Discipline dream meaning

Being disciplined in your dreams could refer to how you feel about yourself or others. Are you getting things done the way you should? If not, you may feel you need to punish yourself.
disinfectant... (read all at source)

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Changes are the only permanent occurrence in human life while self-control and discipline is needed to achieve this. Dreaming of a thumb without emphasis on its direction, it symbolizes ability to take control on some things. Thumb directs our grip wherein in its absence means losing a good grip. (read all at source)

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Discipline-to dream of someone willingly accepting disci�pline or correction symbolizes wisdom. To dream of some�one fighting against or talking back to authority symbolizes stupidity, Prov. 12:1
Disease-symbolic of sin and curses, Deut. 7:15... (read all at source)

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more disciplined side of your character or aspect of self.
Soldier:Things, ideas, or people we are in conflict with. It can mean a confrontation, challenge, or being extremely defensive regarding somthing inside yourself or in the waking world. (read all at source)

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academic discipline, academic specialty, aceldama, achievement, acreage, aerodrome, agora, air base, airdrome, airfield, airport, alerion, ambit, amphitheater, ample scope, animal charge, annulet, answer, applicants, applied science, arable, archery ground, area, arena, argent, armorial bearings,... (read all at source)

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geisha discipline; witty and entertaining; serving; party-goer. 'Who is tired of fulfilling other people's desires?'
gem find your special gifts and use them; something precious to be found; be grateful for what you have. Who is the gem in your life? (read all at source)

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If you were never a boy scout and dream that you are, then it signifies your commitment and discipline toward some task. The dream may emphasize a sense of community, belonging, and helpfulness.
To see a boy scout in your dream, denotes that you or someone else has displayed exemplary behavior. (read all at source)

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My fascination for what lay under the surface of the mind led me to personally explore the unconscious using dreams and other mental and physical disciplines. (read all at source)

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He noticed that it may have been his need for discipline and the hustle and bustle of the building work that had help clear his system out. The dream was remarkable in how it captured this insight inbto the dreamers help. The earthquake symbolised the complete upheaval that the building represented. (read all at source)

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If a man of authority or a policeman lower his voice in a dream, it means that he maybe dismissed from his job, or he maybe reprimanded or disciplined for his misconduct. (read all at source)

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The soldier also symbolizes discipline. If you’re the soldier in your dream, do you want to be more disciplined in your life? If someone else is the soldier, do you admire and respect the discipline they display? Also think of the soldier as a symbol of risk. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of a father symbolizes authority and discipline, while a dream of a mother symbolize love and protection - depending, of course, on how the dreamer felt about his or her parents. If the parents are still living, perhaps you need to contact them. (read all at source)

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William James (1842-1910) was an original thinker in the disciplines of physiology, psychology and philosophy. (read all at source)

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If students or cadets in your dream was too much, then you will have in the near future to act in a more serious situation than before, discipline. (read all at source)

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A dream featuring yoga symbolizes self-awareness and discipline. It implies that you are trying to better yourself or your pursuits in some way.
A dream with a yoke symbolizes marriage. It implies that you are not willing to conform to the wishes or customs of other people around you. (read all at source)

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Ironing-Correction: God's discipline; repentance; change, sanctification; exhortation; instruction in righteousness; reconciliation (as in "ironing out differences")working out problem relationships;; pressure (from trials). (Eph 5:27)
Isles- nations of the earth. (Acts 28:1, 7)... (read all at source)

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Dreaming of an alarm clock can be a message from your unconscious that you need to be more prudent, that you need more discipline, or that you need to have more willpower. Hearing an alarm clock in your dream can be a reminder that it is time to do something. (read all at source)

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However, if you dream that you are at school and you are being disciplined by a teacher or by the principal, you might need to discipline yourself better in real life.
Sometimes, education in a dream can represent spiritual knowledge. (read all at source)

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Lack of freedom or loss of freedom. Punishment. Discipline. Feeling like authorities in your life are trying to take too much control over you, or that you are allowing them too much control.
See also: restrained punishment
Category(s): Places... (read all at source)

