Coronation dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a coronation, foretells you will enjoy acquaintances and friendships with prominent people. For a young woman to be participating in a coronation, foretells that she will come into some surprising favor with distinguished personages. But if the coronation presents disagreeable incoherence in her dreams, then she may expect unsatisfactory states growing out of anticipated pleasure.
coronation a great ceremony; time to get your crown or get crowned; an English friend. Who is acting so 'high and mighty'?
corridor remembering birth trauma or rebirth; going through; a passage. Where should you stay on the straight and narrow? (read all at source)
Coronation Fit for Fledgling Political Royalty - The Inauguration and Speech of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
Decide Upon the Life You Want to Live
Paranormal News
I lived in the 1900s - Past Life Memories
Soap Opera Digest presents: The Spirit Guide... (read all at source)
accedence, acceptance, accession, admission, admittance, anchorage, baccalaureate service, baptism, celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, colonization, coming out, commencement, constitution, convocation, coronation, curtain raiser, debut, effectuation, embarkation, embarkment, empty formality,... (read all at source)