Cut dream meaning

Cut dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a cut, denotes sickness or the treachery of a friend will frustrate your cheerfulness.

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cut off dream symbol
cut off
A perceived threat to, or reduction in, whatever is removed in the dream
A desire to get rid of or to not have to deal with whatever is cut off
Power imbalance, as in feeling powerless or victimized... (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a cut, denotes sickness or the treachery of a friend will frustrate your cheerfulness.. (read all at source)

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cut off
A perceived threat to, or reduction in, whatever is removed in the dream
A desire to get rid of or to not have to deal with whatever is cut off
Power imbalance, as in feeling powerless or victimized... (read all at source)

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cramp, cranny, crayon engraving, craze, crazed, crease, creased, create, crena, crenellate, crenulate, crevasse, crevice, cribble, crimp, crimped, crisp, crocked, crop, crop herbs, cross out, crosshatch, crucify, crumb, cudgel, cuff, cull, cultivate, culture, curt, curtail, curtailment, cut across,... (read all at source)

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Cut the Doll's Hand Blank To Separate the Fingers
How to Hold a Paint Brush: Option 2 -- Wrap Your Hand Around It
Easy Magic Trick: The “Impassable” Corks
Idiom and Phrase Quiz - 2
Body Idioms Quiz - 2... (read all at source)

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Example dream : Trying to cut a wolf's throat linked to the dreamer thinking about all the pressure he was under to have an arranged marriage. Cutting the throat symbolised his bitter opposition to all this pressure. (read all at source)

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Cut :
If you cut up something there is something you should not do. A cut on your body either symbolizes disease or a friend's deceit. (read all at source)

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Cut. To dream of yourself or anyone else being cut by a sharp edge or object is a warning that indiscreet gossip or behaviour could be very costly. Cool it!
D... (read all at source)

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Cut a piece of meat in a dream: to himself - in commercial matters will be successful; for the other person - to be involved in charity.
French Dream Book... (read all at source)

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Cut down a Joshua tree.
Seen a Joshua tree.
Seen a Joshua tree in a strange place - such as a desert.
Meditated and seen a Joshua tree. (read all at source)

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Cut/Cutting - Removing old parts of self-belief, attitudes. Bleeding from a cut means you are losing emotional energy.
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Campus... (read all at source)

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To cut heads of cabbage, interpret that you are tightening the cords of calamity around you by lavish expenditure.
To dream of a cable, foretells the undertaking of a decidedly hazardous work, which, if successfully carried to completion, will abound in riches and honor to you. (read all at source)

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To cut off the tail of an animal, denotes that you will suffer misfortune
by your own carelessness.
To dream that you have the tail of a beast grown on you,
denotes that your evil ways will cause you untold distress,
and strange events will cause you perplexity. (read all at source)

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Sharpness. Cut. Looking for a clean start leaving the past behind.
Learning. Information revealed. Escape from reality. Something burdens you. (read all at source)

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The smell of cut grass and hearing the sound of lawnmowers usually coincides with the onset of summer. This can be a symbol of relaxation and a sense satisfaction. (read all at source)

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butcher a cut up; acting the fool; slaughtering the innocent; a cruel person; pent-up anger. What are you butchering?
butterfly transformation; unfolding; taking many forms; socially flitting around; dressed beautifully. Who is trying to cut down on their butter? (read all at source)

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Infidelity if cut - In the dream you are cutting bread, signifies that you will meet unfaithfulness and betrayal of the friend or colleagues;
Harm if carry - In the dream you carry the bread, announces you damage;... (read all at source)

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The octopus can detach a limb at will to serve as a distraction against would-be predators. From a totem perspective we could translate this to mean that we ourselves have the ability to cut loose excess baggage in our lives in order to achieve our desire. (read all at source)

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Normally it means that you are having difficulty assimilating a new concept that affects your philosophy of life. Although it seems horrific, a dream may even go so far as to cut your stomach open to symbolically open you up to digesting a new idea!... (read all at source)

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To dream that you cut of the tail of an animal, symbolizes that you will suffer misfortune as a result of you careless ways.
To see a tailor in your dream, forewarns that there will be trouble and much arguments before a journey. (read all at source)

