Watching Others Eat
The act of eating can be very telling in a dream, or it can simply stand for basic survival.
Did you acquire your food in the normal manner or in some unusual way? Is the food recognizable to you or is it something you've never had? (read all at source)
Wheat straw in a dream means goodness and trustworthiness..
Intestinal worms
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren... (read all at source)
Dream " E " Eat
The interpretation of the dream "Eat"
Dream Interpretation Miller... (read all at source)
To eat a lemon/lemons in the dream - Such a dream when you eat lemons in the dream isn't so positive. This symbol will bring you annoyance, disappointments and bitterness. But do not worry after hard period always comes better. You have to accept all sourness and unpleasant things. (read all at source)
1. Eat foods high in tryptophan:
Eat these foods during the day to aid restful sleep and to encourage the release of sleep hormones.
Foods high in tryptophan include: Milk, eggs, meat, nuts, beans, fish, and cheese. Cheddar, Gruyere, and Swiss cheese are particularly rich in tryptophan. (read all at source)
Eat a quail.
Hear a quail call.
Hunt a quail for food.
See baby quail or quail eggs. (read all at source)
To eat grapes in your dream, you will be hardened with many cares; but if you only see them hanging in profuseness among the leaves, you will soon attain to eminent positions and will be able to impart happiness to others. For a young woman, this dream is one of bright promise. (read all at source)
To eat oranges is signally bad. Sickness of friends or relatives will be a source of worry to you. Dissatisfaction will pervade the atmosphere in business circles. If they are fine and well-flavored, there will be a slight abatement of ill luck. (read all at source)
To eat ham, you will lose something of great value. To smell ham cooking, you will be benefited by the enterprises of others.
To dream of seeing a hammer, denotes you will have some discouraging obstacles to overcome in order to establish firmly your fortune. (read all at source)
To eat them signifies the near approach of calamitous influences. If others eat them, your surroundings will be unpleasant and disagreeable to your fancies. A friend says: "Apricots denote that you have been wasting time over trifles or small things of no value.''... (read all at source)
To eat them, signifies bitter disappointments.
If you dream that your are riding on a mule, it denotes that you are engaging in pursuits which will cause you the greatest anxiety, but if you reach your destination without interruption, you will be recompensed with substantial results. (read all at source)
To eat berries symbolize that you will get a comfortable life, but you will never get rich. To gather berries mean things will improve if you do something for it. Otherwise berries will symbolize increased status. (read all at source)
To eat of this fruit is divine. To symbolically eat of the fruit of a tree is to absorb the most precious understandings of life. (read all at source)
To eat one, signifies that the jealousy of your wife will cause you to forego friendly intercourse with your friends.
To shoot them, interpret that you will fail to sacrifice one selfish pleasure for the comfort of friends.
Phosphorus... (read all at source)
To eat sardines in a dream, foretells that distressing events will come unexpectedly upon you.
For a young woman to dream of putting them on the table, could denote that she will be worried with the attentions of a person who is distasteful to her. (read all at source)
To eat an octopus in your dream, foretells that you will put an end to such a disordered love affair.
To dream of an orangutan, signifies unfaithfulness in a lover, and false and deceitful people around you. (read all at source)
To eat them, signifies extravagance in your personal living.
To dream of a Quaker, denotes that you will have faithful friends
and fair business. If you are one, you will deport yourself
honorably toward an enemy. (read all at source)
To eat grapes in your dream, you will be hardened with many cares; but if you only see them hanging in... Continue dream interpretation - Grapes"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Grass... (read all at source)
To eat quail in your dream. forewarns of danger over extravagant spending.
*Please see Earthquake.
Quaker... (read all at source)
To eat garlic in your dreams, denotes that you will take a sensible view of life and leave its ideals to take care of themselves.
Garret... (read all at source)
See Eat
A dream with a forest suggests that you need to use intuition, find balance, or recoup your energy. It may also imply that you feel overwhelmed, or are uncertain about something ..Read more →... (read all at source)
To not eat: Shows a conflict with the physical reality of one's body and its needs; an avoidance of growth or change; an attempt to be isolated from others, reality, the whole.
Avoiding certain foods: Expression of decision making in dealing with needs; food allergy. (read all at source)
wok eat fresh vegetables; watch the fats in your diet and get regular exercise; perhaps the answers you seek are in eastern philosophy; feeling as if there is a fire underneath you. (See walk) How can the Orient provide some answers? (read all at source)
I didn't eat anything funky or watch any tv. I'm not a tv watcher at all. I haven't heard any weird stories or anything. What can this all mean? (read all at source)
To see or eat cotton candy in your dream symbolizes happy and pleasurable experiences from our youth. It may signify awards that you have received. This may also indicate that you are satisfied with your current position or situation. (read all at source)
To see or eat an artichoke in your dream, suggests that you need to get to the heart of some matter. It also represents of your potential and creativity. Perhaps you are holding back in how you want to express yourself.
Artist... (read all at source)
To see or eat yogurt in your dream, suggests that you need to learn to behave appropriately for the different situations and circumstances you find yourself in.
Yoke ... (read all at source)
To make or eat pancakes in your dream, represents gratification and pleasure in your current situation. It may also mean that take pleasure and comfort in your work. (read all at source)
If you do not eat dates very often in real life, eating a date in a dream can be a sign that while others may be trying to help you now, they are not providing you with the care that you need. You should look elsewhere for support. (read all at source)
Pork: If you eat pork in your dreams, you will encounter real trouble,but if you only see pork, you will come out of a conflict victoriously.
