Damask Rose dream meaning

Damask Rose dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing a damask rosebush in full foliage and bloom, denotes that a wedding will soon take place in your family, and great hopes will be fulfilled.

For a lover to place this rose in your hair, foretells that you will be deceived. If a woman receives a bouquet of damask roses in springtime, she will have a faithful lover; but if she received them in winter, she will cherish blasted hopes.

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Damask Rose
To dream about a damask rose bush in the wild foretells of a marriage within your family.
To dream that you are given a bouquet or damask roses indicates that you will discover a true and honest companion in life. (read all at source)

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Damask Rose
To see a damask rosebush growing in the wild, foretells of a wedding in the family. To dream that you receive a bouquet of damask rose, foretells that you will find a faithful and true lover. (read all at source)

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Damask Rose: To dream of seeing a damask rosebush in full foliage and bloom,denotes that a wedding will soon take place in your family,and great hopes will be fulfilled.
For a lover to place this rose in your hair, foretells that you willbe deceived. (read all at source)

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Damask Rose
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of seeing a damask rosebush in full foliage and bloom, denotes that a wedding will soon take place in your family, and great hopes will be fulfilled. For a lover to place this rose in your hair, foretells that you will be deceived. (read all at source)

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Should a woman dream of receiving a damask rose and places it in her hair then will she be deceived by... Continue dream interpretation - Damask Rose"continue dream interpretation
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See also related symbol: Damask Rose
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