Deck dreams by DreamMean
To dream of being on a ship and that a storm is raging, great disasters and unfortunate alliances will overtake you; but if the sea is calm and the light distinct, your way is clear to success. For lovers, this dream augurs happiness. See Boat.
Deck (ship)
If you are in a dream on the upper or lower deck? The latter symbolizes that you "live from the belly" anymore - or it should finally try again. (read all at source)
A deck represents anxiety, unrest, fear of danger, and sadness, but it can also refer to good fortune in your romantic life. A deck over water represents insecurity, but also honor and glory. If you are crossing the deck, you will get rid of worries. (read all at source)
To dream that you are out on the deck, represents your connection with your Self and with nature. You need to be more aware of your surroundings and appreciate the environment.
Decorate... (read all at source)
shelter deck, shelter tent, shelterbelt, sheltered, sheltered workshop, Shelterless, Sheltery
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)
had an old treehouse and an old pool and an old shed also,me and ashley had ot get back to the house for osme reason and we mayb have been running fdrom something but all i remember is that it was important that we got back to the house,as we're running through this old property we see this deck... (read all at source)
The ace is the first card in the deck, sometimes associated with the number 1, so a dream about an ace from a deck of cards can have to do with something new in your life, such as the start of a new project or the beginning of a new relationship. Traditionally, the Ace of Spades is a symbol of death. (read all at source)
Like The Star card in the Tarot deck, dreaming of a single bright, shining star is a sign that even if things seem bad, there is still hope, and that your desires and destiny will be fulfilled, possibly through the efforts of a friend.
2. (read all at source)
deck --- dictator
From dream moods
Death To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. (read all at source)
While many of us are attracted to Steampunk because of the aesthetic, is there more to the The Steampunk Tarot Deck than tarot dressed up in extremely awesome clothing? Can a "Steampunk" tarot be more than a novelty deck? (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Comedy, Lamp, Shoulder, Landau, Deck, Companion, Museum, Jig, Bathroom, Chandelier, Hydrophobia, Lovely, Procession, Tenpins, Gas, Kettle, Kite, Feather, Kiss
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Light symbol. (read all at source)
just as a side note, I'm a very special tarot card reader, and when doing my first reading of her, my cards threw out three important cards ( I do not read cards in any pattern, my deck refuses to do so. I only need to shuffle it and the cards pop out.) the three cards were: the two of cups,... (read all at source)
To be in a cabin in a storm mean that you can get psychological pain. If the weather was nice will legal issues be solved to your satisfaction. What deck the cabin was on says something about how safe you feel. (read all at source)
Consider all the sexual innuendos that are at play in the bowling alley. The pin deck is symbolic of the womb or vagina (as is with any dark receptacle like caves, bowls, containers, etc.) The pins and bowling balls, can be viewed as masculine symbols. (read all at source)
deck feeling like hitting someone; look who is holding the winning hand; time to clear the decks; get rid of clutter; socializing with others in the summer; get ready for action. Who has stacked the deck against you and what can you do about it? (read all at source)