To dream of strange creatures that don't exist in real life symbolizes your struggle and journey toward accepting the various aspects of your own self.
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The creatures that live beneath the water combine the idea of instinctual stirrings ‘below the surface’ with the idea of emotion. All creatures associated with the sea generally portray the ‘living side’ or movement of the unconscious. (read all at source)
In the Far-East it is believed that the dragons are spiritual creatures that navigate through the air and through the sky. In the West, dragons are considered to be dangerous creatures that need to be destroyed. (read all at source)
Dream "Fabulous creatures"
Esoteric Dream Book
By extravagant actions. If you already have an adventurous designs, poosteregsya and think about all the consequences. (read all at source)
sea creatures dream interpretations
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Category: Creatures
Association: Fear to be pulled of energy. Question: What haunts me? Where in my life do I fail to access with my own forces? (read all at source)
What I usually do see is dead people, not all gross like, but just how you and me looking, they never speak, just stand there looking at me. Only on a rare occasion is voice ever heard. I've also seen floating objects, and very scary creatures, during the semi-dream-wake state. (read all at source)
Creatures of the sky speak to us of thoughts, higher ideals, spiritual enhancement, even enlightenment. To wit, primitive cultures factor birds as the closest creature to the heavens, and so they are also messengers of the gods. (read all at source)
We therefore have personal associations and feeling responses to pets we might dream about. See excellent example of this in the example under ferret. See: ape below; birds; creatures; pets; reptiles and snakes; the unconscious. (read all at source)
To see faceless creatures in your dream, indicates a situation you are refusing to see or confront, but are aware of it in some passive way. This dream also suggests that something in your life is bringing up feelings of fear and insecurities.
Credit Cards... (read all at source)
gargoyle scary creatures around you; protection. Who's there just hanging around, looking like a monster?
garlic purifying the blood; peeling away layers; protective powers; chastity when chewed. Which blood-suckers are you repelling? (read all at source)
Example dream : All living creatures killed symbolised a premonition of World War One . Mass killing symbolised this confrontation on a mass scale.
Example dream : Killing a snake symbolised the need to resist a manager who was out of control at work. (read all at source)
fearless, feign, feint, fencing, fetch, field, fight, figure of fun, figuring, finagling, final cause, finesse, fishing, five hundred, fives, flesh, flinch, fool, football, forcemeat, foresight, forethought, forward, foursome, frame-up, fright, frog, fun, fun and games, funmaking, furry creatures,... (read all at source)
Dreaming of this these creatures can represent:
Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this... (read all at source)
Dreaming of a dragon depends greatly on the individual's attitude towards such creatures. In British mythology, dragons were viewed as fearsome and dangerous beasts, while in Chinese tradition dragons were considered harbingers of good luck. (read all at source)
I am walking down my street and everything is fine, but when I look behind me, there are these 2 creatures or spirits chasing me. (I have no clue what they were.) So naturally I start to run real fast to try to get away. However when I look behind me again they are catching up. (read all at source)
Bats are creatures of the night and often represent the works of the enemy in visions. I have often seen bats in vision and they are usually tied to occultic oppression. Once in ministry, I saw in the spirit a certain person encased in the wings of a bat. (read all at source)
Usually you are hunted in dreams by creatures that represent something unpleasent or uncomfortable in your life, something you would rather not face up to. (read all at source)
Bees are industrious creatures who live in colonies and have common goals. If you dream of bees, you may desire to have a greater common purpose with others in your life. Or, you may recognize qualities you associate with bees in yourself or another person. (read all at source)
The dreamer is particularly unfortunate if he/she dream about these awful little ugly creatures as death almost always follows the dream of the bat, often it is the death of a child, or a youth. (read all at source)
Griffins are known as mythical creatures with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle, and they can represent:
Mystical or other-worldly strength or power
Feeling unempowered or desiring more power
Glory or majesty
Ancestry or family history
Royalty or high social standing... (read all at source)
Bees. These busy creatures are a forerunner of great good fortune in business matters, even if they stung you. However, if they were dead, listless, or you killed them, you could suffer a loss by putting too much trust in "friends". If you heard the bees buzzing, expect good news. (read all at source)
Dreams are the bright creatures of poem and legend, who sport on the earth in the night season, and melt away with the first beam of the sun which lights grim care and stern reality on their daily pilgrimage through the world. ~ Charles Dickens... (read all at source)
Red eyes-symbolic of fatigue from drinking alcohol, Prov. 23:29. Red-eyed creatures in a dream are also symbolic of demonic entities
Red horse-symbolic of war, Rev. 6:4
Red tape-symbolic of a long process in getting something accomplished... (read all at source)
In the first trimester, your dreams usually consist of tiny creatures, fuzzy animals, flowers, fruit and water. In the second trimester, your dreams will reflect your anxiety about being a good mother and concerns about possible complications with the birth. (read all at source)
The concept of the cosmic serpent shows up across all cultures and is found in the air, in the water, and on the land, binding all the earth and its creatures together.
Here are some other interpretations that may be helpful:... (read all at source)
If you dream that you are visiting a large aquarium like Sea World, where visitors come to see water creatures in large exhibits, it can be a sign that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious that you have not examined previously. (read all at source)
Did you watch Godzilla right before bedtime? A lot of our unknown creatures come from visual images out of horror films. However, they may possess power or destructive potential that hits at the core of our being. (read all at source)
To see your mother, warns you to control your inclination to cultivate morbidness and ill will towards your fellow creatures. A brother, or other relatives or friends, denotes that you may be called on for charity or aid within a short time. (read all at source)
These mystical, magical creatures are a part of European, Roman and Greek folklore. They are known for their fickle nature, for their ability to grant wishes and for their whims of trickery. (read all at source)
Pink is the traditional color of baby girls - and has come to mean creatures that are helpless and cute. Some women have turned the color around and use hot pink as a power color - that they are strong females and have a powerful feminine force within them that cannot be stopped!... (read all at source)
When we look at the nature of a snake, we find that it is indeed a fitting description of evil. Snakes are cold blooded, sly creatures that slither around on their bellies. (read all at source)
Home - Dream - Demonic Creatures
Most of the time we question the meaning of our dreams and we fear the question: what does a dream mean? Seeing a demon in dreams means negativity. It shows distress and at the same time doubts. Yet when this creature appears there are lessons that we need to learn. (read all at source)
To see one-eyed creatures in your dreams, is portentous of an over-whelming intimation of secret intriguing against your fortune and happiness.
Seeing quantities of onions in your dreams, represents the amount of spite and envy that you will meet, by being successful. (read all at source)