To see crayons in your dream, represents a period of time where you were more carefree. It also symbolizes creativity. You may need to think about more creative ways of solving current issues. Also consider the color of the crayon and what it symbolizes.
Crazy... (read all at source)
To see crayons in your dream, represents some childhood memories or a period of time where you were more carefree. It... Continue dream interpretation - Crayons"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Crazy... (read all at source)
crayon drawing on childhood memories; colourful fun times; don't take things so seriously; draw a picture of this dream with crayons. What is your earliest memory of crayons? (read all at source)
To see crayons in your dream, represents some childhood memories or a period of time where you were more carefree. It is also symbolic of creativity. You may need to think outside the lines into more unconventional thoughts and ways of doing things. (read all at source)
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Open forum to discuss how the dreamer felt having his/her dream played out and any insight others may share.
Supplies: drawing paper, markers, crayons, colored chalk, trunk full of costumes and miscellaneous props (hats, walking cane, boa, scarves, capes, masks, etc.)... (read all at source)
I dreamed I saw an airplane, suspended in air, not in flight. No one is on the plane - no pilot and no passengers. It is empty. The seats are outlined as with a black crayon- they have no substance. It feels empty, still, and silent
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I admit, I've waxed on philosophically about the goddess symbols of Temperantia. Maybe I've colored this page too much with my own personal creative-crayons. Well, it's all in good faith - perhaps my own experiences with this virtuous deity might inspire your own mythic magic. (read all at source)