Cradle dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a cradle, with a beautiful infant occupying it, portends prosperity and the affections of beautiful children.
To rock your own baby in a cradle, denotes the serious illness of one of the family.
For a young woman to dream of rocking a cradle is portentous of her downfall.
She should beware of gossiping.
Cradle Cradling
A cradle is something you have prepared to hold a baby - your baby perhaps. The mood of the dream tells you whether it is done with love or fears.
Cradling shows you giving care to whatever is cradled, supporting it - or conversely dropping it and offering nor care or support. (read all at source)
There are some creatures in Nature's cradle who speak so clearly of their energetic symbolism. The shark totem is one with crystalline expression. To wit, one look at these extraordinary creatures conveys a message of sleek authority. (read all at source)
cradle cap, Cradleland, cradlesong, Cradling
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)
To see a cradle in your dream, symbolizes a dependent relationship. You may feel the need to be protected and cared for. Your dream maybe telling you to regain some control and independence in your life.
Crane... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a cradle, with a beautiful infant occupying it, portends prosperity and the affections of beautiful children. To rock your own baby in a cradle, denotes the serious illness of one of the family. (read all at source)
Cradle :
A cradle containing a child symbolizes care. An empty cradle symbolizes bad health. (read all at source)
A cradle in a dream can imply that the individual has become engaged in new life or new beginnings.
Crack... (read all at source)
Cradle top list
Crossing top list
THE RIVER-Change, choice, attitude, emotions. (read all at source)
The symbolism of the cradle is that of the deep security it gives to a child; it is like an extension of the mother's arms.
A cradle can also represent hope for the future. (read all at source)
A dream where there is an empty cradle implies that you need to be more creative in some area of your life. A dream about a cradle in general symbolizes ..Read more →
CRANE ... (read all at source)
crib protected place; restricted eating; copying another person's work: (See cradle) Who is cheating?
crime what we put out, we get back; something is a rotten shame. Which law are you tempted to break? (read all at source)
The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Young, the ocean - a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel that they belong to the evolutionary originated in the ocean of collective forms of life. In this context, can be easily traced the influence of ideas of Darwinism. (read all at source)
The forwards and backwards motion of swinging indicates the cradle and the movements of swings when we were children. Dreaming associated with swinging indicates a desire to return to the lighthearted feelings we had as children when swinging permitted us to be lively and calm. (read all at source)
Positions for Breastfeeding Your Baby - Cradle Hold, Football Hold, Cross Cradle, Side Lying
Avoiding Germs When Giving Birth
Holding Hands
How to Bathe a Baby
Free Directions to Sew a Baby Bib From a Finger or Hand Towel... (read all at source)
related symbols: Dance, January, Baking, Asparagus, White Lead, Carrot, Furnace, Ashes, Bladder, Ladle, Music, Hives, Idiot, Disgrace, Mare, Jolly, Offspring, Wet Nurse, Brood, Beans, Ropes, Oven, Chastise, Bees, Janitor, Estate, Rabbit, Sweeping, Hash, Oysters, Toys, Pregnancy, Shotgun, Cradle,... (read all at source)
in the first dream he was a couple years old in his jammies. he fell down the stairs and smacked his head on the floor at the bottom of the stairs with a large thudding sound and was lifeless. He wouldn't wake up, I was cradleing his lifeless body and he wouldn't wake up. I woke up crying. (read all at source)
Cradle Dreams
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If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, a cradle in a dream can reflect your thoughts about your new baby. (read all at source)