For instance, a "crisis" dream could link to the word "imagination" and the dream capture a thought like "I was imagining all sorts of things - but in reality it was not as bad as we thought".
2. Ancient times... (read all at source)
The crisis is overcome Stand on firm, dry ground, you dealt with a crisis precisely, but the rest is necessary in order to overcome the accumulated stress. The precipice also points to the fact that the dreamer resigns himself to contrast as correctly and wrongly or well and badly. (read all at source)
Crisis or emergency. A source of help. Someone or something coming to the rescue, or a person whom you feel tends to rescue others, or who you feel is codependent.
See also: rescuing being rescued firefighting
Using this Dream Dictionary
Tips to Understand Dream Meaning... (read all at source)
An upcoming crisis in the attainment of a cherished goal. If the dreamer fails the exam, or if he awakens before knowing whether he passed or failed, the goal may be unfeasible at this time and should be re-examined. (read all at source)
Attending to a crisis. First aid can represent:
A situation that urgently needs attention, or a situation that will become urgent if it is not attented to soon
A subconscious fear that something will go wrong or a crisis will develop... (read all at source)
condensed version, conduce, conduct, cone, conk, consciousness, conspectus, consummate, contents, contents page, contribute, control, controller, controlling, convenience, copyright page, coral reef, cornice, corymb, cranium, crapper, create, creature, crescendo, crest, cringle, crisis,... (read all at source)
The topic of adoption / adoption tend to appear when a person catches a crisis or it faces the dramatic changes in the life. They may be moving, changing jobs, marriage, periods of complete uncertainty of life prospects. (read all at source)
If the lift or elevator falls then there is a crisis in your life at the moment. (read all at source)
To dream of turbulent water suggests a sense of emotional crisis associated with moving forward. Water flooding the feet can be symbolic of changes to the path that incorporate feelings and sensitivity. Water flooding into a house can represent integrating feelings with thoughts and ideas. (read all at source)
People often mistake dream symbols as some on coming crisis of a major magnitude. Actually an earthquake can symbolize any real life upheaval. It does not have to be a crisis of biblical proportions. Its only a metaphor. We exxagerate using metaphors. Thats because dreams express our inner feelings. (read all at source)
Adoption themes in dreams often occur at significant points of transition or crisis in life. Being adopted in your dream can mean either that you have no human connections at the moment or that you require additional connections to remain a viable person. (read all at source)
Unfortunately these fantasies are usually unrealistic; newlyweds often face a crisis when they begin to distinguish between the person they thought they married and their spouse. Nonetheless fantasy plays an important role in bonding, and new fantasies gradually replace those that are discarded. (read all at source)
To see your driver's license in your dream, suggests that you are facing identity crisis.
To lose your driver's license in your dream, indicates that you have lost your true identity. Perhaps you have lost the autonomy to move forward toward your goals.
Driveway... (read all at source)
To see them in full bloom, denotes a crisis in your affairs.
The breaking up of happy homes may follow this dream.
Coxcomb Crabs Cradle Crane Crape Crawfish Crawl Cream Credit Creek Cremate Crew Cricket Cries Criminal Carpet Wedge Carving Swan Crystal... (read all at source)
To dream that you have been robbed, indicates that you are experiencing an identity crisis or are suffering from some sort of loss in your life. Alternatively, the dream means that someone has stolen your success or has taken credit for something you did. (read all at source)
Parachute-symbolic of looking for safety during a crisis. If the parachute does not open correctly or has holes in it this means that what you think will keep you safe during a life crisis is not going to protect you... (read all at source)
To see them in full bloom, denotes a crisis in your affairs. The breaking up of happy homes may follow this dream.
To dream of a coxcomb, denotes a low state of mind. The dreamer should endeavor to elevate his mind to nobler thoughts. (read all at source)
Earthquake-Upheaval: Change (by crisis), thus repentance; trail; God's judgment; disaster; trauma; shock.
