To dream that you are in court standing up for charges against you, signifies your struggle with issues of fear and guilt. A situation or circumstance in your life is giving your much distress and worry. You may feel that you are being judged in some way. (read all at source)
For some reason, many people have buildings with courtyards or atriums in their dreams. This may just be so much scenery, as we tend to like such things architecturally. Often times, these dreams reflect a desire to return to a more renewing or living place. (read all at source)
Courtroom :
If you were in court can this be a warning telling you to not do anything illegal. A dream about this theme can also be a sign of insecurity or a feeling of guilt. (read all at source)
Courtney Gordon says:
So last night i had this dream that i was laying in my bed, i roll over and there is a man in the corner of my room in an all white suit with a bright red tie. the man never looked at me nor did he speak to me. (read all at source)
Divorce (court)
A dream of a divorce, whether you are in a courtroom or not, is a warning that you must change your ways and learn to compromise rather then demand, or your marriage is in danger of divorce. (read all at source)
long courtship. If the orchard is filled with ripening fruit,
it denotes recompense for faithful service to those under masters,
and full fruition of designs for the leaders of enterprises.
Happy homes, with loyal husbands and obedient children, for wives. (read all at source)
represent competition as in, the "ball is in your court."
spiral: Actions and behaviors that repeat over and over in your
life. Also "spiral out of control."... (read all at source)
court dream symbol
Being judged in court can mean you're feeling subject to scrutiny or judgment by others somehow in your real life. You may also have done something you could get in trouble for or that will bring you bad karma. (read all at source)
Dream Symbols
Judgmental; Cobbled stone: Past life influences... (read all at source)
Being judged in court can mean you're feeling subject to scrutiny or judgment by others somehow in your real life. You may also have done something you could get in trouble for or that will bring you bad karma. (read all at source)
Courtyards are an interesting part of the architecture of a home or building, because they allow you to be outside while you are inside of the building. Courtyards are also usually lavish and expensive to add onto a building. (read all at source)
to anything, alley, alleyway, allure, amorous pursuit, angle for, approach, archery ground, arena, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, assembly, association, athletic field, attendance, attendant, attract, Autobahn, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, bad influence, badminton court, bar,... (read all at source)
Dreams About Courtship
What do dreams about courtship mean?
Bad, bad, will be the fate of the woman who dreams of being courted. She will often think that now he will propose, but often she will be disappointed. Disappointments will follow illusory hopes and fleeting pleasures. (read all at source)
For instance, a "court" dream could link to the words "who was to blame" (which is one of the key words and phrases below) and the dream capture a thought like "the busines finally went under. I have been sat round thinking about what we did. Were we to blame? (read all at source)
Courts are where judgment is passed and indicates that you are judgmental with regard to the subject matter of the dream. You probably suffer most under your own judgmental hammer.
Courtrooms indicate you judge yourself harshly. (read all at source)
If you dream that you are in a courtroom standing up for charges against you, this represents your struggle with issues of fear and guilt. A situation in your waking life is giving you much worry. You may feel that you are being judged in some way. (read all at source)
To dream that you are in court, represents your struggle with issues of fear and guilt. A situation in your waking life is giving you much worry. Disappointments may follow after this dream.
Crossroads... (read all at source)
A courtyard in a dream can represent your desires. If the courtyard is full of children or animals, you could be feeling confident that you will be able to get over any obstacles that come your way.
Cradle ... (read all at source)
court pay attention to what you are doing; justice will be served; needing your day in court; lawsuit; going out on dates. Who is acting like a royal pain? (read all at source)
Courtship Bad, bad, will be the fate of the woman who dreams of being courted. She will often think that now he will propose, but often she will be disappointed. Disappointments will follow illusory hopes and fleeting pleasures. (read all at source)
A courtyard in a dream represents tranquil, peaceful times. It can also refer to family. What are you doing in the courtyard? If there is a lot of greenery, the dream can be a positive omen of prosperous financial times ahead.
cow... (read all at source)
Courtyard dirty - profit / boredom; net - joy; revenge - hunger; coaching Inn - loss.
The newest Dream Book
Being on the royal court - to honors; Your goal in life is justified. (read all at source)
Court - Being judged (by self or others); perhaps being driven by guilt feelings.
