Concert dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a concert of a high musical order, denotes delightful seasons of pleasure, and literary work to the author. To the business man it portends successful trade, and to the young it signifies unalloyed bliss and faithful loves.
Ordinary concerts such as engage ballet singers, denote that disagreeable companions and ungrateful friends will be met with. Business will show a falling off.
A dream that you are attending a concert can mean that you want to be more independent and take better advantage of opportunities.
See also Orchestra... (read all at source)
Attending a concert can represent bringing continuity and balance to all aspects of your life since the orchestra or band plays in unison. Any type of show, theater or performance usually means that you are exploring objectively how all aspects of your life fit together. (read all at source)
The second dream - the Britney concert - is very similar. In this one you do everything right, and win the contest - but you don't get the prize that you expected. (read all at source)
You can be 'in concert' or 'at a concert'. The first suggests you are in agreement or in harmony. The second is about attending an event. (read all at source)
acclamation, accompaniment, accord, accordance, act in concert, act together, affiliate, affinity, agreement, agreement of all, alliance, ally, amalgamate, argue, arrange, assent, associate, association, attune, attunement, band, band concert, band together, be in league, bipartisanship, cahoots,... (read all at source)
Concert Dreams
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If you dream that you attend a concert or that you are performing at a concert, you may want to develop your creative side or you may want more freedom to express yourself. (read all at source)
Ordinary concerts such as engage ballet singers, denote that disagreeable companions and ungrateful friends will be met with. Business will show a falling off. (read all at source)
To dream of a concert of a high musical order, could denote delightful seasons of pleasure, and literary work to the author. To the business man it portends successful trade, and to the young it signifies unalloyed bliss and faithful loves. (read all at source)
Concert :
If you enjoyed it you are too sensitive and often loose the contact with real life. A concert can also tell you to be more creative. (read all at source)
To dream of being at a concert foretells good times, pleasure and happy friendships. If you dream of getting onstage, you may have trouble achieving your big ambitions.
Concrete... (read all at source)
To dream that you are at a concert, represents harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship of your waking life. You are experiencing an uplift in your spirits.
Conch Shell
To see a conch shell in your dream, represents sexual inhibitions. (read all at source)
To dream of a concert means you are a channel. Music is inspired by the spirit world and in dreams indicates an ability to communicate with that world.
A conflict symbolizes you are at war with yourself or with others. (read all at source)
concert: To work in harmony.
confusion: Inner discord or chaos.
constipation: The fear of letting go of something. (read all at source)
Rock concert
Dreams of being a rock star onstage applauded by thousands of shrieking fan obviously touch on the aspect of desire to be famous, wanted, approved of, and loved. It is not enough that just one person adores us, but lots. (read all at source)
Been at a concert.
Heard a musician while listening to the radio.
Sat in the front row at a music hall.
Talked to a recording label.
Been getting singing or instrument lessons. (read all at source)
The biggest telepathic transmission test was conducted in 1971 by asking about 2,000 persons attending a Grateful Dead rock concert to focus on a colour slide of a projection image and attempt to send it by telepathy to the dream laboratory 45 miles away in Brooklyn. (read all at source)
So it was after a band concert at my school and my friend and I were walking to the parking lot when all of a sudden I hear someone walking behind us. I whisper to my friend that someone is following us and just as I finish she gets yanked away by a vampire. (read all at source)
If you dream you are attending a concert or theatrical show their idol among pop or rock stars - it's a sign of a brilliant success that you will achieve thanks to the patronage of rich patrons. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Concert, Books
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A place or situation where people are focused on a person, event, or story. Could represent just about any venue, such as movie theater, a concert, a room where you watch TV, an auditorium, a classroom, etc.
See also: stage or screen gymnasium theater audience balcony show or movie... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a concert of a high musical order, denotes delightful seasons of pleasure, and literary work to the author. To the business man it portends successful trade, and to the young it signifies unalloyed bliss and faithful loves. (read all at source)