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To dream that you cut down a tree, denotes that you will waste your energy, time, and money on foolish pursuits.
To dream that you are climbing a tree, signifies a rapid rise in position.
To dream that you are under a huge tree means you will rise to a higher position. (read all at source)

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Tongue-a split, cut, or missing tongue is symbolic of confu�sion and perversion, Ps. 55:9, Prov. 10:31
Tooth (see teeth)
Toothache-symbolic of a source of constant irritation, Prov. 25:19... (read all at source)

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- Deep cut and bleeding dream
- Being attacked by a shark while friend was laughing dream
- Don't judge a book by its cover - dream interpretation
- Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba
- Trying to stay calm with snake - dream interpretation
- Dream symbolism - plane crashes into stadium... (read all at source)

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the Spirit (like a two-edge sword that can cut either way) Cayce (900-224, A-2,3). 2. power and authority Cayce (900-224, A-2). see also Knife Table 1. attention to physical food; diet Cayce (900-264), A-1). 2. what one is feeding the mind Cayce (900-170, A-16). (read all at source)

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To dream you cut your hair close to the scalp, could denote that you may be generous to lavishness towards a friend.
To see the hair growing out soft and luxuriant, signifies happiness and luxury. (read all at source)

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I was 19 when I got married there had been a cut off point, I felt that it had something to do with being pushed around by Maria - my wife. She was not my partner, I was in fact her convenience. I took this abuse with my 'I'm above it all stand'. (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Afraid, Visit, Cut, Spirit or Specter, Linseed Oil, Castor Oil, Baby Carriages, Riding School, Surgical Instruments, Hyacinth, Shrew, Clock, Chalice, Clarionet, Confectionary, Revolver, Waiter, December, Morgue, Riot, Ramrod, Exchange, Usurer, Snuff, Hissing, Slighted,... (read all at source)

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To receive cut glass, denotes that you will be admired for yourbrilliancy and talent.
To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will failin your undertakings.
For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have causeto institute a breach of promise suit. (read all at source)

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Popular Expressions: To cut corners
Possible Meanings:
If you’re on the cliff’s edge and don’t fear falling, then this may indicate that although whatever you’re embarking on, or currently working through, is dangerous and risky,... (read all at source)

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You may feel rejected, excluded, and cut off from social/family ties. Eating may be a replacement for companionship and provide comfort for you. Alternatively, eating alone may reflect independent needs. Also consider the pun, "what's eating you up?" in reference to anxiety that you may be feeling. (read all at source)

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Ezekiel 16:4 "And [as for] your nativity, in the day you were born your navel was not cut, neither were you washed in water to supple [you]; you were not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. (read all at source)

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From there I went to the top of the island, where there was a home cut out of the rock. There were rooms in it and stairs cut out of the rock all around facing the centre like a theatre. (read all at source)

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However, whether good or evil, the witch always tries to defy natural law and uses a short cut to accomplish a task. (read all at source)

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Well they got me and took the cell away from me and the guy that got me got my hands and cut me on the both hands. This girl was with them and they cut her finger so just a little of blood could come out. Well she had cancer and she put a little drop of her blood on my cut. I was drippin in blood. (read all at source)

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A cut-throat razor can be a warning that we may be about to enter an industry or environment where much risk will ensue in terms of battling for position. An electric razor can suggest one will be in a position to make light "work" of a difficult situation. (read all at source)

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There are several stages in a normal sleep cycle, but they can be cut into two broad categories: NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. (read all at source)

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A dream that your hair is cut can mean that you believe that there is too much chaos in your life, and that you would like it to be more orderly.
Cutting someone's hair in a dream signifies a desire for control over others.
Hair is also a sexual symbol, so a dream about hair can be a sexual dream. (read all at source)

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A dream about having/getting bangs cut into your hair suggests that you feel repressed or controlled by someone. This dream can also mean that you are reshaping your thinking to eliminate negative attitudes or habits. (read all at source)

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People don't go to the hospital because they have a minor cut on their finger. They go to the hospital when something very serious is wrong - something needing professional help to fix. (read all at source)