(Acts 16:26, Isaiah 29:6, Hebrews 12:26-27; shakings of God, judgment. Jer 4:24)
East- God's light and glory arising. (Ps 103:12)... (read all at source)
Earthquake - upheaval; change (by crisis); God's judgment, disaster; trauma, shaking; shock
Fog - clouded issues or thoughts; uncertainty; confusion; temporary
Hail - judgment; destruction; bombardment... (read all at source)
To dream of being chased by bees forewarns that everything will fall into crisis.
To see a beetle in your dream indicates that some negative influences may be at work in your waking life. You may also feel that your values and beliefs are being compromised. (read all at source)
Copper that has been beaten can symbolize a small crisis in your life.
Copper wire can represent a confusing situation.
If you dream of copper that has been lined with silver or another metal, your unconscious could be telling you not to make judgments based on appearance. (read all at source)
To dream about your driver's license suggests that you are facing some kind of identity crisis. If you lose your driver's license in your dream, you have lost your true identity. Perhaps you have lost the independence or will to pursue your goals. Also see "Driving Test", below.
Driveway... (read all at source)
This crisis would have dealt a crushing blow to most people, but St. Patrick isn't a saint for nothin'. He overcame his displacement, endured his time as a slave and clung resolutely to a divine vision of helping his Irish kinsmen. Indeed, he did. (read all at source)
If you dream you are rubbing salve on someones wound this will show that you can be depended on to help a friend in a crisis. If the salve is being rubbed on you, you will win in the face of adversity, overcoming all obstacles.
Samples... (read all at source)
�@Face��according to expression
�@Hand��victory, but getting hurt hint crisis
�@Head��good omen
�@Leg��problem state... (read all at source)
This dream suggests to the dreamer that he may be overwhelmed by unresolved emotions, old issues, or a current crisis. It suggests that a release of the old is necessary in order to emerge and begin anew. (read all at source)
If you poured the drink for someone else, are you helping them through a crisis or difficult time in their life? Or vice versa if they poured the drink for you? Drinking is also associated with spirituality . that is, quenching your spiritual thirst. (read all at source)
The emergence of repressed feelings; fear of being overwhelmed; not at east with some aspect of yourself or your way of being; a conflict between an archetypal motif and the ego, a psychological crisis that has not yet been understoof and assimilated.
See illness. (read all at source)
A dream that you are canoeing successfully through the water without much trouble can mean that you are confident that you will be able to get through a crisis on your own. (read all at source)
To dream of gathering cowslips, portends unhappy ending of seemingly close and warm friendships; but seeing them growing, denotes a limited competency for lovers. This is a sinister dream. To see them in full bloom, denotes a crisis in your affairs. (read all at source)
While looking on these white flowers as you pass, and you suddenly feel your spirit leave your body and a voice shouts aloud "Glory to God, my Creator,'' foretells that a crisis is pending in your near future. (read all at source)
If you see someone else in an ambulance, you may have hidden guilt about hurting that person in some way. If you have been dealing with one crisis after another at home or work, everything can feel like an emergency! In that case, learn to ask for help. (read all at source)
People who either have ended a relationship or have lost a loved one to death often dream of snow and driving through a snowstorm. Rain can also symbolise sadness and emotion. If you dream of driving through a downpour, you may have been through a recent crisis and are finding yourself flooded with... (read all at source)
In fact we know that if a person loses their legs, becomes paralysed, loses childbearing ability, becomes blind or is made redundant, they face an identity crisis. (read all at source)
true self (not dominanted by the egocentric self), which may include the creative and/or spiritual. As a feminine aspect it may be addressing yout intuitice self, or perceptions in general. Do you usually trust your self, or do you give way to outside influences that ultmately bring about crisis in... (read all at source)
When one's sense of morality comes into conflict with what seems to be necessary just to live in this world, this is called a "crisis of faith." And this is what I think is going on with you. (read all at source)