Crew dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing a crew getting ready to leave port, some unforeseen circumstance will cause you to give up a journey from which you would have gained much.
To see a crew working to save a ship in a storm, denotes disaster on land and sea. To the young, this dream bodes evil.
Dream Dictionary
To dream of seeing a crew getting ready to leave port, some unforseen[sic] circumstance will cause you to give up a journey from which you would have gained much. To see a crew working to save a ship in a storm, denotes disaster on land and sea. (read all at source)
To see a crew working to save a ship in a storm, denotes disaster on land and sea. To the young, this dream bodes evil. (read all at source)
Crew :
The crew on a ship symbolizes something unforeseen. Be careful. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of seeing a crew getting ready to leave port, some unforseen{sic} circumstance will cause you to give up a journey from which you would have gained much. To see a crew working to save a ship in a storm, denotes disaster on land and sea. (read all at source)
stag, stag beetle, stag party, Stage 0 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, stage business, stage crew, stage dancing, stage direct, stage direction, stage director, stage door, stage effect, stage fright, Stage I Adrenocortical Cancer, Stage I Anal Cancer, Stage I Bladder Cancer, Stage I Breast Cancer,... (read all at source)
I dreamt I was camping on a desert beach along with my the crew of the boat I worked on previously. This huge green snake was apparently our pet and I was told to take good care of it. I did not feel confident about that. (read all at source)
Also, are you a pilot, part of the crew, a passenger, or observer? If you are piloting the plane - you are in control and are the one with direction and know how. You are utilizing a higher power to get to your goal. If you are a part of the crew, you support the pilot, and care take the passengers. (read all at source)
See sailors in the crew of the vessel in which you allegedly traveling in a dream - in real life, it threatens your new hobby, because of which your relationship with the current chosen one may come to a sad ending. (read all at source)
If you have a large boat with a crew and you are sailing, this shows that you need to be tough in something related to work. The dream about sailing a small boat means that it is in your power to make a long trip. The dream is a premonition that you will actually make a long journey. (read all at source)
I, and others, engage in the activity of sailing our boats alone as in: without crew, solo. The common term for us is "Single Handers". We...
Symbolic Octopus Meanings - Creative Inquiry
Hi Avia,
I just wanted to say thank you for explaining the symbolism of the octopus on your web-site. (read all at source)
The secret fear of your own freedom is in the dream in the figures of the crew: The "passenger" syndrome. Positive sign of cooperation and trust.
* Please, see meaning of car, travel.
Posted in Professions, Sports Tagged C... (read all at source)
Determining whether you are the captain, part of the crew, or a passenger will give you an idea of how much you are in charge, need some help, need to turn to other resources, or whether you want someone else to do all the work. The ease [.]... (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation - Dream Meanings and Interpretations
40 Days and 40 Nights Movie Cast, Crew & Storyline
If - Rudyard Kipling (1986-1936)
If by Rudyard Kipling
Your True Tales - July 2003 - Page 32 - Grandpa's Advice... (read all at source)
To dream of being in the Navy denotes your need for organization and structure in your life. To dream of being rescued by a Navy person presages help you will receive from authorative sources. A shabby Navy crew indicates failure in your undertakings.
Nearsighted ... (read all at source)
Dreams About Crew
What do dreams about crew mean?
To dream of seeing a crew getting ready to leave port, some unforseen{sic} circumstance will cause you to give up a journey from which you would have gained much. (read all at source)