Counselor dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a counselor, you are likely to be possessed of some ability yourself, and you will usually prefer your own judgment to that of others. Be guarded in executing your ideas of right.
To dream of a counselor means you have a natural counseling ability. Counseling works through your female energy and although it is a requirement to be trained officially in order to practice, it is not learned from books or tuition. (read all at source)
Seeing a counselor or dream that you are one, suggests that you are seeking for some support and direction in your life. Pay important attention to what the counselor is saying and/or doing. Your dream is trying to convey a message that you need to think about and possibly act upon.
... (read all at source)
To see a counselor or dream that you are one implies that you need some guidance or advice in some situation or issue. Consider what the counselor is saying and/or doing. Your dream is attempting to communicate some important action or idea that you should follow. (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Politician) A counselor in a dream represents a person who embel- lishes his words, adorns his actions and who promises everyone he meets to satisfy his needs. Such a person would be truthful as long as he does not ask for a price for his services. (read all at source)
Counselor-Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Isa. 9:6
Counterfeit money-false teaching, 2 Pet. 2:1
Court-being held accountable for your actions or judging the actions of others, Matt. 5:22... (read all at source)
Guidance Counselor
To see a guidance counselor or dream that you are one, suggests that you are seeking for some support and direction in your life. Pay important attention to what the counselor is saying and/or doing. (read all at source)
*Please See Counselor.
To dream that you are an advocate for a cause, signifies your faithfulness towards your interest and your loyalty to your friends.
Affair... (read all at source)
Example: The counselor who is chopping up something on a lap board with a razor blade looks up and says happily to her, "I like the way you handled that. How creative you are." I am filled with jealousy because he is noticing her and ignoring me!
Useful Questions and Hints:... (read all at source)
I was glad I had talked things over with a guidance counselor. She helped me through a series of career path tests to identify what it is I would love to work at when I'm finished school. (read all at source)
I was assigned some type of counselor for a group of 4-5 kids. I showed them a game where you jumped off a matress and then you see how far you jumped. After I was off duty, another counselour took my place. (read all at source)
Going to a therapist or counselor can represent:
A need or desire to express your feelings, thoughts, or what you're going through right now
A concern about your well-being
A desire for help in figuring something out about yourself or your life
A desire to have someone to talk to or to be heard... (read all at source)
To see frogs in the grass, denotes that you will have a pleasant and even-tempered friend as your confidant and counselor. To see a bullfrog, denotes, for a woman, marriage with a wealthy widower, but there will be children with him to be cared for. (read all at source)
Usually older people will appear as mystics, counselors or this sort of person. Sometimes the old man or old woman will appear sage or like a witch. (read all at source)
If that is not possible, you may want to speak to a third party, such as a counselor, or even write down your feelings in a diary or journal. You may find that the thing that has been bothering you so much isn't really that important after all. (read all at source)
These gestures, or "parasuicides" can, however, lead to accidental death or physical harm. A shocking statistic is that nearly half of all suicides began with suicidal gestures. Anyone spending too much time thinking about death should consider consulting a counselor,... (read all at source)
" In my own work as a medium and psychic counselor one of the most often asked questions is, "When will I meet "Mr. Right"?" Clearly, the question itself implies that the woman already has a preconception that there is a "Mr. Right," someone who lives up to her fantasies and expectations. (read all at source)
Chinese can be a wise teacher and counselor who accompanies us on the way to the interior of the personality. The interpretation is based on old prejudices, if you look behind it a warning against the cunning of others, or is exhorted to be even more honest.
Traditionally:... (read all at source)