Eleventh Hour dream meaning

DREAM DICTIONARY - Eleventh hour :
Most dreams will translate into thoughts which you are all too familiar with. (read all at source)

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Eleventh Hour
To dream of the eleventh hour, signifies that time is running out for you. This may be an approaching deadline for a project or a decision that needs to be made by you. (read all at source)

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Eleven: The eleventh hour or the last minute.
Twelve: A complete cycle, as in a 12-month year.
Thirteen: A symbol for bad luck; there were thirteen who attended the last supper of Jesus of Nazareth. (read all at source)

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It can symbolize an inability to bring two things together (as in the idea of two or relationships.) The eleventh hour suggests a sense of doing something against a deadline. Often you will explore the idea of balance and integration in the number eleven. See Numbers. (read all at source)

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eleven two ones; a soccer or cricket player; spiritual number related to the Earth's vibration; someone who is eleven; completing things at the 'eleventh hour'. What happened when you were eleven that is relevant to your life now? (read all at source)

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General Meaning of Number 11 in dream: Eleven can be interpreted as an evolution to a higher level. Sometimes it admonished as last hour, so that it is right time for action.
Spiritual Meaning of Elf: The eleventh hour, the master number;
Read more about 11. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of the eleventh hour means that time is running out for you. This may be an approaching deadline for a project or a decision that needs to be made by you. (read all at source)

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