Cot dream meaning

Cot dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a cot, foretells some affliction, either through sickness or accident. Cots in rows signify you will not be alone in trouble, as friends will be afflicted also.

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Cot Deaths
I dreamt that an enormous amount of my energy was in-turned into seeking states of mind - seeking my own womb condition. I came across an interesting piece of research in the dream, the possibility that cot death babies die when they dream about being in the womb. (read all at source)

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board, board and room, bog garden, bond of matrimony, border, botanical garden, bottom, bottom on, bottom side, break, breech, bridebed, bridle, broadcast, brush, build on, bunk, bunk bed, buttocks, camp bed, canal, channel, cohabitation, Colonial bed, confirm, conjugal bond, conjugal knot, cot,... (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Cot, Wild, Chilblain, Collision, Fireman, Rake, Hemp, Cuckoo, Skeleton, Threshing, Boat, Son, Raft, Buzzard, Affrighted, Horn, Cries, Abdomen, Bedbugs, Disaster, Voice, Fence, Veil, Bath, Cars
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When such things occur the feelings may manifest themselves in our dreams in the form of that first day at school, or being left alone in the cot or crib. (read all at source)

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Carry cot / crib with a child or children without the child belongs to the rhythm of life of early childhood baby without impersonation with a specific child - a state of excess internal forces of yin with a lack of the external manifestations of yang. (read all at source)

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- The Indian dream client connects with the ceiling pointing out that you need to practice renunciation in order to reach a goal.
- A special blanket may have a special meaning.
- A cot quilt in a dream about an adult may indicate a desire for comfort. (read all at source)

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