Car Crash
Dreams about being in a car crash mean your beliefs or lifestyle are clashing with someone else's. It may also represent a recent shocking situation you were involved with. (read all at source)
Crashing could be a symbol for your own personality and mood right now. Do you fear nothing and do not worry about the consequences? Are you daring and wanting to take every opportunity not worried if things go wrong? Thinking negatively - do you worry that plans will crash and burn? (read all at source)
Crash Crashed Crashing
Depending upon how badly the car or you are hurt, it shows the ending of something. This might be a direction you were taking, a business venture or a relationship - depending on who is with you in the car and what else is in the dream. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Lack of attention; out of control; ending
Popular Expressions: Crash and burn; Hit and miss; Hit a nerve... (read all at source)
car crashing through the wall dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
A car crash resulting from faulty parts can relate to your own health at the time of the dream.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)
An airplane crash symbolizes a negative part of one's life's journey. We use planes to travel to places that are far away, typically, the airplane is symbolic of an event, individuals, or emotions that are either in the past or are physically apart from you. (read all at source)
Dream Symbols - Car Crash
Are you dreaming about an out of control car, a car crash, a car wreck or other similar topic? Here is what it means. (read all at source)
Of course dream analysts always say that when we get what we call crash and burn dreams.
You don't say whether the canal is on the left or the right but I bet it's on the left. Left means that this is happening in your unconscious and right means it is happening in the conscious mind. (read all at source)
Crashed airplane
The dreams about crashing planes are very common and have many different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. (read all at source)
Crash :
A crashing sound mean that you will achieve something be. See also collision or accident. (read all at source)
Crash:birth (more) ; Departing: new project (more) ; Landing: birth (more)
See also: Above , Quartette , Tailor , Faeces , Yarn
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
Crashing can mean you're having some difficulty handling things in your life right now. (read all at source)
crash be careful; going somewhere you are not invited; look at what is about to fall on you; making a crash-landing. Who is making all the loud noises? (read all at source)
To dream that you are in a car crash, indicates that your beliefs, lifestyle, or goals are clashing with another's. It may also represent a shocking situation or painful experience. Alternatively, car crashes may forewarn of your dangerous or careless driving habits. (read all at source)
A dream where a vehicle crashes implies that there is something in your life that is out of control. A crash in general suggests that you should be aware of ..Read more →
CRIME / CRIMINAL ... (read all at source)
A crash can symbolize stress in your life. An airplane crash signifies a difficult birth - your arrival on the planet did not go as smoothly as expected. The event was traumatic due to either a brush with death or a negative emotional experience. (read all at source)
Car Crash
If you dream about a car crash, you may be worried about reaching your goals. You may be pushing yourself too hard. If your car suddenly spins out of control, you may be anxious about how you have been living your life. You could be in danger of losing control. (read all at source)
Bringing to an end an emotion or fear that was causing stress in the person. Warning about driving habits.
Release of emotion not related to the action in the dream that caused the crying. Regaining emotional balance. (read all at source)
"Crash. Whatever it's origin or cause, a crash in your dream heralds an important achievement, and the louder or bigger the crash the more noteworthy will be the accomplishment."
Lady Guinevere, I found the following definitions you may find helpful:... (read all at source)
A car crash in a dream can be a literal warning - be careful in the coming weeks or months. However, vehicles in dreams often symbolize transitions in life. A car accident, particularly if you are driving in the dream, may indicate you feel the changes you are making in your life won't succeed. (read all at source)
Airplane Crash - Losing control. Setting your goals too high and fearing failure. Drastic changes in your life. A fear of flying. (read all at source)
Airplane Crash
Dream interpretation - Airplane Crash
To dream of being in this event is a feeling of not only a dramatic negative change in your life, but... Continue dream interpretation - Airplane Crash"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Airport... (read all at source)
Airplane Crash
To dream of being in this event is a feeling of not only a dramatic negative change in your life, but also to everyone around you as well as your envorment. A very negative symbol and should be meditated upon. (read all at source)
*Please See Crash.
To have a colorless dream, suggests a depressed mood and a feeling of sadness. You may be shutting yourself off from others.
