Employer dream meaning

My employer ,"in my dream", told me to skin the snakes & wrap the skins around wooden sticks, squarish sticks about 5 feet long, that looked like tobacco sticks used in spiking tobacco in tobacco fields. (read all at source)

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Dreams tend to deal with common themes in life. We try to classify people eg with the word "employers" we associate certain feelings and thoughts such as "I am in charge" or "they need to do as they are told". (read all at source)

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Employer top list
Control issue for positive or negative.Controlling patterns in lieu of cleaning them out and repatterning.
Enginetop list
(AUTO/CAR), OIL - The engine is to the car as the heart is to the body and the oil is to the car as the blood is to the body. (read all at source)

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employer bossy; looking after others; maybe it is time to employ her. (See boss) Where else can you find security?
employment looking for a job; starting something new; start doing it; stop procrastinating. Who's looking for a job? (read all at source)

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Employer: Also Master: Showing who is in charge in a certain situation; Good or evil authority depending on the character and actions of the person in dream; Pastor; satan. (Col. 4: 1)... (read all at source)

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An employer or boss in a dream can represent an authority figure.
If you dream that you are the boss, it can mean that you want to take control over a situation. (read all at source)

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directory, discipline, discourse of reason, discursive reason, display, dispose, divert, division, dome, dominant, dope fiend, doper, draft, drinking water, drop, drop head, dropline, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, duck, ead, earing, earth closet, earthling, eau, employer, encephalon,... (read all at source)

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Concerns if see dead bodies or corpses strewn battlefields - This is a forerunner of troubles and disputes between family members or employer;... (read all at source)

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The same interpretation is given for anyone who compasses people, or guards them, or someone who harms the interests of his employer more than he benefits him. If a tomcat scratches someone or bites him in a dream, it means that he will fall sick for a full year. (read all at source)

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The employer, employees? To dream of a bone being broken by another (in torture) means, he who bullies those who are not in a position to resist may be a snob, but cannot be a kind. He who tyrannizes over the weak and helpless may be a coward, but no true man. (read all at source)

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Are you becoming over-committed, or on the brink of making a major commitment to an employer, romantic partner, or other relationship? This dream may be commenting on how appropriate the commitment is for you. If the wedding goes well, you may see yourself as entering a sound union. (read all at source)

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Fraud To dream that you are defrauding a person, denotes that you will deceive your employer for gain, indulge in degrading pleasures, and fall into disrepute. If you are defrauded, it signifies the useless attempt of enemies to defame you and cause you loss. (read all at source)

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Your real-life father, an authority or caretaker figure (such as your employer), or your spiritual parent (God)
The idea of fatherhood, fatherly qualities, or parenthood in general
See also: family person you know
Category(s): People... (read all at source)

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Make sure she was being honest with herself and confirm that she really wanted to leave her current employer for a new one.
Check over both job offers again - make sure she has all the honest facts about what each position was offering her.
Do more research & check the background of each company. (read all at source)

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Hostages in ones dream might also suggest that the dreamer is in some sort of disagreement between an employer and employees. For instance the boss, by keeping the struggle going without doing something about the issue, is holding the employees hostage.
Useful Questions and Hints:... (read all at source)

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Using a bandsaw in a dream means that you will win the approval of your employer before long.... Continue dream interpretation - Bandsaw"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Bandy... (read all at source)

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In waking you may not be able to express your anger, because you do not wish to hurt their feelings or they may be your employer. In sleep anger comes out because you have to vent it in some fashion. (read all at source)

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Missing a train can symbolize fear of failure in light of expectations that have been imposed upon you, perhaps by your employer or parents. Jumping in and out of trains can symbolize how you are trying to find your own way. (read all at source)

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1. Being at a disadvantage in a given situation.
2. Actually being pursued, probably in the sense of being "chased" by a potential lover, employer, or customer.
Astrological parallels: Aries, Gemini, Mercury.
Dream Tarot Card: The Fool... (read all at source)

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For example, if you are arguing with your mother or father in a dream, you may be having a problem with another authority figure, such as an employer, in your waking life. (read all at source)

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If she sees the head of the corpse falling from the body, she is warned of secret enemies who, in harming her, will also detract from the interest of her employer. Seeing the corpse in the store, foretells that loss and unpleasantness will offset all concerned. (read all at source)

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You may be so used to wearing many hats during the day - mother, father, employee, employer, teacher, student - that you don't take time to consider things that are really bothering you. But, at night when asleep, all of our unconscious thoughts and fears are usually set free. (read all at source)

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For a young woman book-keeper to dream of footing up accounts, denotes that she will have trouble in business, and in her love affairs; but some worthy person will persuade her to account for his happiness. She will be much respected by her present employers.
Accuse... (read all at source)

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from the interest of her employer. Seeing the corpse in the store,
foretells that loss and unpleasantness will offset all concerned.
There are those who are not conscientiously doing the right thing.
There will be a gloomy outlook for peace and prosperous work. (read all at source)

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him that his face is clean shaven, foretells that she will fall below the standard of perfection in which she was held by her lover. If she sees the head of the corpse falling from the body, she is warned of secret enemies who, in harming her, will also detract from the interest of her employer. (read all at source)

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