Emotion dream meaning

emotional hurt
Dreaming that someone hurts you emotionally—such as hurting your feelings, insulting or demeaning you—can mean you are remembering, experiencing, or expecting emotional hurt in your real life. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are emotionless, suggests that you are closing yourself off from those around you. You may be neglecting your own feelings and should start paying more attention to them. (read all at source)

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Here are all the dreams in our dream bank which are possible emotional dreams. ... (read all at source)

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Association: Emotional coldness; fear of stagnation. Question: Where I can find the warmth? General Meanings: In dreams very often the emotions are converted into bodily sensations. (read all at source)

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Water is a very emotional element. This applies not only to dream analysis, but also to most forms of "divination". (read all at source)

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emotions a call to action; energy in motion; denying your emotions in waking life. What is the emotion in the dream pushing you to do?
employee a worker; not your own boss; someone else telling you what to do. Who is not appreciating you? (read all at source)

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Emotions are vitally linked to psychic ability. Neptune can help you strike a balance and see these connections more clearly through water magic. (read all at source)

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See Emotions and Mood in Dreams - Inner World - Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
Dvd Record Cassette Computer-disc
About Dreamhawk... (read all at source)

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KEY WORDS : Emotional, worried, thinking deeply
KEY PHRASES(Pick a quote which captures your feelings right now. Think especially of the day before the dream) :
- "I have been thinking about my relationship with him and..."
- "thinking deeply"
- "I am starting to realise what I did was wrong"... (read all at source)

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Emotional voyage through time of change. If you float easily and quickly, so easily pass the difficult times.
The noble dream interpretation H. Grishina... (read all at source)

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Emotional turmoil, life is threatening
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)

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Emotions - emotions in a dream are just that, a particular emotion that is affecting your conscious life.
Empty - a feeling of emptiness, loneliness in your life;lack of self love.
Enemy - qualities about yourself that are being neglected; a real enemy in your conscious life. (read all at source)

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Emotions are often distorted in dreams and dreaming of jealousy is no different. When you dream about being jealous this is a reflection of your own protective feelings, feelings of abandonment, and desires of how things should be. (read all at source)

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Emotions expressed in dreams are a way for people to act out their feelings which they would not normally express if... Continue dream interpretation - Emotions"continue dream interpretation
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Emotional release. Grief. Domestic trials are on the way. Emotions need to be released.
Essential self. Clarity. Focus. (read all at source)

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Emotional turmoil or upheaval or terror. Dreaming of tornado has potential for destruction in your life. Sudden change. Someone who sweeps through life as tornado. Is there something coming in your life with destructive power that you feel powerless about? (read all at source)

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emotions or stormy emotions, depending on the action of the
ocean or sea.
officer: Your attitudes regarding authority or your father. (read all at source)

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The emotions that you display in the ballet will be emotions that you are experiencing, but may be repressing, in real life.
A dream of watching a ballerina represents a desire for more happiness or more freedom. (read all at source)

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Emotional threat to self or other person.
Cleansing one self from things that affect the emotions. Relief from stressed emotions. (read all at source)

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Since emotion is associated with 'gut feelings,' dreams of the abdomen can represent feelings that you are not acknowledging. The condition of the abdomen and whether or not it is yours, suggests how you are owning or acting on your gut feelings. (read all at source)

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Strong emotions such as terror appear in dreams as a result of your subconscious rejecting the message of the dream. You need to be more accepting of the change your dream is asking you to make.
Theatre... (read all at source)

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1. What emotions did you feel upon awakening?
2. What real-life memories does this dream remind you of?
3. Consider the setting. (read all at source)

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Talk of "emotional baggage" has become very common nowadays. This contemporary term has given rise to a new way of experiencing relationships with yourself and with others. Dreams of cumbersome baggage often represent a life that is too cluttered, or one that lacks reasonable emotional boundaries. (read all at source)

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Look at any emotions or feelings that come up when you dream of a stranger. Are you frightened, threatened, or excited? Are you reluctant and fearful of strange ideas, people, or places, or do these types of things exhilarate and motivate you? (read all at source)

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Knees - emotional commitment
Limbs - sexuality, gender related issues
Liver - suppressed anger... (read all at source)

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The Soul and Emotions
Bears and tornadoes chasing you, many times are on the soul level. Many times, this is when there is a very stressful time in your life, such as a big move, a contentious situation with family and unresolved differences, or unforgiveness. (read all at source)

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1. Do I feel emotionally at peace with myself? Probably not but use the dream as a prelude to a more peaceful you. Get yourself in balance. Relax, listen to music, and take up yoga, meditation or some therapeutic activity. And stop punishing yourself!... (read all at source)