Covenant - Pact with higher self (GOD). Commitments in life. (read all at source)
Find the meaning of your dreams about Courtship.
courtship.html... (read all at source)
Court martial criticism (from others or self) Cayce (195-42, A-1). Court trial criticism (from others or self) Cayce (195-42, A-1). Cup 1. saucer - all that is currently held in the conscious mind Cayce (900-163, A-1). 2. (read all at source)
Mythology holds court to countless gods and goddesses associated with the Earth. To wit, the Greek word for land is Gaia, and she is the classic goddess of Earth. Gaia was also depicted in triple form with Persephone the maiden, Demeter as mother and Hecate as crone. (read all at source)
"He stands there in Court pretending to care. Taking 'time out' because he is so upset by what he did and they all run around after him like he's the victim; like he has rights."
"What rights would you like him to have?"
"None!"... (read all at source)
To give evidence in court signifies you may receive a request for help from a friend. To hear someone else giving... Continue dream interpretation - Evidence"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Evil... (read all at source)
Rose - Romance: Courtship; love
Yellow Rose Garden - Marriage counseling. Red Rose, passion. (Solomon 2:1)
Round (Shape) - Spiritual: Grace; mercy; forgiveness; compassion; approximate. (Leviticus 19:27)... (read all at source)
On our way to the store we pass a basketball court and I want to pass through the court because it's shorter but my sister doesn't and I take notice of all the guys sitting on the side of the court who might try to talk to us, but I still want to go. (read all at source)
Orchard: Dreaming of passing through leaving and blossoming orchardswith your sweetheart, omens a delightful consummation of along courtship. (read all at source)
Example: I went to an office in Tottenham Court Road. Then I woke up in bed in the office. A woman was in bed on my left. I was about to get up, and she said for me to touch her breast before I got out of bed. (read all at source)
Something that is enclosed, like a courtyard or corral can have associations with feeling trapped. At the same time, good feelings of being enclosed or embraced can suggest integration. (read all at source)
He still insisted to look, but when we got there, it was no bigger than a childs toy and it was a court house, with a judge an jury thing. (No people) then, I walked to the show, and when in this brown building. (read all at source)
Courting among the young will meet with happy consummation. The sacrifice or atonement of another for your waywardness, is portentous of the humiliation of self or friends through your open or secret disregard of duty. A woman after this dream is warned of approaching disappointment. (read all at source)
A dream with a legal court implies that you are questioning some part of your integrity. If it is a sports court such as a tennis court for example then ..Read more →
COVER ... (read all at source)
For a young woman to dream that she attends a play, foretells that she will be courted by a genial friend, and will marry to further her prospects and pleasure seeking. (read all at source)
Crabs relate to love affairs. This dream portends to lovers a long and difficult courtship. Also, avoid rivals.
To see crickets in your dream indicates hard struggles with poverty. They also indicate famine and distress among the poor. (read all at source)
For a young woman to dream that she sees acrobats in tights, signifies that she will court favor of men.
Actor and Actress
To see in your dreams an actress, denotes that your present state will be one of unbroken pleasure and favor. (read all at source)
Numbers and Tarot
Tarot cards have numbers (except the court cards) and suits (or names for the Majors) as well as images. I have always used these elements in several... (read all at source)
If you see a bailiff in a dream, you could be feeling guilty about something. Because bailiffs work in courtrooms, a bailiff in a dream can represent a fear of being judged negatively for your actions. (read all at source)
For a woman to lose topaz ornaments, foretells she will be injured by jealous friends who court her position. To receive one from another beside a relative, foretells an interesting love affair will occupy her attention.
Find more dreams containing 'topaz'... (read all at source)
Dreaming of lying to authority figures, or in court, indicates that honesty is definitely going to be the best policy for some time: Do NOT lie to anyone!
4. If someone else lies to authority figures, however, it is a sign that you will benefit from someone else's mistakes - and soon. (read all at source)
Since one of the score in tennis is denoted as "love", then the game of tennis may be a metaphor for a romantic relationship or a courtship.
Tent... (read all at source)
Acquittop list
To be acquitted indicates valuable property and legal battles. You're likely to have a rough time from hostile competition if you dreamed of being acquitted in court, but relax--you will overcome it suddenly. (read all at source)
A wig may also signify that you feel you’re being judged, or judgment is going to be passed down upon you, because in many courts throughout the world, judges still wear wigs. Has someone recently lost their temper or was it you? Who needs to display more self-control... (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
If one is investigated or probed in a court by people he does not know in a dream, it means that he has strayed into innovation and will remain account- able for his deeds. (Also see Digging up the past). (read all at source)
Places - Buildings - Dream Dictionary
If you are in court, consider, first, what role you play: judge, attorney, the accused, a witness, a jury members; spectator. (read all at source)
Court-being held accountable for your actions or judging the actions of others, Matt. 5:22
Covering-symbolic of loving others, Prov. 10:12
Cow-oppressive, wealthy women who live in leisurely ease, Amos 4:1... (read all at source)