Coppersmith dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a coppersmith, denotes small returns for labor, but withal contentment.
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Coppersmith dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a coppersmith, denotes small returns for labor, but withal contentment.
See also related symbols: Abdomen, Augur, Vessels, Coppersmith, Chair Maker, Carpenter, Committee, Quarry, Carriage, Belly, Advertisement, Pacify, Cab, Butter, Anvil, Bread, Acorn, Baptism, Wheat
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If one is beaten with a stick of brass in a dream, it means that he is seeking some worldly gains. Brass or similar yellow metals in a dream represent an imposter who swindles money from people, cheats and threatens them. (Also see Coppersmith). (read all at source)