Cosmetics Bag
If you dream of you, or someone else, opening and looking through a cosmetics bag, it is a lucky omen foretelling the opening of new doors in your life. Other dreams about a cosmetics bag, including buying a new one, symbolize basic good luck in your near future. (read all at source)
Cosmetics are used to cover up your natural appearance. Dreams that focus on not being able to find what you use to produce your 'everyday face' can be symbolic of a need to move in a more natural or authentic direction. (read all at source)
*Please See Makeup. (read all at source)
Category: Cosmetics
Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) - To be busy on buying and selling goods: points to win any commercial transaction; Also, such a dream is an omen for long journeys; - To see many goods: a business is going very well;... (read all at source)
- also see Dream Dictionary: Make-Up
To dream of applying make-up can suggest the dreamer has a need to be seen by others in an appealing light; that they are very conscious of public image.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Places... (read all at source)
Cosmetics - Covering up; hiding from one's true self; enhancing your self image to bolster confidence.
Couch - Examining your beliefs, attitudes, emotions; events in your daily life.
Country - Time for growth; expand your horizons; creativity; awareness of nature. (read all at source)
base, baseboard, basement, basic, basic training, basis, bearing wall, bed, bedding, bedrock, beginning, blast-off, bottom, briefing, call, categorical proposition, cause, cellar, chassis, clearing the decks, clown white, cold cream, colonization, commencement, compact, constitution, cosmetics,... (read all at source)
For a woman, a dream of using or buying cosmetics is a very fortunate omen; it is for a man as... Continue dream interpretation - Lipstick"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Liquor... (read all at source)
Cosmetics Dreams
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Putting on cosmetics in a dream can mean that you are concerned about how you appear to others. You are worried that other people would not like you if they knew the real you. You may need to develop more self-confidence. (read all at source)
Cosmetics :
If you put on cosmetics you either do not show someone how you really are, or that you try to touch up the realities. This dream can also try to tell you that you must be more self-confident. (read all at source)
A dream where you use cosmetics suggests that there is some aspect of yourself that you are not happy with or want to cover up. If you apply cosmetics to ..Read more →
COUNTRYSIDE ... (read all at source)
Women that dream warns that they too much money and time is spent on cosmetics. (read all at source)
To see or wear a corset in your dream, indicates restraint and restrictions. You may be feeling limited. Alternatively, it may mean that you have a tendency to hold in your displeasure in order to please others.
*Please See Makeup.
Costume... (read all at source)