Crack cocaine
Association: Opportunities. Question: What opportunity am I willing to take? * Please, see meaning of drugs.
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Those things that have been built into you spiritually through the years. Once again it could be positive or negative depending on the context of your dream. If the foundation or building is cracked, it could mean that there is a flaw in what has been built into you. (read all at source)
Seeing or eating a cracker in your dream, suggests that you tend to care for the needs of others besides your own. You spend your time looking of for other people and as a result, neglect your needs. The dream may also be a pun on "crack her". (read all at source)
To see or eat a cracker in your dream, suggests that you tend to care for the needs of others before (or instead of) your own. In some cases, this dream may also suggest that you are trying to get someone to reveal certain information or secrets. (read all at source)
A crack house is the lowest possible - you would not people thinking you are that type of person and other people would not like to be seen that way.
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
Crack :
A crack can either mean that you are nervous, or that there are something you are doing wrong. (read all at source)
Cracking one's fingers
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
.Cracking one's fingers in a dream means exchanging bad words between relatives, being sarcastic, or making fun of others. (Also see Body 1 ). (read all at source)
If we dream of an item whereby we become aware that it is damaged through being cracked, it is symbolic of something in our life being delicate or fragile and starting to breakdown.
Crane... (read all at source)
cracker loud noises all around you; someone going nuts; liking something a lot. Who is the 'cracker jack' (expert at something) and bragging all the time? (read all at source)
A dream featuring a crack implies that you find it hard to keep yourself together, or that a difficulty is arising.
CRADLE / CRIB ... (read all at source)
A cracked toilet bowl warns of potential damage to your bowel. Again look for food items being specifically referenced or symbolized using color and eliminate them from your diet.
Box... (read all at source)
Forty cracks - a possible rapid disease; rides - to family and domestic news.
Snotolkovatel... (read all at source)
To see a cracked or broken mirror in your dream. represents a poor or distorted self-image. Alternatively, it suggests that you have put an end to your old habits and ways. (read all at source)
To observe cracked or broken eggs in your dream represents feelings of a fragile state in your life. On the other hand you may be starting to feel happy in your own company. (read all at source)
An egg that's cracked or rotten can mean that there's a problem situation in your life that you're avoiding and it needs attention.
See also: yolk
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)
It's my contention that by familiarizing ourselves with the very basic symbols, we get our prime symbolic language skills, and crack open our understanding into profound insight into much more intricate symbolism. (read all at source)
To dream that you crack a walnut, foretells that your expectations will end in bitterness and collapse.
To dream of a watermelon signifies love and desire. Watermelons also mean that you are in need of some relaxation. (read all at source)
I looked up at the moon and it started to turn blood red and parts of the moon was black, as it was turning the moon had cracks in it. People started to stare in their feelings were scary some was terrified others were blank. they started running. (read all at source)
I struggle on the ground helpless and in pain not to sure what is going to happen I then hear a rip and crack as a string of blood shoots out of the girls arm or whats left of it as she falls to the ground in shock and horror of what the beast have just done. (read all at source)
If you dream of standing on cracking ice (or falling through ice into water), it is a warning against trying to advance at the expense of others. Illness Suggests you may be hanging onto an old idea or relationship that is not good for you. (read all at source)
Cracked teeth can symbolize a fear of dying or aging. Missing teeth can sym�bolize not having anything to say. Your teeth falling out may symbolize a fast lifestyle, decay, or fear of getting older. Sharp or razor teeth can symbolize that you use your words as weapons, Ps. 57:4. (read all at source)
There was this boy-man there and he was wise-cracking with, lets call Man A. I was also having a pleasant conversation with Man A until, the boy-man made an unnecessary comment toward me. I went off the handle real quickly, told him I wasn't in the mood for his b.s., and hit him hard a couple times. (read all at source)
A problem that seems difficult to solve or a question that is difficult to answer, as in "hard to crack"
A situation where you can't get to something you want (since the inside of the coconut is difficult to get to)... (read all at source)
To see cracked or broken eggs in your dream, denotes that you will suffer from many disappointments and misfortunes. It is indicative of a fragile state in your life and feelings of vulnerability. Alternatively, you may be breaking out of your shell and being comfortable with who you are. (read all at source)
My mom pointed out cracks in the wall, and a large black snake came through. We had to leave the house. Then we were back in the house and the wood floors were welting up and now there were hundreds of black snakes. I wonder what the significance of snakes and your mother in a dream. (read all at source)
If they are difficult to crack and the fruit is small, you will succeed after much trouble and expense, but returns will be meagre.
To dream of a pelican, denotes a mingling of disappointments with successes. (read all at source)
I suggest you comprehend that any kind of handicap in from the person they say they're from. hostgator This Cracking demand by large numbers racket of multitude for owning a bit of quad in net, cognisant of the expert and non technical requirements of your website and what it should contain.
Reply... (read all at source)
To dream of walnuts, is an omen significant of prolific joys and favors. To dream that you crack a decayed walnut, denotes... Continue dream interpretation - Walnut"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Waltz... (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: Wise crack; a night owl; Words of wisdom
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
Cracked or broken kegs in a dream are representative of a rift within a family or of arguments within the family.
A keg with a loose band around the centre means that you may be at risk of losing a spouse or lover if you do not attend to a current situation in the relationship. (read all at source)
I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. (read all at source)
If you see broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged eggs, then you will suffer a reversal of good fortune or a disappointment. If the eggs are bright colored then you will celebrate a happy event in your family. If you are eating eggs this shows that your health will improve. (read all at source)
I had a dream that i was walking into my bedroom, it was nighttime, i know that because it was dark and i could only see because the tv was on, i felt scared for some reason, and when i looked at my mirror it was cracked, or broken you could say, could you please tell me what that means? (read all at source)
To see them growing among leaves, signifies a long, peaceful existence. Failure in love or business will follow in proportion as the pecan is decayed.
If they are difficult to crack and the fruit is small, you will succeed after much trouble and expense, but returns will be small. (read all at source)
A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: "I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. (read all at source)
cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them.
The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could
hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost.
The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death
of a dear cousin.''... (read all at source)
Crack Dreams
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A crack in a dream, such as a crack in a wall or in the sidewalk, can represent a small weakness or flaw that may become larger cause a big problem if you do not deal with it immediately. (read all at source)
Similar to the symbolism of Break, a crack shows an opening that is not taking place consciously. To see a crack in something suggests a missing aspect or inaccurate way of understanding a situation. (read all at source)
Patterns set or if cracked, patterns breaking up. Ice, or water in the solid form, is associated with the emotions and the unconsciousness. Dreaming about ice suggests that you may have some emotions or denied psychological issues that are not readily accessible to you. (read all at source)