Cremate dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing bodies cremated, denotes enemies will reduce your influence in business circles. To think you are being cremated, portends distinct failure in enterprises, if you mind any but your own judgment in conducting them.
Cremated :
If you were cremated you must use your own judgment, and not listen to good advice from others. If others were cremate will your enemies try to undermine you. (read all at source)
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Scarily, It was full of the woman's cremated ashes, and had been left behind and forgotten.
We never knew who this woman was, only that it was she who haunted the house in previous dreams.
We decided to scatter her ashes on grass near the house. Dream ended. (read all at source)
Dreaming that someone is being cremated, represents purification and your strive for perfection. (read all at source)
To dream that someone is being cremated, represents purification and your strive for perfection.
To see a crescent in your dream, represents the emergence of your feminine character. It also indicates versatility and changes. (read all at source)