Cork dream meaning

Cork dreams by DreamMean
To dream of drawing corks at a banquet, signifies that you will soon enter a state of prosperity, in which you will revel in happiness of the most select kind.

To dream of medicine corks, denotes sickness and wasted energies.

To dream of seeing a fishing cork resting on clear water, denotes success.

If water is disturbed you will be annoyed by unprincipled persons.

To dream that you are corking bottles, denotes a well organized business and system in your living.

For a young woman to dream of drawing champagne corks, indicates she will have a gay and handsome lover who will lavish much attention and money on her. She should look well to her reputation and listen to the warning of parents after this dream.

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To see cork in your dream indicates that you possess the ability to change your attitudes, actions, or beliefs to accommodate certain circumstances and occurrences. You have strength and determination to overcome hardships and obstacles. (read all at source)

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Cork :
If you saw a floating cork you will do well in spite of some problems. (read all at source)

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To see cork in your dream, represents your versatility and adaptability in different situations. You have the ability to stay afloat in times of turmoil. and rise above your circumstances.
*Please See Loon.
Corn... (read all at source)

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Spiders are often misunderstood and feared, but did you know that according to the statisticians, there’s as much chance of getting hit in the head by a popping champagne cork as there is being bit by a poisonous spider? (read all at source)

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