Dark rooms dream meaning

Dark Rooms, Rooms without Exits
The room without exit may be a womb image. As such it represents either mother-nurture or mother-power conflicts as you discern whether you are satisfied and safe to be in the room, or unreasonably restrained from your other objectives for the moment. (read all at source)

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Dream "Dark rooms"
Lofa Dream Interpretation
A room with no exit represents the womb. The appearance of a room in dreams reflects the conflict between authoritarianism and dependence mother and you. (read all at source)

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A co-worker appeared, because she said she uses one of the dark rooms to take naps during the day. I waited until she finished her nap so I can follow her back. On the way back, I saw several little storage rooms with old recreational equipment(pool tables, card table, etc.). (read all at source)

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