An accidental electrocution can represent "short circuiting" or overwhelming the body, one of its systems, the mind, or the emotions. For example, an electrocution might represent a real-life event when you ate way too much sugar, and it overloaded your system. (read all at source)
If you dream of being shocked by electricity, you will soon receive sudden and surprising news.
Elephant... (read all at source)
To dream that the electricity is out, indicates your lack of insight and perspective on a situation.
To dream of an electrocution, signifies that the current course of your actions will lead to disaster, even death.
Elephant... (read all at source)
Dreaming of an electrocution means that the current course of your actions will lead to disaster, even death. (read all at source)
The word electrocution is not a stand alone and can only be interpreted through the correlation of all remembered aspects of... Continue dream interpretation - Electrocution"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Elephant... (read all at source)
shock or something like an electrocution, it died and
dissapeared. I woke up. I am very afraid
I hope its not something bad to happen to my loved ones.
I was very afraid in the dreams but was thinking that GOD is
great, maybe thinking of GOD made the snake dissapear or
somehtin... (read all at source)
To dream of an electrocution, signifies that the current course of your actions will lead to disaster, even death. (read all at source)