Credit Cards
To dream about credit cards refers to the way you value yourself and how trustworthy you are. If you're having financial difficulties in real life, this dream may simply symbolize your real troubles and/or attitudes related to money, work, and saving. (read all at source)
Credit Cards
To dream about credit cards, relates to your worth, value and/or credibility. Depending on your waking experiences, the credit cards may symbolize being in debt and your attitudes about money, work, and thrift. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Simplicity; credit; false economy
Popular Expressions: A cash cow; Play now, pay later... (read all at source)
Credit cards, because of their association with banks, are about balance of the heart and sharing of feelings. (read all at source)
Credit Card - USD 10
Cheque/Draft - INR 500
Annual Subscriber
Proceed with your billing by clicking the button below... (read all at source)
Credit Card - presumption; lack of trust; attempting to walk in something that you don't have yet; debt
Trees - leaders; mature believers; steady
Fruited Trees - healing... (read all at source)
Credit Card
Unlike cash, using credit as a way of getting fulfillment in the moment leaves you with the sense that you have to ‘pay later.’ This is the idea of trading what seems like a good idea right now, at the cost of something else. (read all at source)
Credit Card Information
If you choose to avail of our services, you may need to give personal information and authorization to obtain information from various credit services. For example, you may need to provide the following information:
-Mailing address
-Email address
-Credit card number... (read all at source)
Credit Card - Looking to put off responsibilities, putting off your emotions.
Criminal - Cheating oneself of one's potential; following animal desires instead of spiritual and creative grwoth.
Critic - Self-discipline; being judgemental. (read all at source)
Now the credit card things is strange. I would say this may reflect the fact that whatever we are talking about here may lead to financial uncertainty on your part and become worisome, perhaps having to "play games" to make things work.
Peace, John
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Net-banking / Credit cards* / Debit cards / Cash cards / Mobile payments
*Master card is not accepted
Pay through Cheque / Cash deposit in ICICI Bank account... (read all at source)
agenda, badge, batting order, behave, best bower, bill, bill of fare, binding twine, blueprint, bower, budget, bulletin board, cable, calendar, calligram, calling card, cards, carte du jour, catalog card, catgut, clubs, comb, come clean, comedian, countermark, countersign, credentials, credit card,... (read all at source)
Example: On my left, I have a box full of credit cards that I collected over the years. They are still in their envelopes. I notice that I have some of Merle's that had been sent to my address and I never forwarded them on. (read all at source)
Perhaps you have been over spending recently and do not want to look at the credit card bill! Carrying a paper bag in a dream symbolizes somebody who who cares deeply for their family. To see a paper bag containing food means a charitable event will present itself soon. (read all at source)
Hunting or searching for something or someone is related to the symbolism of the specific thing that cannot be found. For instance, lost objects or persons may relate to lost values, aspects of your identity (wallet, credit cards), unfinished business. (read all at source)
A tube of bright colored lipstick fell out of her bag and two cards that resembled ID's or credit cards and I tried to give them back to her but she wouldn't take them and went on her way.
I have no idea what this dream means or what it represents. (read all at source)