Actions, Feelings, Conditions - Dream Dictionary
Inability to hear; or ignoring pertinent information; being ignored; allowing something illegal or immoral to be done without taking a stand, which may relate to feelings of guilt, or lack of responsibility. (read all at source)
deaf dream symbol
Dreaming someone is deaf when they are not in real life can represent:... (read all at source)
To dream that you are deaf, indicates that you are feeling secluded from the world. You may be closing yourself off from new experiences or shutting yourself out. If someone else in your dream is deaf, this suggests that someone close to you is withdrawn and not sharing their emotions. (read all at source)
You felt you had a cause and a point to make but no one was listening to you and your words were fallen on deaf ears. You were angry and humiliated, And when you took it as far as you could it still was ignored. (read all at source)
Deaf :
If you get deaf in a dream you will get economical progress. If others are deaf your problems will be solved. You can also need peace and quiet. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Deaf
Work on communication. Wish or fear to hear something.... Continue dream interpretation - Deaf"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Death... (read all at source)
Dreaming someone is deaf when they are not in real life can represent:
Unwillingness or inability to listen or hear others or your own inner wisdom
Denial, or unwillingness to admit that something is true... (read all at source)
To dream that you are deaf signifies a sense of being cutoff from the world. You could be eliminating opportunities for yourself.
To dream that someone else is deaf means that a person you feel close to is introverted. (read all at source)
If you dream that you are deaf, you may have heard news that you did not like, or you may be trying to avoid hearing upsetting news.
If you are trying to communicate with someone who is deaf, your unconscious may be warning you that you are not being truthful with yourself. (read all at source)
Deaf- physical or spiritually, inattentiveness. (Is 29:18)
Death-Termination: Repentance; loss; sorrow; failure; separation; the end of a relationship; physical death, when naturally interpreted. (read all at source)
deaf: Need to work on communication, as in what do you fear to hear?
deformity: Disappointment about yourself.
demolition: Major changes in life. (read all at source)
compress, concentrate, condense, condition, conditioned, confine, confined, confining, conscientious, consolidate, consonant, consonantal, constrict, constricted, constringe, contain, continuant, contract, copyright, copyrighted, correct, cramp, cramped, creedbound, critical, crowded, curtail, deaf,... (read all at source)
Then she was taught by a deaf and dumb teacher and remembered the first word and quickly began the climb back to being human. In trying to explain to people what it was like to live a life without words and thought, Helen said that although she existed, she didn't know she existed. (read all at source)
To dream that you are deaf is in relation to you not being able to listen to others when it comes to advice. The meaning of this dream is that you must be open to other people's views. (read all at source)
Nature, in compounding the materials for the creation of the deaf man, inadvertently dropped the ingredient sound, hence making an imperfect being; and sound, being thus foreign to his nature, he can only be approached by signs even in dreams. (read all at source)
Loved ones will be like a blind and deaf to your interests, to calls for help. You will not be able to "shake up" of their own ideas, but because you have plans to implement it alone. (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: Fall on deaf ears; Deaf as a post
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
Then ask God to heal our deaf ears, our blind eyes, and take away our proud hearts of stone. This is one of the first steps we need to take to get into the place of hearing Him. Once sin is set in order and washed away, we need to seek God in prayer diligently if we are to find Him. (read all at source)
Her nan-nan knew nothing about the storm as she is half deaf. She said her dog was acting a bit strange and wanted to sit next to her. The dream was not a premonition of actual events because her Grandmother did not die. (read all at source)
Faces-faces are symbolic of humanity. If the face is pale it symbolizes death or anguish, Joel 2:6. A gleaming, smiling face symbol�izes joy and peace. A face without eyes, ears, or mouth is symbolic of being deaf and dumb to the gospel, Ezek. 12:2... (read all at source)
To dream that you are cleaning wax from your ears, suggests that you are not listening to those around you. There may be something that you are refusing to hear. Are you turning a deaf ear? To dream of pain in your ear, indicates that you will be receiving some bad or offensive news. (read all at source)
You feel that your words are falling on deaf ears. Perhaps your dream is telling you to be more vocal and work harder to get your point across
Crucifix - May symbolize martyrdom, sacrificing oneself for their beliefs. (read all at source)
deaf not hearing someone or something; turning away; words 'falling on deaf ears'; 'turning a deaf ear'. What are you trying to drown out with a loud noise? (read all at source)