Engagement ring dream meaning

Marriage if wear engagement - In the dream you see an engagement ring or you wear it, or somebody gives it to you, then this dream means a new attraction or a quick marriage.
Hindu (Hinduism)... (read all at source)

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I've had two dreams about engagement rings within the past few weeks. In both dreams my current boyfriend proposes to me (which we have talked about happening within the next year) and presents me with one ring containing a tiny diamond and one that instead of diamonds contained a blue stone and a... (read all at source)

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It may also serve as a warning that the effort you put into life is not paying off. To see a diamond engagement ring denotes happiness. To steal a diamond ring suggests that you are trying to gain love from someone that is not interested. (read all at source)

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Rings-Covenant: Wedding, (as in "a signet ring"); authority, eternity (unending); prestige. Ring=Covenant. Engagement Ring=Promise. Rings Worn as Jewelry=Self-glorification. (Esther 8:8; James 2:2; Luke 15:22)... (read all at source)

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Example dream : A missing engagement ring linked to the dreamer wanting to show her husband that she would leave if the marriage did not improve. The missing ring therefore represented her belief that something was missing from their marriage - he did not truly respect her feelings. (read all at source)

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Clear ice, especially in chunks or 'rocks' could mean the giving or receiving of an engagement ring. Walking on ice that makes you fear is a sign that you are 'treading on thin ice' in some aspect of your life and should change this before disaster strikes. (read all at source)

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Something personal, meaningful, or significant about the owner or the giver of the ring (for example, your grandmother giving you her ring might represent her "giving you her love")
Belonging or commitment, such as an engagement ring representing a commitment to be married,... (read all at source)

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Engagement ring: The state of the relationship, as in example below, where Mary is 'choking' on or 'can't swallow' her relationship.
Example: 'If I swallow I am going to swallow and choke on my engagement ring. I seem to be trying to stop a ring going down my throat.' Mary S. (read all at source)

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