To dream that you are confused, may reflect your true confused state of mind and the strange events of your dream. Try to identify the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol.
Depression... (read all at source)
Confusion. Limitations. Ability. Proficiency. Realisation. Understanding. Subconscious mind. Negative feelings.
Naked or Nude
Hen or Chicken... (read all at source)
If your hair is knotted or tangled, then it is symbolic of uncertainty and confusion in your life. You may be unable to think straight. Dreaming that you are cutting your hair, suggests that you are experiencing a loss in strength. You may feel that someone is trying to censor you. (read all at source)
confusion: Inner discord or chaos.
constipation: The fear of letting go of something.
construction: Work on yourself. (read all at source)
Overturned. Confusion. Great disorder. You want to straighten something out.... Continue dream interpretation - Upside down"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Urgent... (read all at source)
ZOOtop list
Confusion and un-evolved people surrounding you
Suggested Reading... (read all at source)
If you experienced confusion in a dream you must continue with what you are doing now. If you try to change anything now you can get confused.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
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The confusion and contradiction have developed into a wound in humans. People, if aware, realise as never before the division between their outer intellectual nature and their inner world. (read all at source)
maze confusion; not knowing which direction to take next; inability to act and move forward; something corny. Where are you lost and confused and how is your dream pointing a way out? (read all at source)
GREY : fear, confusion.
WHITE : truth, "coming clean", purity; can also be symbolic of death & new beginnings.
GREEN : healing, growth, newness. (read all at source)
Maze confusion in the face of many turning points or options Cayce (900-308, A-12). Mirror how one is seen by others Cayce (900-332). Money 1. benefits or returns from efforts Cayce (294-89, A-1). 2. (read all at source)
Crow (raven) - confusion; outspoken; operating in envy or strife; hateful; unclean; God's minister of justice or provision
Cow - subsistence; prosperity
Deer - graceful, swift; sure-footed, agile; timid... (read all at source)
Babel or Babylon = "confusion (by mixing)";
Definition For:
DREAMS AND VISIONS... (read all at source)
A stormy sea or one with sea monsters suggests confusion and anxiety in the dreamer. On the other hand, a peaceful sea suggests the dreamer is comfortable with herself and her sexuality. Secret To dream that you or someone else has a secret represents hidden power. (read all at source)
If it's you that is doing the cheating, you may be left with feelings of confusion. Keep in mind that most dreams are symbolic, and a dream of cheating on someone, or being cheated on, usually represents a deeper need that should be addressed. Are you the one cheating? (read all at source)
This gender-changing raises interesting questions about homosexuality and gender confusion. (read all at source)
So simply put, the color grey typically means- a mixture or confusion. You may be familiar what the expression, "That's a grey area." Sometimes, we know what is the right choice to make, but there is a part the just does not seem to fit with the righteousness and love that is working in our lives. (read all at source)
In a dream it may represent those things that are creating confusion and prevent the dreamer from seeing clearly. The setting of the dream may also give you clues about the area of life that it is referring to. Is the fog over water or land, are you in familiar or unfamiliar surroundings? (read all at source)
The message can be about overcoming confusion and the need to focus in order to 'sew' the seeds of success. If the needle pierces the skin, it indicates the need to allow your feelings and emotions to come to 'skin awareness.' It draws blood at the same time that it causes pain. (read all at source)
Screaming, sweating, confusion and rapid heart rate
Sufferers see spiders, snakes, animals or people in the room
Are unable to wake up fully awake... (read all at source)
To dream of a lagoon, could denote that you may be drawn into a whirlpool of doubt and confusion through misapplication of your intelligence.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)
Being at the terminal of a transportation system (such as the subway) often indicates choices. Places of commotion and confusion often appear in dreams when choices are being confronted in life. (read all at source)
However, the astral plane is vast and souls often get lost in a state of confusion there. When you sleep, and your soul leaves your body, you also visit the astral plane. Your special ability is to find souls lost on this plane and help them to the other side. (read all at source)
II Meaning II We bow to the divine Goddess in all existence who resides in the form of confusion. We bow to her, we bow to her, we continually bow to her.
Indiyanamadhishtatri, bhutanam chaakhileshu yaa,
Bhuteshu satatam tsayai, vypti devyai namo namaha. II27II... (read all at source)
To dream of a lagoon, denotes that you will be drawn into a whirlpool of doubt and confusion through misapplication of your intelligence.
Lake... (read all at source)
To dream that you are solving an addition problem represents something that is straightforward or obvious. Do not read too much into a problem. To dream that you cannot add correctly indicates confusion and chaos. (read all at source)
To see dregs in your tea, warns you of trouble in love, and affairs of a social nature. To spill tea, is a sign of domestic confusion and grief. To find your tea chest empty, unfolds much disagreeable gossip and news. (read all at source)
mermaid in your dream is a symbol of your current love or personal affairs, and it's meaning depends on the nature of the action and the general atmosphere of the dream. If those elements we pleasant, you can expect things to go well; but if they were unpleasant or generated a feeling of confusion... (read all at source)
Then you look to the meaning of the final number, in this case, "2."
