dryer dream symbol
Preparing for a new start in some area of your life
Reaching completion before you begin anew... (read all at source)
To dream that you are using a dryer, suggests that you need to start dealing with your emotions. The dream may also signify a dry idea that fails to bring any excitement and thrill. (read all at source)
You are losing control of your life and have lost a grip on reality.
To dream that you are using a dryer, suggests that you need to start dealing with your emotions. The dream may also signify a dry idea that fails to bring any excitement and thrill.
Duck... (read all at source)
To dream that you are using a clothes dryer, suggests that you need to start dealing with your emotions. The dream may also signify a dry idea that fails to bring any excitement and thrill.
Duck... (read all at source)
Preparing for a new start in some area of your life
Reaching completion before you begin anew
Lightness or taking the "weight" out of situations (as a dryer lightens and takes the water weight out of clothing)—as a sense of humor or positive attitude might do in a tense situation... (read all at source)
Hair Dryer - needs new positive ideas.
Dream Interpretation birthdays in September, October, November
Hair Dryer - you make the omission. (read all at source)
Spin, spin around, spin doctor, spin drier, spin dryer, spin off, spin out, spin the bottle, spin the plate, spin the platter, Spina bifida, Spinaceous, Spinach, spinach beet, spinach blight, spinach mustard, spinach plant, Spinacia, Spinacia oleracea, spinal, spinal accessory, spinal anaesthesia,... (read all at source)
I don't know how long I was there, but I got up and went downstairs and layed in front of my washer and dryer. My dog was curled up next to me.
I assume I was dead, since I was shot in the head, bleeding everywhere, but my sister came to my house looking for me. I assume I was missing a while. (read all at source)