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Traditionally, emotions have been thought to be centered in the abdomen, so a dreaming about your abdomen can be a sign that you are experiencing strong emotions. (read all at source)

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Next, refer any emotional or recurring dream symbols to a dream dictionary or the list below. Remember - don't take these definitions as read, because they do depend on the context of your dream, your personal psychological attachments to the symbols, and your current life circumstances. (read all at source)

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The most common emotions experienced in dreams is anxiety and fear and people want a Dream interpretation of analysis for this type of dream. The interpretation and analysis of dreams starting with the letter 'U' include the following subjects Uniform, Urine, Urinating, Underground, Undress and Ugly. (read all at source)

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Wild man the emotional upset of oneself (e.g., uncontrolled anger) Cayce (136-18, A-2). Woods a mental place where one can easily get lost or confused such as in a maze (of trees) Cayce (136-16). see also Maze ... (read all at source)

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Emotions, Mother, Birth. The moon is an interesting symbol that connotes feminine energy; it is associated with the irrational and the intuitive. The moon effects the ocean tides, and it has been linked to madness or lunacy. As a dream symbol is can represent all of these things and more. (read all at source)

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Wine- Spirit, emotions hate, anger, joy, happiness, sorrow, truth, revelation, truth, mocker, delusion.
*drinking with others-fellowship, communion. (Ephesians 5:18)
Wings- prophet, demon, shelter, Holy Spirit. (Hosea 12:13)... (read all at source)

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abandoned - you abandon something that you are detaching your emotions from. You are abandoned, being left out feeling rejected.
abducted - You are being controlled by circumstances or another's will. (read all at source)

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This dream also suggests that the dreamer needs to take a balanced view of a situation and not get too emotional. Don't be so black and white and consider the other aspects of the situation. (read all at source)

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It may also indicate that you keep your emotions inside.
If you are female and dream that you see or are a boy, then it indicates that you are developing the masculine aspects of character. (read all at source)

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What was the person in your dream giving you (emotionally or otherwise) that your real life partner does not? Communicate effectively and begin to develop those areas of your relationship that need most improvement. (read all at source)

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At times they can also represent the negative attributes which are given to women and include physical and emotional weakness, gossip, martyrdom, passivity, moodiness, temptation, and guilt. The content of the dream is to be considered, as well as the emotional tone. (read all at source)

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To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. (read all at source)

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If one's supplications are done under dire need, or if they involve strong emotions, sobbing or grief in the dream, then they represent trying moments in one's life, or they could mean temptations. Loud or solemn supplications in a dream may indicate a special prayer for rain. (read all at source)

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Our dreams are made up of thoughts, images, emotions and the majority of your dreams are thought out during REM (Rapid Eye Movement). During the period of REM it usually takes up less that a quarter of sleep or roughly around 120 minutes a night. (read all at source)

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In dreams, dams (the kind that hold back water) represent the dreamer's pent-up emotions. If you dream of visiting a dam, you have very strong emotions (possibly sexual) that are raging within you and need to be released. You have been trying to repress feelings that cannot be held inside forever. (read all at source)

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In the bedroom you dream, rest, and restore yourself, and experience romantic, physical, and emotional intimacy. When your dream is set in the bedroom, most likely you are processing something about your intimate relationships and/or your physical and emotional needs. (read all at source)

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BathroomIf you dream you are in the bathroom, you may feel the need to relieve yourself emotionally. You may have been carrying around a burden or feeling which you know you must let go. Ask yourself if anything in your life has been bothering you. (read all at source)

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To see your abdomen in a dream refers to your natural instincts and repressed emotions. There is something in your real life that you "cannot stomach" or have difficulties accepting. You need to get it out of your system. (read all at source)

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Water is a universal symbol for emotion, and thus a dream of a flood indicates that a plethora of deep feelings is coming the dreamer's way. If the flood is warm, gentle and comforting, the feelings will be positive, and possibly could involve romance. (read all at source)

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Rooms full of blood, rising like water, suggest areas of intense emotional pain.
alternate: To dream of seeing blood stains you will have much trouble from an enemy if you start a business or other enterprise. (read all at source)

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It can be change in your life attitude or emotional balance. These types of dreams can also symbolize confronting fear, usually fear of death or change. Since most of use will agree that death is the ultimate change, and many people fear it. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are being bitten, represents your vulnerability regarding your unresolved issues emotions. You may be pestered by a problem or obstacle. To dream that you are being bitten by a vampire, signifies your need to shut out a person in your life who has been using you. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are underwater represents that you are overcome with emotions and need greater organization in your life. You may even be over your head in some circumstances.
To dream that you are breathing underwater signifies a withdraw back into the womb. (read all at source)