Colors... (read all at source)
Does the plane crash? This may reveal a sense of inadequacy or incompetence. (read all at source)
Crash Dreaming of being in a crash or something crashing around you signifies the bringing to an end of an emotion or fear that was causing stress. It can also represent the fear of getting into an actual accident. (read all at source)
Dreaming on a car crash shows the dreamer is afraid of loosing control of his life. He or she wants to make a real change in the course of life and don't know how to accomplish this change
Find more dreams containing 'crash'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'crash'
cigarette... (read all at source)
- Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
- Crossing a river dreaminterpretation
- Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
- Dream symbols - cute little puppy wags tail
- Cutting brothers head off - dream analysis
- Two dead blood covered bodies - dream interpretation... (read all at source)
Crumble - itself - the circumstances force you to make a choice, get ready for what will crash your entire way of life; someone, you destroy the wall - you can help speed up the course of events or yourself pedaliruete their. Rush also not desirable. (read all at source)
Also, it appears that people often dream about being in a plane crash, witnessing a crash, or being bombed or shot at from planes. Airplanes, like all other vehicles, symbolize a portion of your life's journey. (read all at source)
We received an interesting amount of mail about dreams containing planes and plane crashes. It appears that people often dream about being in a plane crash, witnessing a crash, or being bombed or shot at from planes. Airplanes, like all other vehicles, symbolize a portion of your life's journey. (read all at source)
before sitting around me looking as if to say hurry up and do something, i look down and there's a guitar in my hand, i tried playing something that me and my old bandmates used to play with no success, i say to them ill get it it's just going to take a second, right after that i hear a car crashing... (read all at source)
So when I pulled the pillar away, it all came crashing down into the sea and started to build up under the sea, except for the12 foot black piece stayed above the water like at the first, but I knew that underneath the water, it was still growing and building up. (read all at source)
DisasterThis may be the worst of all travel dreams - you are on a plane and it crashes or you are on a boat that is shipwrecked. You may feel dazed and confused during this dream and wonder if it is a forewarning of a future event. (read all at source)
If there are survivors after the plane crash this could denote the remaining people after the church split. This crash could also represent a personal disaster such as a failed business deal or marriage.
... (read all at source)
- Daydreaming has been caused for blame such as car crashes and burning your food on the stove.
- Spacing out during important meetings or school
- Loose focus and forget important information
- Daydreaming is bad for people who suffer from constant negative thoughts... (read all at source)
Life. One of the few universal symbols. An active ocean, teeming with life, with high waves and crashing surf, implies that life will soon become much busier. A calm ocean: A peaceful life. A stormy sea: Trouble ahead. The need to be prepared.
Astrological parallels: Cancer. (read all at source)
More on the meaning of "Crash, Crashing" in my dream
Nature - Animals - Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
A crashed car may indicate failure or self-destructive, or reckless, behavior if you are driving the car. Looking in the mirror could mean what you are seeing that you left behind. Running out of fuel could indicate weakening motivation. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are riding in a balloon but come crashing back to Earth is a warning not to get your hopes up too high. (read all at source)
To dream that the roof is falling in, suggests that your high ideals are crashing down on you. Perhaps you are unable to live up to your own high expectations. (read all at source)
Boat Journey - much is dependent on the type of boat and what it is doing. For example, a cruise ship that runs aground may be a reflection of the dreamer's ego that crashes hard when shamed or embarrassed
Bus Journey - a need to connect with people who we feel share common ideas or goals... (read all at source)
My mother went to close it but the snakes head got stuck in it and somehow my mother was to weak to close the door so I helped and we stil could not get the door closed until my brother helped and the snake's neck was crashed and blood splat all over the place. This was a terrifying dream!... (read all at source)
cave, cave-in, chain smoking, charge in, chronic alcoholism, chute, clap, clash, cocainism, collapse, collide, collision, comb, come between, come down, come into collision, comedown, concuss, concussion, confront each other, conquering, conquest, contretemps, crack, crack up, crack-up, crash in,... (read all at source)
plane crash
A fear or feeling of something catastrophic happening that's out of your control
Feeling things are out of control somehow in your life right now, or a feeling that you're having bad luck or things just aren't going your way right now
Category(s): Events... (read all at source)
As you grow, you can feel insecure about where you are going. In fact, you go through many changes because situations force you to change. Dreaming of crashing is a way of exploring insecurities about how you are moving forward. (read all at source)
Plane Crash
A crash in an airplane dream can indicate that the dreamer has become too remote from the realities of life and is going to come down to earth with a bump.
Poison... (read all at source)
All if the sudden I hear the pilot say he has plans to intentionally crash the plane. Not everyone heard him, and some didn't believe me. So I braced myself for the rough landing. As we crashed, chunks of the plane were ripped off and a lot of people died instantly. (read all at source)