Seeing or using contraceptive in your dream, suggests that you are refusing to let your creativity emerge from beneath the surface. You are holding back some aspect of yourself. Alternatively, it means your anxieties about pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. (read all at source)
To see or use contraceptive in your dream implies that you are reluctant to expose your thought or emotions. Perhaps you are embarrassed or afraid of how others will view your imaginative ideas and inspirations. (read all at source)
- see Dream Dictionary: Sex
When one dreams they are cooking it infers we are attempting or preparing to nourish our own needs or those of others. (read all at source)
*Please See Contraceptive.
To dream about your birthday, denotes acceptance of yourself. You are celebrating who you are and coming to terms with who you are as a person.
Birthmark... (read all at source)
In the example below the man is wrestling with his desire for pleasure and his sense of commitment; but also, whether he will keep his pleasure for himself, or share it with his wife. See: Example in contraceptive; bed wetting... (read all at source)
If you see or use birth control (contraceptives) in your dream, it can be a sign that you are not expressing yourself fully or you are not allowing yourself to be creative.
It can also mean that you are worried about becoming pregnant or catching a sexually transmitted disease in waking life. (read all at source)
Contraceptive Dreams
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If you dream about using a contraceptive, you may have a real fear of pregnancy or, if you are a woman, a fear of giving birth. (read all at source)