Europe dream meaning

Europe dreams by DreamMean
To dream of traveling in Europe, foretells that you will soon go on a long journey, which will avail you in the knowledge you gain of the manners and customs of foreign people. You will also be enabled to forward your financial standing. For a young woman to feel that she is disappointed with the sights of Europe, omens her inability to appreciate chances for her elevation. She will be likely to disappoint her friends or lover.

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Europe :
You will soon get what you desire, if you are patient. (read all at source)

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European Beech
In general:
Beech is the popular belief, according to one tree, not in the strikes of lightning. This means that the book is a popular symbol of protection. The copper beech, copper beech, or by their color refers to the full vigor of nature. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of traveling to Europe means a long journey which will give you some financial gain. Alternatively, it indicates original thought or old ways of thinking. (read all at source)

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To dream of travelling to Europe, signifies a long journey which will give you some financial gain. Alternatively, it indicates original thought or old ways of thinking. (read all at source)

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Culture. Old world. Preservation of the past. Wish to continue or save.
Ex-boyfriend... (read all at source)

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In Europe, represents purity, youth, freshness; Celts - Flower Fairies.
Dream in other languages: (read all at source)

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Ancient European lore recognizes the wasp as big part in pollination. Here the wasp is symbolic of fertility as this genre of earth-based believers honored the wasp for its role in continuation of certain plants and flowers. (read all at source)

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pizza European descent; Italian ancestry; young food; lots of toppings. Who is acting like a teenager? (read all at source)

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In medieval europe people who secured a coat of arms from the king often used animals to represent qualities in themselves, the dragon represented a brave defender and protector. In the east a dragon motif on a family banner meant good luck and fortune. (read all at source)

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Asian Civilisations
* China * Huns * Mongols
European Civilisations
* Celts * Germans * Ancient Greeks * Romans * Vikings... (read all at source)

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in the dream i wake up in a evergreen forest (like the ones in norther Europe with the trees all growing in straight lines)well i am waking up on my back in this forest in the snow with just a light snow falling and the clouds breaking up to reveal the nights sky full of stars and the biggest... (read all at source)

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Example dream : An icy freeze across Europe was a premonition of World War One . The ice represented the sweeping away of all human values as Europe descended into terrible war. So ice symbolised ,./a period of history which involved great hardship and unhappiness... (read all at source)

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These mystical, magical creatures are a part of European, Roman and Greek folklore. They are known for their fickle nature, for their ability to grant wishes and for their whims of trickery. (read all at source)

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If we look into the history of the tarantula, we can see that the name 'tarantula' originates from a town called Taranto in south Italy, and was originally used for the species of the European wolf spider. (read all at source)

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Think of the following analogy: In the era of the communist countries in eastern Europe the press always covered good news and very rarely bad news. The western press always concentrated on bad news and tragedies. The communist press were accused of being propagandists. (read all at source)

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In European tradition, rats are associated with theft of foodstuffs and the spread of disease, and therefore seeing brown or black rats running free is a warning to see your doctor and to be careful whom you trust.
2. (read all at source)

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A systematic review of our society estimated the size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe in 2010. It found that 38% of the population suffers from mental disorders, and that disorders of the mind account for about 26.6% of the total disease burden. (read all at source)

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I dream that I am flying in a plane with other people looking at fantastic sites. I am taking pictures and is seems to be Northern Europe. I have a ticket for 4pm lunch and everybody else has an earlier ticket. (read all at source)

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Turkey (the country) symbolizes a blending of varying traditions. Turkey is a bridge between two continents, Europe and Asia. It is bordered by eight countries and has a unique blend of Islamic and Western traditions.
Turquoise... (read all at source)

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Our person or facade; a temporary identity you would like to try on; an inability to show, or lack of recognition of, your true or inner self; a need to hide some aspect of yourself. During pre-Lenten European or South American festivals, masks are often used to boldy portray shadow aspects,... (read all at source)

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