Eagle is standing or sitting on you (head, hand) in the dream - This dream shows in the way of reaching your goals, you will get some help from others. The help comes from above. Luck and success will come to you, but not only with your own efforts, this comes from the universe or higher power. (read all at source)
eagle dream symbol
Strength, especially a strong spirit or character. Independence. Personal growth and healing (as in "soaring to new heights"). Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
In mythology an eagle is said to fly so high that it can see the past present and future from its high vantage point. Due to this an eagle in a dream indicates that you have the gift of prophecy. (read all at source)
Eagle top list
Carl Jung said that birds represent thoughts while birds in flight symbolize moving and changing thoughts. Birds are generally associated with freedom and abandon. In old dream interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens. Doves and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation Eagle
To see one soaring above you, could denote lofty ambitions which you will struggle fiercely to realize, nevertheless you will gain your desires. (read all at source)
The eagle is associated with keen vision and the ability to 'soar.' This powerful bird of prey can appear in dreams when you are feeling the need to expand your horizons or explore life in a more all-encompassing way. (read all at source)
Eagle-symbolic of swiftness, 2 Sam. 1:23. An eagle can also be symbolic of an evil spirit depending on the context of the dream, Hosea 8:1
Ear-symbolic of needing to listen. Pulling an ear is symbolic of meddling in other people’s business, Prov. 26:17... (read all at source)
Definition For:
There are so many positive connotations for the eagle, that you might have many of your own in addition to this book. (read all at source)
Eagle. If you see an eagle flying, your business prospects are very rosy indeed. And should this noble bird happen to be perched in a high place, you will have fame as well as fortune. If you see it on a mountaintop, you will achieve beyond your highest ambitions. (read all at source)
An Eagle which is flying is a symbol of power and domination. The Eagle is said to be a true reflection of our spiritual energy. Eagles are traditionally associated with spiritual development, therefore this can mean that you need to have more perceptiveness to others. (read all at source)
Example dream : The dreamer was thinking of his Native American heritage. The eagle probably symbolised mainstream American heritage
2. Ancient times... (read all at source)
- also see Dream Dictionary: Birds
To dream of an eagle is a yearning for freedom and an attempt to observe our surrounds from above so as to pinpoint the area to target in order to take that which we want. (read all at source)
To see young eagles in their nest shows you are advancing up the social ladder to the 'top'. It also denotes... Continue dream interpretation - Eagles"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Earrings... (read all at source)
an eagle - the highest elements of power and might in action Cayce (900-117). Black man a truth which is submerged and still in one's own unconscious (dreamer was a white female, age 48) Cayce (106-10, A-2). (read all at source)
Eagle or hawk: Dominant male figure, power, majestic In the Celtic tradition, the eagle or hawk has stood for wisdom, visionary ability and royal dignity. In the book of Kells, the eagle is St. John and stands for the ascension to heaven, keeping its unwavering gaze upon the truth. (read all at source)
From HyperDictionary.com
Seeing an elephant in your dream, suggests that you either need to be more patient and understanding of others. The elephant is also a symbol of power, strength, and intellect. (read all at source)
In the American Indian tradition, the owl is considered to be the eagle of the night. Dreaming about owls is a powerful dream, which may indicate that changes are on the way. (read all at source)
A specific bird can represent a particular characteristic or preferred course of action. The eagle symbolizes power and suggests dominance; the sparrow, a carefree spirit; the hawk, aggression; the blue bird, happiness and enduring relation-ships; and the red bird, passion and impulsiveness. (read all at source)
Eagle feathers represent the realization of your goals and aspirations. And to see peacock, ostrich, or any other ornamental feathers, denotes advancement up the social ladder. You will be met with much success in your future. (read all at source)
To see a griffon in your dream, symbolizes the positive aspects of change. You possess the physical power and stability of the lion and the vision, spirit and alertness of the eagle. It also represents intellect, physical strength, and the sun. (read all at source)
The eagle can represent several things, depending upon its context in your dream. It can point to the powerful, strong hunting instinct in business or in being a providing parent. It can depict protective strength; a male figure; relentlessness. Dominance or a male figure. (read all at source)
Strength, especially a strong spirit or character. Independence. Personal growth and healing (as in "soaring to new heights"). Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
The eagle is an important Native American symbol, as well as having a place in the ancient literature of Greeks and Hebrews. All these images exist in our common-day lore on roughly equal terms. (read all at source)
Seeing an eagle in your dream, symbolizes nobility, pride, fierceness, freedom, superiority, courage, and powerful intellectual ability. Eagles also indicate self-renewal. You will struggle fiercely and courageously to realize your highest ambitions and greatest desires. (read all at source)
To see young eagles in their eyrie, signifies your association with people of high standing, and that you will profit from wise counsel from them. You will in time come into a rich legacy. (read all at source)
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Bible Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Power; great achievements; seeing the big picture
Popular Expressions: Soar like an eagle; An eagle eye; A bird’s-eye view... (read all at source)
Eagle, like a lion, called "King of the animal world", with the only difference being that the lion is the "king of beasts", and the eagle - the "king of birds". Eagle symbolizes courage, majesty, power and even the divinity. (read all at source)
Symbolic Eagle Meaning
I've been seeing eagles and moles in my meditations lately. When creatures persist in my awareness, I know it's time to write a page on them. (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation/eagle and black kitten
i dreamt that i saw a golden eagle with its wings spread out and its talons into a wee blcak kitten which was crying. (read all at source)
Eagles To see one soaring above you, denotes lofty ambitions which you will struggle fiercely to realize, nevertheless you will gain your desires. To see one perched on distant heights, denotes that you will possess fame, wealth and the highest position attainable in your country. (read all at source)
As a dream symbol, the eagle embodies an archaic image of god, of lofty and high-soaring thoughts, but also of devouring spiritual passion.
