Release of emotion not related to the action in the dream that caused the crying. Regaining emotional balance.
::... (read all at source)
cry dream symbol
Self-expression, including hurt, sadness, anger, frustration, desperation, loneliness, etc.—consider your feelings when you were crying during the dream... (read all at source)
Self-expression, including hurt, sadness, anger, frustration, desperation, loneliness, etc.—consider your feelings when you were crying during the dream
An alert that something needs attention (when a person or baby cries, they often need help or support)
Category(s): Activities... (read all at source)
adjuration, advertise, alleluia, animal noise, appeal, applaud, applause, ballyhoo, bark, barking, battle cry, bawl, bawling, bay, bell, bellow, bemoan, beseechment, bewail, bid, birdcall, blare, blare forth, blat, blate, blaze, blaze abroad, blazon, blazon about, bleat, blubber, blubbering, blurb,... (read all at source)
Crying maybe a simple dream to understand. What has just upset you? Has there been some upsetting change to your life? Have you been having problems in a relationship? Did you feel a real moment of regret yesterday? (read all at source)
Cry :
A crying child symbolizes good news. Otherwise will a person who is crying mean a friend that you must comfort. (read all at source)
To dream that you are crying, signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and a way to safely let out your fears and frustrations. (read all at source)
A cry for help?
Q: Hope! I am wondering if you can help me? In my dreams, I am visited by a girl that I do not know....
A: Tasha, as you recall your dream and remember the girl with long black hair, grey skin, cracked lips... (read all at source)
Cry - Releaing emotional stress.
Cult - Parts of self that follow directions without questions (negative); cutting oneself off from opportunities or relationships.
Cup - Spiritual self; full means your centered; empty means you are neglecting your spiritual self. (read all at source)
If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.
Dream Symbols
Hands-on / Spiritual healer... (read all at source)
When the cry of the Thunderbird was heard (in the form of thunder in the skies) war huts were constructed to begin ceremonial processions. These huts were always made with the wood of the cedar tree, sacred to the Thunderbird. (read all at source)
To hear a cry for help from relatives, or friends, denotes that they are sick or in distress.
To dream of associating with a person who has committed a crime, denotes that you will be harassed with unscrupulous persons, who will try to use your friendship for their own advancement. (read all at source)
To hear a cry of surprise, you will receive aid from unexpected sources.
To hear the cries of wild beasts, denotes an accident of a serious nature.
To hear a cry for help from relatives, or friends, denotes that they are sick or in distress. (read all at source)
To hear her cry as if in pain, omens her illness, or some affliction is menacing you.
Mother-in-Law... (read all at source)
Andy started to cry. He sat crying for a while as I sat silent. Eventually he said, "I think it's saying that I have deluded myself into believing that I have dealt with my son's death."
"How so, Andy?"... (read all at source)
I am hearing your cry for help Elizabeth. The sinking ship tells me you are near to emotional collapse. However, at a distance I am wondering if - a) From your schooldays you felt nobody supported you so you get into a victim role. b) You consistently take on too much and push yourself too hard. c)... (read all at source)
Cry for help.
Want something but can't reach it.
Feel lost and need directions.
See many people in need.
See the same person over and over again in different scenarios of need.
Can't reach someone that needs your help.
Find help when you need it.
Help someone else who needs it. (read all at source)
To hear your mother cry in your dream, denotes some illness or affliction.
To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father. (read all at source)
help the best i could but there were too many i felt helpless in away i walked out and walked to wut would be the top but on its side there was a play ground on the roof where i seen many injured kids most were dead i looked over at a woman my age i didnt kno her but i felt i did i started to cry... (read all at source)
I would scream and cry but they just held my neck until I was silent. I yelled out a few times after a moment of silence for my parents, but nobody would come. They strangled me again until I was totally quiet. Than, they moved over showing what was next to my bed. (read all at source)
Sleep paralysis is a condition in which someone, most often lying in a supine (face up) position, about to drop off to sleep, or just upon awaking from sleep realizes that s/he is unable to move, or speak, or cry out. This may last a few seconds or several moments, occasionally longer. (read all at source)
Does it cry for attention or do you feel content with this new situation? A baby can also symbolise your own inner nature that is pure and uncorrupted. It may even say that you are innocent of an accusation. (read all at source)
Castle - have a good cry.
Castle - in front of you waiting for new love. Fall under the Castle - successes and good luck. See large hail and hear him knocking on the roof - a lot of worries and troubles. (read all at source)
cooking refridgerator oven dishwasher dreamt cleaning washing machine wash hands bath pool ocean sea lake water road path mountain hill bear tiger wolf boss sports football baseball basketball video games playing game pumpkin fruit fighting food fight die dying scared screaming screamed scream cry... (read all at source)
Afterwards I have a shower and wash them all away, letting those old beliefs and feelings go down the drain with the red stained water. I cry while doing this. I cry for myself and for my mother's unlived life. (read all at source)
Did someone else make you cry directly?
Were you crying for a particular reason, or was it for a general emotional release?
Did the tears make you feel ultimately better or worse? (read all at source)
At another time he hears in his dream a familiar voice cry out in agony. Soon he hears of a shocking accident or distressing illness befalling the one whose voice he recognized in the dream.[2]
[2] For authentic records, see Flammarion's "Unknown.''... (read all at source)
Hearing the cry of an eagle in a dream means a fight. Eating the flesh of an eagle or getting hold of some of its feathers in a dream means receiving money from a ruler. If an eagle catches someone and soars away with him horizontally in a dream, it means travels. (read all at source)
General symbolism includes: fertility; renwal; wiping your slate clean; and shares some water symbolism. It can be considered a message or influence from heaven or the divine.
It may refer to unexpressed tears; the need to cry or mourn [.]... (read all at source)
To see one's mother emaciated or dead, foretells sadness causedby death or dishonor.
To hear your mother call you, denotes that you are derelict in your duties,and that you are pursuing the wrong course in business.
To hear her cry as if in pain, omens her illness, or some afflictionis menacing you. (read all at source)
The trials of adversity often cause the spirit to rejoice and the flesh to weep. If the cry of the grieved spirit is left on the dream mind it may indicate to the dreamer worldly advancement, but it is hardly the theory of the occult forces, which have contributed to the contents of this book. (read all at source)
and the flesh to weep. If the cry of the grieved spirit is left
on the dream mind it may indicate to the dreamer worldly advancement,
but it is hardly the theory of the occult forces, which have contributed
to the contents of this book. (read all at source)
As I dragged this man by the heel, it was like I testing him. So I would drag him over every rough spot I could find in the canyon, mostly over the loose rocks. The lame young man did not say a word and did not cry out as he was being dragged along. (read all at source)
At the same time, onions make you cry and can symbolize the need to allow something painful to surface so that you can move to greener pastures. Plants that require that you care for them while growing, suggest that you must prune or nurture your sense of nourishment and fulfillment over time. (read all at source)