To dream that you or someone is confessing, represents feelings of guilt and self-blame. Alternatively, it suggests a form of healing and heralding the new changes in your life. (read all at source)
Think of all the usages of "confession" in an ordinary dictionary. The symbolic dream dictionary meanings are not much different. Do you really need to confess something? Did someone confess their sins to you yesterday? Ask yourself simple questions like this? (read all at source)
Confession :
To go to confession means you must stop being silent about something. You will then get rid of your feeling of guilt. (read all at source)
It was more like a confession then a dream, my husband told me that one night when i went to bed early him and our other two roommates had some girl over named Micah and he ended up sleeping with her in the grass out side our house. (read all at source)
To dream that you or someone is confessing indicates that you feel responsible for an issue or situation. You accept fault for some transgression or error. It may also imply that that you are facing transformations and alterations in situations or issues. (read all at source)
Confession - Openning up, relieving a burden; forgiving oneself; a need to verbalize, talk and share with others.
Constipation - Emotional suppression; holding on to ideas and attitudes.
Construction - Rebuilding who you are; transformation. (read all at source)
Shovel- confession, slander, prayer, dig, inquire. (Proverbs 16:27)
Sign- stop sign, direction; yield, detour- change of direction. Intersection- decision or change. (Hosea 12:10)
*keep off the grass- give no offense. (read all at source)
abject apology, acceptance, acknowledgment, adherents, admission, agape, allowance, apology, appreciation, asperges, aspersion, auricular confession, avowal, bar mitzvah, bas mitzvah, breast-beating, by-line, celebration, church, circumcision, citation, class, communion, concession,... (read all at source)
To dream that you or someone else is confessing, often represents feelings of guilt. This dream can also be about healing and welcoming new changes in your life.
Confetti... (read all at source)
If you dream that you are making a confession, you could be feeling guilty about something in waking life.
Going to confession in a dream may mean that you have been through a loss in waking life. (read all at source)
A dream where you are confessing suggests that you lack integrity in some aspect of your life. If someone else is confessing in the dream then it suggests that you ..Read more →
CONTRACT ... (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Confession; salvation; prayer’s answered
Popular Expressions: Practice what you preach; On a wing and a prayer
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
Bathroom - spiritual cleansing; prayer of repentance; confession of sins to another person
Bathroom in full view - humbling season; others aware of cleansing; transparency
Bedroom - intimacy; rest; privacy; peace; covenant (as in marriage)... (read all at source)
See the priesthood - a sign of the coming of remorse, labor and regained (possibly after confession) calming the soul, which will not be disturbed more temptations and seductions. Be yourself - the work of the spirit.
Dream Interpretation Schiller Shkolnik
remorse, labor and comforting. (read all at source)
To dream that you are urinating in public, symbolizes a lack of privacy in your affairs or your need to make a public apology or confession.
To see an urn in your dream, represents feelings that have burned out or that you are feeling burnt out and exhausted. It also symbolizes the past. (read all at source)
If you dream of photographs featuring people you don't recognize, this foretells uncomfortable confessions about something you have done. Pill To see a pill in your dream forecasts the return of your inner harmony. It is a period of healing and an end to those negative ideas in your mind. (read all at source)
In general: Confession means on the one hand, that one admits fault and blame, but on the other hand, forgiveness is hoped that allows a new, light-hearted start. Often you will be prompted by the symbol of confession in a dream, finally, admit mistakes and correct them. (read all at source)
confession hiding something that needs to be said; freedom comes when you tell the truth; forgive yourself, forgive others. What do you need to get off your chest?
conflict parts of yourself not integrated; things are not what they appear to be. What are you pushing away? (read all at source)
A dream of being hypnotized is a warning to let sleeping dogs lie in regard to a past mistake. Confession may... Continue dream interpretation - Hypnotism"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Hypocrite... (read all at source)