- See Bacon. (read all at source)
To see or eat eggs in your dream, symbolizes fertility, birth and your creative potential. It indicates that something new is about to happen. To find a nest filled with eggs in your dream, signifies some financial gain; the more abundant and bigger the eggs, the more significant the gain. (read all at source)
Roast To see or eat roast in a dream, is an omen of domestic infelicity and secret treachery. (read all at source)
For instance you dream of coming out of an undesirable house where there are shadowy people cooking raw stakes that remain raw even after cooked and are intended for you to eat, and you are a vegetarian. (read all at source)
"bird-brain", "You eat like a bird", "birds of a feather flock
together," "that's for the birds", "A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the
bush", "feathered friends", etc. Just apply the metaphor to the context of your dream to get the gist of what the symbology entails. (read all at source)
You eat them and think they are a good T-bone steak. And if a true steak was given, you would think it was an angel of light. How can we know the different between the doctrines of devils' and the doctrine of the Spirit of God? The Bible tells us that we will know them by their fruit. (read all at source)
I dreamt of a huge snake chasing me and wanted to eat me inside my house. I tried to run to keep myself and other people from getting eaten, but it kept getting inside my house even if i try to coax it to go out of my house. (read all at source)
To eat them is a sign of ill health. To pull them up, denotes that you will improve your opportunities and your fortune thereby. To eat turnip greens, is a sign of bitter disappointment. Turnip seed is a sign of future advancement. (read all at source)
From an evolutionary standpoint, teeth are important for survival (you need them to eat) and reproduction (you need a decent set of chompers to attract a good mate). Accordingly, dreaming about losing your teeth exercises your instincts to protect yourself and your appearance, says Keith Stevens. (read all at source)
To eat eggs, denotes that unusual disturbances threaten you in your home. To see broken eggs and they are fresh, fortune is ready to shower upon you her richest gifts. A lofty spirit and high regard for justice will make you beloved by the world. (read all at source)
When you think about it, you’re not really what you eat, you’re what you don’t eliminate. A toilet is a positive dream symbol, as it shows you’re getting rid of unwanted feelings, emotions, or thoughts. (read all at source)
Try not to eat lots before you go to bed. Food raises your metabolism and brain activity that might cause nightmares
Sleep disorders cause nightmares. Consult a doctor if nightmares continue
Try and have better coping skills in your walking life... (read all at source)
A kitchen symbolizes your digestive system as it is a place where we prepare and eat food. It is probably the most common symbol used in dreams to indicate the digestive system. Many appliances and items in the kitchen indicate various parts of the digestive system. (read all at source)
The salmon represent a source of survival for the whale, it is there but the whale won't eat it. Fish often represent a creative source. The dead salmon around the edge are wasted and rotting. The creative source goes unused and is wasted. (read all at source)
The different places where you eat can offer clues as to the area of life that is currently under exploration. A kitchen is associated with your upbringing, while restaurants portray social exchanges or public recognition. (read all at source)
She had been offered as much food as she could eat as way of a love offering but this was not good for the dreamers strict diabetic diet. The offering was symbolic of expressions of affection for someone important to you. (read all at source)
'To have your cake and eat it' is a negative saying that means you being selfish and are trying to impose yourself and also be one better above your fellow brother or sister. This speaks of strife, contention and vainglory. (read all at source)
A restaurant or other place to eat can represent a physically, emotionally, or mentally nourishing place, situation, relationship, person, etc.
See also: eating food meal business or company server busser hostess bakery
Category(s): Places... (read all at source)
Kill an eagle in your dream and this shows you are ruthless and will let nothing stand in your way. To eat the flesh of an eagle shows that you will have great wealth and influence. If you see an eagle killed by someone else your fame, fortune and power will be taken from you. (read all at source)
Candy-to dream about candy can be symbolic of a desire to eat sweets, Isa. 29:8. Candy can also symbolize a lure or temptation
Cannibalism-symbolic of gossip and slander, Gal. 5:15. Also symbolic of injustice and oppression of the poor, Micah 3:1-3
Cannon-spiritual weaponry... (read all at source)
Furthermore, the state of the room in your dream can tell you something about the message it is trying to convey, i.e. kitchen dreams may be telling you to eat more or eat less, or eat differently, depending on how it appears in your dream. (read all at source)
Worm: Also Maggot: Detested: disease; humility; no dignity; filthiness of the flesh; destruction; eat off of flesh; destructive to vines and tree; likened to the misery and suffering of the lost soul in hell; crucified Messiah. (Ex. 16: 20; Du 28: 39; Is 14: 11, 66: 24, 51: 8; Job 25: 6; Ps. (read all at source)
Basic nourishment (physical, emotional, mental), or the means by which nourishment is provided to you. Dreaming that all you're given to eat is bread can mean that only your most basic needs are being met somehow in your life—or that's the way it feels to you.
categories: Objects... (read all at source)
An Angel appeared to Elijah in his sleep and advised him to arise and eat:
1 Kings 19:1-21 ... (read all at source)
We are then in some town where there is loads of poverty. The three of us lie down on a large bed in the countryside and as we have something to eat loads of people came and demanded some food. When we have nothing left we hid in the blankets. (read all at source)
My mum used to tell me not to eat cheese at night because it would give me nightmares. It never has.
Thanks Christoph. yes dreams are fascinating, and I believe we have them for a reason. (read all at source)
Fruit, in your dreams, refers to health, long life, and knowledge. Are you yearning to take a class? It may be a good time to do so. Sometimes, fruit in dreams can be your unconscious giving you a literal warning to eat more healthfully.
fugitive... (read all at source)
Also, the contents of the refrigerator has something to do with your life. Are you staring at instant foods, or frozen ones, or too many leftovers, or mostly gooey, soupy foods, or foods past their shelf-life? If we are what we eat, then we are what we also store in our fridge. (read all at source)