Copying dream meaning

See also related symbols: Postman, United States Mail Box, Butterfly, Copying
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To dream of copying, denotes unfavorable workings of well tried plans.

For a young woman to dream that she is copying a letter, denotes she will be prejudiced into error by her love for a certain class of people. (read all at source)

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Copying :
If you dreamt about copying will things get better. (read all at source)

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You copying from someone else can mean there's an aspect of that person that you admire or respect.
see also: cheating fake or pretend repeat
categories: Attribute
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In the process of copying the codices, scrolls, and papyri on which ancient writers wrote, scribes added mistakes, which supplemented by various losses, make the job of interpreting the best reading o
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Book Review - Summary Book Review of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote... (read all at source)

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If you dream that you are copying a letter, you could be feeling nervous about something.
If you copy someone's signature, you could be worried that someone who is stronger than you could leave you feeling humiliated. (read all at source)

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You were copying other people.
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To see someone's actually copying you means that you may be upset over someone's behavior. This is a signal that you need to be sure that you have made the right choice and you're simply behaving in the proper manner. (read all at source)

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It can mean others are copying us because we are the example. It can also imply others see us as leaders but that we ourselves are not comfortable in such a position. (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Quick decode: heating up; passion; copying
Popular Expressions: burn a hole in your pocket; burn your bridges; burn the candle at both ends
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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In this case, like earlier, she is likely to be either healing an issue with your mother, or to demonstrate a trait that you picked up by copying her or due to your relationships with her. (read all at source)

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For instance, a "copier" dream could link to the word "imitating" (which is one of the key words and phrases below) and the dream capture a thought like "I have just been copying John. I should try to be more original" That phrase is one of many common translations of this type of dream. (read all at source)

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Thus the search for green leaves represents a search for something of her own that is living. The woman had been wondering what her own personal capabilities in life were. As the dream shows, she will not be satisfied or feel happy by simply taking or copying what others have done,... (read all at source)

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If a sick person sees himself carrying the gospel in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. In general, seeing the gospel in a dream may represent science, geometry, copying knowledge from its people or it may indicate images and music.. (read all at source)

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scanner copying someone else; spending too much time at the computer; glancing over things too quickly and missing important details. What do you need to watch more carefully?
scar leaving a lasting mark; making an impression; an identifying mark. What scar is long overdue for healing? (read all at source)

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If you dream that someone is copying you, beware of deception by that person. If you dream of copying someone else, you are feeling insecure. Also see "Photocopy."
To dream of coral represents friends, and its meaning varies according to its color as follows:... (read all at source)

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