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Crying children can mean bad health or a small disappointment in your emotional life. A bright and clean child can mean a wonderful love affair. A small child can symbolize creativity or new ideas. If you cared for your own children it symbolize pleasant work. (read all at source)

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Dream Meaning #1: Black snakes represent emotional darkness
Dreaming of that animal dressed in black denotes the quality of your mood in your waking life. (read all at source)

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The dream interpretation for antique dreams depends almost entirely upon the emotions you felt during the dream. If you felt mostly sad during the dream (and after you awoke), you have been missing something or someone from the past. (read all at source)

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TORNADO : this symbol points to emotional turmoil, as in a "whirlwind of emotions"; and/or rapid or sudden changes in your life. It is a sign to "get a grip" on what is possibly spinning out of control & deal more effectively with your emotions. (read all at source)

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Being chased in a dream is typically your subconscious mind telling you that you're avoiding a painful or frightening emotion, person or issue, according to Richard Nicoletti, J.D., a psychotherapist at the Jung Institute. (read all at source)

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Red signifies love, strong emotions, passion, excitement, energy and aggression. You are competitive, ambitious and like to be the center of attention. You may be hardly listening to others. The dream may also foretell that you will overcome any difficulties to pursuit happiness. (read all at source)

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Being naked in a dream could indicate feelings of emotional vulnerability or fears of exposure. A clue to the meaning of nudity in your dream is any emotion attached to it. How did you feel about your nakedness while dreaming? (read all at source)

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Red represents emotional intensity, anger, and urgency; pink, tenderness, femininity, and sensitivity; yellow, warmth and friendliness; green, virility, health, and wealth; light blue, peace and serenity; deep blue, the unknown and possible danger; orange, unpredictable circumstances; purple,... (read all at source)

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Generally, this disability in a dream, whether your own or someone else's, suggests an emotional conflict or sexual inhibition. (read all at source)

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The lion often indicates hidden emotional disturbances. It can also appear as the symbolic image of strong mental forces, as the lion in our culture is a symbol of sovereignity.
To dream of thick lips signifies disagreeable encounters, hasty decisions and ill- temper in marital relations. (read all at source)

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Fear-a dream where the overarching emotion is fear can be caused by anxieties in life, drug use, or demonic ac�tivity, 2 Tim. 1:7. Many warning dreams from God can contain an ele�ment of fear
Feast-symbolic of happiness, fun, enjoyment, and good times, Eccl. 10:19, Hosea 2:11... (read all at source)

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To dream of putting on earrings has a positive picture if you are woman and the emotion in the dream is positive. Earrings speak of external appearances and the 'face' you approach the world with. (read all at source)

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If you have a dream of murdering another, this is a warning that you must keep in control of your temper and emotions at all times and not get enraged to the point of murderous intent. (read all at source)

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A dream where you feel pain suggests that you are experiencing emotional difficulty, feeling rejected, embarrassed or emotionally drained. The dream may also reflect pain from past experiences, or it may indicate ..Read more →
PAINTING ... (read all at source)

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Instead, it has to do with you feeling vulnerable on a more emotional level. At school, are you feeling like you don't fit in, and worry about your social group finding that out? At work, do you feel like you're not prepared for an upcoming meeting or project? (read all at source)

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To see a pond in your dream, denotes that events will bring no emotion, and fortune will retain a placid outlook.
If the pond is muddy, you will have domestic quarrels.
See Water Puddle and kindred words. (read all at source)

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Men��happiness, bad feeling means emotionally unstable
Neighbor��human relations
Women��distress... (read all at source)

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10. Hands mean service, giving or receiving and expression of emotion. Also how you 'handle' things or having/giving a hand in a situation. (read all at source)

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This can only be accomplished through the material mind or reason dominating the animal emotions of the heart. In this way we would not covet our neighbor's goods, or grow angry with our brother over trifles. (read all at source)

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Rollercoaster - Positive: a wild ride that God is directing, exciting, but temporary; Negative: a path of destruction that first appears exciting; an emotional trying time with ups and downs
Sailboats - powered by wind of the Spirit... (read all at source)

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Georgina @ 2012-05-14 12:51:24
I had a dream that i caught my boyfriend in bed with my best friend, and i forgav her but not him.. I woke up feeling the emotion and the panic but i cant understand why it happened... (read all at source)

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It is a happy blending of ancient and modern sciences, or, in other words, the synthesis of the ancient wisdom and the modern scientific knowledge. It is a positive resolve for creating a healthy human society - healthy in all respects physically, mentally and emotionally. (read all at source)

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