel threatened by it shows that you have a bad enemy that is even then working against you, it also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy. (read all at source)
only frame is there snakes - can represent re-birth or wisdom (knowledge of good and evil), it keeps trying to come to you but you try to avoid it pen-snake - does your wisdom/creativity relate to pens and writing? hole in wall - pathway, passage, hole in box, way out of box? (read all at source)
Eyes were often painted on things to ward off the "evil eye". An exaggerated apotropaic eye was painted on Greek drinking vessels in the 6th century BC to ward off evil spirits while drinking. Fishing boats in some parts of the Mediterranean region still have stylized eyes painted on the bows. (read all at source)
Mayans drew a very faint line between our concept of good and evil. Meaning, good and evil was seen in totality rather than marked separation. As such, the bat was worshipped for both its dark and light qualities. Pictured here is the Central American Long-Nosed Bat. (read all at source)
To dream of seeing ears, an evil and designing person is keeping watch over your conversation to work you harm.
To see earrings in dreams, omens good news and interesting work is before you. To see them broken, indicates that gossip of a low order will be directed against you. (read all at source)
Black symbolizes sorrow, disagreement, unknown, mystery, fear, evil, death, ill luck, mourning and unhappiness. It also represents your stubbornness. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are feeling blue in your walking life. (read all at source)
If you are shot, you will be annoyed by evil persons, and perhaps suffer an acute illness.
For a woman to dream of shooting, forecasts for her a quarreling and disagreeable reputation connected with sensations. For a married woman, unhappiness through other women. (read all at source)
To dream of your pocket, is a sign of evil demonstrations against you.
To find a pocketbook filled with bills and money in your dreams, you will be quite lucky, gaining in nearly every instance your desire. If empty, you will be disappointed in some big hope. (read all at source)
Being held hostage in this way reflects the cosmic struggle of good against evil. The dreamer may see himself as a victim of circumstances beyond his or her control, or as a sacrificial offering for a conflict or cause. (read all at source)
The Hebrews And DreamsThe Hebrews felt good dreams came from God and bad dreams were from evil spirits. They also tried to receive dreams in the temple. The prophet Samuel was noted as sleeping in the temple of Shiloh before the Ark to try to receive dreams from God. (read all at source)
To dream of pirates, denotes that you will be exposed to the evil designs of false friends.
To dream that you are a pirate, denotes that you will fall beneath the society of friends and former equals.
For a young woman to dream that her lover is a pirate, is a sign of his [.]... (read all at source)
Snakes are a very common dream symbol, usually meaning evil, temptation, or sexuality. To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. (read all at source)
To dream of thorns signifies dissatisfaction and evil shall surround all your effforts and make them void and null.
To dream of a tiger that is approaching you denotes that your enemies are ready to torment you. (read all at source)
Demons are sneaky evil entities which signify repressed emotions. You may secretly feel the need to change your own behaviors for the better. (read all at source)
To dream of dying, foretells that you are threatened with evil from a source that has contributed to your former advancement and enjoyment.
To see others dying, forebodes general ill luck. (read all at source)
In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the snake tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. It is tinted with negative connotations and a symbol for temptation, evil, and sin. (read all at source)
A stain on the bedroom floor indicates you feel guilty with regard to sex. This could be due to an overly strict or religious upbringing that puts a stigma on the sexual act. It can also be triggered by strong religious beliefs where indulging in pleasures of the body is seen as evil. (read all at source)
fear, anxiety,hatred, resentment, guilt, depression (no hope / faith). When mixed or associated with other colours it adulterates their meaning e.g. darker shades of red, blue yellow, etc.
Black and White indicates Intolerance, simplistic extremism - If something is not good it must be evil... (read all at source)
Evil Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
A dream about evil is probably a message from your dreaming mind that something is not right in real life. (read all at source)
black, blamable, blameworthy, blight, bodeful, boding, bother, breach, bugbear, burden, calamitous, calamity, can of worms, carnality, cataclysm, catastrophe, catastrophic, catty, corrupt, corruption, crime, crime against humanity, criminal, criminality, crooked, crushing burden, crying evil, curse,... (read all at source)
To dream that someone or something is evil, denotes a repressed and/or forbidden aspect of your self. This part of your self may be seeking recognition and acknowledgment. Alternatively, evil may also be a reflection of your strong, negative emotions like hate, anger, etc. (read all at source)
Evil pursues the unfortunate dreamer if you are banished to foreign lands. To banish a child, means perjury of business allies.
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