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Complexity, such as having to "jump through hoops" to solve a problem or meet a goal
Flexibility, or ability to adapt in various situations or environments
Discipline, self-discipline, or self-improvement over time... (read all at source)

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You may fear that your current direction is somewhat reckless and need to consider becoming more disciplined or focused on what you want. At the same time, you may just be processing the insecurity of embarking in an unknown direction. (read all at source)

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To see a hoof in your dream, represents balance, grace, and discipline. To dream that the hoof is broken, indicates you inability to balance various aspects of your life. You may also be lacking discipline. (read all at source)

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Mutual dreaming is an intentional movement toward influencing dream content. This discipline allows dreamers to design psychic meeting grounds for subconscious awareness of one another. This can be a seedbed for finding new facets in a relationship, from the ordinary to the sensual. (read all at source)

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A dream incorporating the notion of education usually hints at a need for discipline. This does not necessarily simply apply to study ethic, it can be anything. Therefore, it is vital one takes note of the context in which the dream is referring.
Egg ... (read all at source)

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By and large the dream of a father is a dream symbol of authority which this parent has held over you, it could also represent power, or strength, or discipline. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are performing yoga , symbolizes calmness and control of mind and body. You have great self-discipline.
To see or eat yogurt in your dream, suggests that you need to learn to behave appropriately for the different situations and circumstances you find yourself in. (read all at source)

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To see a coach in your dream, or to dream that you are a coach, suggests that you need to have more self-discipline.
To see coal(s) in your dream, represents wealth and points to your unused potential. Alternatively, this dream may indicate that you have been misbehaving. (read all at source)

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To see an ogre in your dream, signifies self-criticism and discipline.... Continue dream interpretation - Ogre"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Oil... (read all at source)

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Who disciplines in your family? What are your feelings about your sister's boyfriend and brother? Has there been any violence of inappropriate sexuality in your family or that you know of in the boyfriend's?
Thank you,
Darlene Lancer, MFT... (read all at source)

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If you use a computer in your work will this dream usually say you use too much time on your work. Otherwise is the meaning discipline and concentration.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)

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The native is called manglik if mars is sitting in 1,4,7,8 and 12th house of a horoscope. Mars has sudden, explosive and disruptive actions. It likes discipline; it is very arrogant and firm. Firmness always leads to sorrow.
Continue reading Lal Kitab on manglik issues
Predictions and Remedies... (read all at source)

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You're attending a family reunion or class reunion
You need a little more structure discipline in the family
You've want more clarity in dream interpretation or subconscious realms.
I hope you have enjoyed this page on the animal symbolism of the beaver. (read all at source)

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In the old days before modern technology, they would break an old foundation using a rod. This is an apostolic function and it involves discipline, smashing old mindsets and templates. Paul speaks of this rod confirming his apostolic authority in:... (read all at source)

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Whether or not we are evolving or have always had this ability, we certainly are not taking advantage of all it has to offer. If we could become more disciplined with our dream work we would have many more avenues with which to learn and grow. (read all at source)

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The use of the vehicle will give indications of the type of experience being related in the dream message. For instance, an Ambulance will indicate a need for healing in the giving and receiving of experience, a Police Car will signify the need for discipline in experiences. (read all at source)

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Thus, dreaming of Saturn might call your attention to unpleasant aspects of life or to self-negating emotions. However, the psyche may be providing you with knowledge that can be used to motivate and transform current reality through hard work and self-discipline. (read all at source)

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Many people have difficulty with discipline in their lives. This impairs the full exploitation of the possibilities that could have been, you would act rationally and in everyday life inside. (read all at source)

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Being disciplined in a dream may simply show that you have to remain disciplined. That if you set a goal then you need to stay focused. Your dream may not seem to be about that real life issue but its simply your minds way of telling you to stay disciplined. It could simply refer to the day ahead. (read all at source)

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Discipline. Instruction. You have the skills to resolve a problem.
Knowledge. Expert. A need for understanding. (read all at source)

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Pagan- Undiscipline part of personsality. Going beyond the norm. Not fitting in
Pain- Disharmony in mental, emotional, physical or spiritual self. (Note location of pain on your body to determine problem). (read all at source)

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