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A dream where you are cut or have a cut can suggest that things are not going to plan in some area of your waking life, or someone is being ..Read more →
A dream with a cymbal symbolizes partnership of some kind. (read all at source)

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my dream we dug a snake up and some how we must of cut it with a shovel it had a big scrape on its side and it had two heads one in front and one connected to it that faced to the back of the snake i was trying to nurse it to health but it seemed like every pone else was trying to kill it i do not... (read all at source)

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If you dream that your finger has been hurt or cut off, you may be worried about whether you can perform a difficult task in waking life.
Freud believed that fingers were phallic symbols.
Traditionally, dreaming that you have an extra finger means that you can expect to receive an inheritance. (read all at source)

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To cut yourself with one denotes that you will be unlucky in some deal which you are about to make.
Fighting with a razor foretells disappointing business, and that some one will keep you harassed almost beyond endurance.
A broken or rusty one brings unavoidable distress. (read all at source)

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One can "Cut to the chase" (as in get to the point), or be "Cutting edge." It represents strength and ethics. It is basically male in energy, though there is a Queen of Swords that represents sorrow that can be overcome by reason and thought. This card also represents profound clarity. (read all at source)

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Negative: To dream of hair being cut could represent breaking a religious traditions or covenants. If a man has long hair in a dream this could represent rebellion and defiance towards God and/or man.( Judges 16:17)
... (read all at source)

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To dream that your fingers are cut clean off, you will lose wealth and a legacy by the intervention of enemies.
To dream of soiled finger-nails, forbodes disgrace in your family by the wild escapades of the young. (read all at source)

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To see a killer in your dream, suggests that an essential aspect of your emotions have been cut off. You feel that you are losing your identity and your individuality. Alternatively, this dream may represent purification and the healing process. (read all at source)

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A dream of this big boomer is a warning to cut down on your favorite vice--whatever it may be. Overindulgence will... Continue dream interpretation - Kettledrum"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Key... (read all at source)

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1. Loss of strength and power. (e.g., Samson after Delilah cut off all his hair.)
2. Nakedness; revealing that which you don't want to reveal; baring it all.
Astrological parallels: Aries.
Dream Tarot Card: The Hanged Man... (read all at source)

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To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly. To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity. See Forest.
Find more dreams containing 'trees'... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are in a rainforest symbolizes your prevailing emotions of being let down or "cut down". On the other hand, the dream could be a symbol of your real worries about the environment. (read all at source)

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Do you feel excluded from or cut off by past friends over a current disagreement?
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Couples' Composite: Your Life Together... (read all at source)

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The meaning of this type of 'lost' dream is pretty clear-cut. Think of people in your life and determine if there is someone important, with which you have lost contact. Examine why that person is no longer in your life. It may be that the reason you lost contact with them now seems petty. (read all at source)

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Pasteboard To dream of pasteboard, denotes that unfaithful friends will deceive you concerning important matters. To cut pasteboard, you will throw aside difficulties in your struggle to reach eminent positions. (read all at source)

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Flowers are symbols for the dreamer's feelings. There are proverbial parallels between human and plant life cycles growing, budding, blossoming and fading. A fresh-cut bouquet or a tree in blossom, as a rule, has positive significance.
Flying... (read all at source)

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How hair appears in the dream indicates the quality of thoughts giving the dreamer insight into the way he/she thinks and what alterations can be made to enhance thinking. For instance, if hair is being cut, this will symbolize the dreamer's current tendency to reorganize thoughts. (read all at source)

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If you are trying to go somewhere and have to cross barbed wire, you might be in a life transition that you fear will be painful. If you cut yourself on a barb or barbed wire, you fear being emotionally hurt in a situation, possibly by someone's 'barbed' tongue. (read all at source)

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If you are chopping wood in your dream with a sharp axe you will meet a new companion but if the axe is dull, you will not be able to depend on this person. It is also a sign to go slow in any business dealings you may be involved in as you could get a nasty cut from an adverse turn of events.
... (read all at source)

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When we first met, we were astonished to discover we had both had a recurring dream of being attacked by soldiers from behind and having our necks cut through with swords. When our daughter Danielle was born she also had the same marking on the back of her neck. (read all at source)

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