2. To dream of numbers that you can't remember after you awaken indicates that confusion and uncertainty lie ahead, and it's important for you to get your details in order - or, your priorities set and in motion. (read all at source)
If we dream that we are confused that dream tells us about our real life confusion.This dream symbol is used as a reference to interpret,
you are deliberately make your confusion and thus takes the first step,
that you can stop it and also will be able to turn off. (read all at source)
Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion means that you are being pulled in opposite directions or do not know which viewpoint is right. (read all at source)
Confusion, a daze, mysterious, or lacking clarity (for example, getting lost in a fog could represent being unclear about your direction or next steps in your life)
A lack of understanding of past events or why they happened as they did
see also: confused smoke
categories: Conditions... (read all at source)
Cook, eat - confusion, jumble of events and facts. sow - doing useful work to eat - good prospects for the future. Sow - zanimaeshmya useful work; eat - good views. future. (read all at source)
Recurring Dream Confusion
Q: Answered Question Subject Re-Occuring Dreams Question In my dream for about a month now, my...
A: Good morning, Jennifer. I don't know whether you intended to send this followup to me, but I will...
what??? (read all at source)
If one sees Him otherwise in a dream, it means confusion, and particularly if the Almighty Lord does not address him. If an ailing person sees Him in a dream, it means that he will soon die and come to meet Him. If a straying soul sees God Almighty in a dream, it will find guidance. (read all at source)
Also it would send your life into confusion
Example dream : Losing in a dream linked to the dreamer who was feeling frozen out by a group of friends. He felt sulky and was beginning to accept he had lost these friends. (read all at source)
To see nuts in your dream, signifies craziness or confusion. It may also refer to someone who is "nuts" or someone who is driving you crazy. You may be approaching a waking situation all wrong and need to look at it from a different perspective. (read all at source)
Alternatively, they may represent confusion, hastiness, and lost of dignity.
In particular, to see chicken feathers in your dream, signifies of minor annoyances. Eagle feathers represent the realization of your goals and aspirations. (read all at source)
Gray indicates fear and confusion. If everything in your dream is gray, you may feel emotionally distant or detached. This is a common dream to have if you're feeling sick.
Lavender represents a time of transition - things aren't very exciting right now. (read all at source)
The wearing of khakis in a dream signifies confusion. It may be that the dreamer has a lack of clarity regarding a situation; it may also be that there is an aspect of a situation that is not as it appears. (read all at source)
Perhaps you long for less confusion and more cohesiveness in a partnership. A flag can be a warning in a dream. If you dream there is a 'flag down on the play,' then there is something inappropriate about your actions or someone else's in a situation. (read all at source)
To see tangled and knotted yarn in your dream, signifies emotional distress or confusion you may have with a situation. For an unmarried woman to see yarn in her dream, signifies that she will become the wife of a wealthy and worthy man. (read all at source)
Snakes-symbolic of lying spirits and spirits of confusion, Isa. 59:4-5. Adders are symbolic of spiritual or physical en�emies, Jer. 8:17. In Ps. 140:1-3 it says viper poison comes from a person’s mouth. A flying snake is a false religious spirit, a deadly, difficult to kill problem, Isa. (read all at source)
If dreams of famine should break in wild confusion over slumbers, tearing up all heads in anguish, filling every soul with care, hauling down Hope's banners, somber with omens of misfortune and despair, your waking grief more poignant still must grow ere you quench ambition and en[??]y[envy?? (read all at source)
To dream of attending a reception interpret that you will have pleasant engagements. Confusion at a reception will work you disquietude.
To see a refrigerator in your dreams portends that your selfishness will offend and injure some one who endeavors to gain an honest livelihood. (read all at source)
If you dream of a clearing within a forest, it may suggest that you feel centered amid confusion, calm amid chaos. (read all at source)
The import of riddles is confusion and dissatisfaction.
To dream of riding is unlucky for business or pleasure.
Sickness often follows this dream. (read all at source)
To dream of attending a reception, denotes that you will have pleasant engagements. Confusion at a reception will work you disquietude.
* See Entertainment.
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Reception symbol. (read all at source)
Coat-Covering: Anointing; authority; protection; grief; shame; confusion. Shirt=Covering as pertaining o the heart: i.e., righteousness or sin. Without a Shirt (male or female)=self-righteousness (self-justification); legalism; shame, temptation. (read all at source)
Dreaming of hermaphrodites or that you are a hermaphrodite can reflect feeling of confusion or uncertainty regarding gender, or your ability to associate yourself with the behavior displayed by members of your own sex. (read all at source)
A dream with a keyhole can imply that you are facing some kind of confusion in your waking life. It can also suggest that one of your close associates is ..Read more →
KEYS ... (read all at source)
Transition. May be dark or light. Moving through confusion.
Stimulation. Sometimes over-excitement. A need to slow down. (read all at source)
Accents. To dream of having an accent or to dream of other people with accents indicates confusion or indecisiveness about a particular matter. (read all at source)
A snake dream can function like a two-sided coin: For each negative feeling in the dream, such as fear, apprehension, anxiety, or confusion, there's an opportunity to realize something positive that will serve you in your waking life. (read all at source)
The look of the cellar may provide you with clues about your current feelings and state of contentment. If the cellar is a mess, and you see great disorder and clutter, it suggests that you may be experiencing confusion and that it is a very good time to sort things out emotionally and... (read all at source)
Devils: The Devil in dreams symbolizes darkness and confusion. Its dreamtime visitation may also mean you are preoccupied with negative thoughts, or someone in your life is bringing you down to a negative emotional level. The Devil may also indicate you are dealing with temptations. (read all at source)