Cries dreams by DreamMean
To hear cries of distress, denotes that you will be engulfed in serious troubles, but by being alert you will finally emerge from these distressing straits and gain by this temporary gloom.
To hear a cry of surprise, you will receive aid from unexpected sources.
To hear the cries of wild beasts, denotes an accident of a serious nature.
To hear a cry for help from relatives, or friends, denotes that they are sick or in distress.
When a new baby cries in your dream it indicates that your help is needed. If a baby needs your help in another way, such as you save a new baby, find a new baby, or save a new baby from some sort of peril then it is a sign that you need to be offering more help to others in your life. (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer cries when her boyfriend dies was linked to her regrets about saying she wished he was dead.
Example dream : Crying in a dream where her boyfriend dies was linked to her realising how much she loved him. (read all at source)
Jackals utter plaintive cries that some people perceive as a warning. Indicates if this is the sign of the fact that you have shown keen observation and vigilance? The Egyptian god Anubis was the jackal. He was the guardian of the underworld. He was the god who prepared the way dead. (read all at source)
The cries were a bonding signal. I wouldn't cry until I was in the presence of someone I could bond with. I felt my mother had been frightened of my weakness, had thought I was dying and had not opened her heart to me. So only now did I bond. (read all at source)
A young girl at a ball stops short in the middle of a dance and cries, bursting into tears. My father is dead; I have just seen him. At that moment her father died. She did not even know he was ill. (read all at source)
For a mother to dream that her son has fallen to the bottom of a well, and she hears cries, it is a sign of deep grief, losses and sickness. If she rescues him, threatened danger will pass away unexpectedly.
Soot... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Cot, Wild, Chilblain, Collision, Fireman, Rake, Hemp, Cuckoo, Skeleton, Threshing, Boat, Son, Raft, Buzzard, Affrighted, Horn, Cries, Abdomen, Bedbugs, Disaster, Voice, Fence, Veil, Bath, Cars
Visitors who dreamed about accident:
11 comments (leave your comment)... (read all at source)
I can speculate that you were probably having a memory-dream, of the day that your mother died, and were responding to those events so strongly that your cries carried over the sleep threshold. (read all at source)
Self-expression, including hurt, sadness, anger, frustration, desperation, loneliness, etc.—consider your feelings when you were crying during the dream
An alert that something needs attention (when a person or baby cries, they often need help or support)
Category(s): Activities... (read all at source)
cry feelings of deep despair and sadness; missing someone and feeling regretful; not allowing yourself to cry in public; accused of being a cry-baby; 'crying over spilt milk'; someone who 'cries wolf'; a far cry from what you want. Who needs a strong shoulder to cry on? (read all at source)
If he is maimed, or suffering from illness or accident, there is trouble ahead for you.
For a mother to dream that her son has fallen to the bottom of a well, and she hears cries, it is a sign of deep grief, losses and sickness. If she rescues him, threatened danger will pass away unexpectedly. (read all at source)
Dreaming that no one hears or responds to your cries, represents your helplessness and difficulties and frustrations in trying to communicate with others. You feel that your words are falling on deaf ears. Perhaps your dream is telling you to be more vocal and work harder to get your point across... (read all at source)
them after we searched and searched finally she goes to my backyard and bulls out this rock and blood starts to gush out of the ground and 4 hands automatically rise up cuz they were tucked in tightly I look and its them my other two best friends I look at Alison she throws this scene where cries... (read all at source)