The image of an eagle which is unable to fly well signifies limitation of spiritual freedom or neglect of spiritual interests.
Earthquake... (read all at source)
Animals - Dream Dictionary
Soaring; free; majestic; grandeur; independence; height; one's inner spirit or spirituality. Are you flying high? The eagle is a bird of light, messages made clear as opposed to birds of the night or shadow. As a solar bird, is symbolizes self-renewal. (read all at source)
To see an eagle in your dream, symbolizes self-confidence, intellectual freedom, renewal, strength and power. You will struggle fiercely in order to fulfill your high ambitions and greatest desires. (read all at source)
Eagle - prophetic; prophetic calling
Elephant - invincible or thick skinned; not easily offended; powerful; large; having great impact; storing memory; old memory; long pregnancy
Fish - souls of men... (read all at source)
1. If the eagle is flying free, the dreamer needs to be prepared for an opportunity to soar above the mundane, either professionally or spiritually, or both. 2. If the eagle is perched on a tree or in a nest, someone close to the dreamer is looking out for her.
3. (read all at source)
Eagle: Soaring in the Spirit; good or evil leader; strength, power, and swiftness in both judgment and in delivering God1s people from trouble; the United States of America; Prophet of God. (Isaiah 40: 31, 46: 11; Jer. 48: 40, Ez. 17: 3, 7; Ex. 19: 4; Rev. 12: 14)... (read all at source)
The eagle, soaring high in the sky, can symbolize a spiritual quest. It can also stand for combat, pride, courage, and ferocity. Eagles are traditionally associated with nobility. They also can represent a father figure or the sun.
earrings... (read all at source)
A dream with an eagle symbolizes strength and superiority. An eagle implies that you are focusing on some aspect of yourself or your life. You are ambitious and an opportunist and may be setting yourself ..Read more →
EARTH ... (read all at source)
EagleEagles are proud and mighty birds and they can symbolise power and intellect in dreams. Eagles are also great hunters with flawless instincts, so dreaming of one may be your subconscious' way of telling you that you are a good provider for your family. (read all at source)
They are associated with far-sighted vision and power. You will realize your ambitions and will gain your desires. Fame, wealth and a higher position are attainable.
Eel... (read all at source)
Eagle : Among the 7 mortal sins, depicts pride; among the 4 cardinal virtues, justice. Symbol of John the Evangelist, depicting spiritual cognition, faith, healing and ascension. (read all at source)
To see eagle feathers, denotes that your aspirations will be realized.
February Feeble Feet Fence Ferns Ferry Festival Fever Fiddle Field Fiend Fife Fight Figs Figure Patent Curtains Honey Palm Tree Shovel... (read all at source)
To see eagle feathers, denotes that your aspirations will be realized.
To see chicken feathers, denotes small annoyances. To dream of buying or selling geese or duck feathers, denotes thrift and fortune.
To dream of black feathers, denotes disappointments and unhappy amours. (read all at source)
If you dream about a bird of prey,such as an owl a hawk, or an eagle, you could be feeling weak or you could be concerned that your health is declining.
This dream can also mean that you are worried that you may have to make a large sacrifice.
Birth Control ... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
To see one soaring above you, denotes lofty ambitions which you will struggle fiercely to realize, nevertheless you will gain your desires. (read all at source)
eagle a need to achieve greater perspective on an issue; soaring and surveying all; keeping an 'eagle eye' on things; United States symbol; spiritual symbol for the soul. How are your feelings toward the dream eagle opposite to your waking feelings about your life? (read all at source)