Example dream : A compliment in a dream linked to the dreamer feeling inspired by something a fellow geologist had said on the internet. (read all at source)
If you are being 'showered with compliments' means you desire to have success and praise. A dream of showering can also indicate hygiene. The shower symbolizes purification and the elimination of negative elements of thought. (read all at source)
Breaking almond branches with flowers means that you showering with compliments of men at a party where you will make them a strong impression with his new outfit. There is a dream almonds - in reality will experience a strong shock of bad news from afar. (read all at source)
To dream that you are giving a compliment, suggests that you need to be steadfast and not let others questions your... Continue dream interpretation - Compliment"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Composer... (read all at source)
This was a beautiful experience, full of promise of a companionship that has real meaning - entering new territory of inner and outer life - and real companionship - out of having qualities to share that are complimentary to each other and important in what we are journeying to - and a love that... (read all at source)
acclaim, accolade, adulate, adulation, applaud, benevolence, beslobber, beslubber, best wishes, blandish, blandishment, blarney, bless, blessing, blessings, boon, bouquet, bunkum, cajole, cajolement, cajolery, commend, commendation, compliments, conceit, congratulate, congratulation, congratulations,... (read all at source)
Complimenting oneself
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
Complimenting oneself in a dream means committing a sin. If an unknown young person compliments him in a dream, it means that his enemy will yield to him. (read all at source)
Pay a compliment, run an errand (out of kindness, not obligation) or offer assistance without being told. As Celtic animal symbols, the swallow also bends common gender roles. The males are the one to start the nest and they sing lovely songs to woo their mate into their freshly made roost. (read all at source)
3. Dream about chocolate bar from my Boss : This dream was about the boss. Investigation revealed the dreamer was getting compliments and praise off her boss when she wanted higher wages. (read all at source)
However, of importance in understanding the yin-yang is that the notion of opposites attracting does not apply to all things opposite, only those that compliment one-another. In dreams the opposites are pertinent to the feminine intuition and the masculine rational for balance. (read all at source)
Thanks hardikinn, good compliment :)
PaulieWalnuts 5 years ago from Chicago... (read all at source)
A wreath of flowers worn around the head implies happiness and success in romance. A laurel wreath indicates victory over problems in your life. A paper or plastic crown, however, indicates insincere compliments from people with agendas of their own. (read all at source)
desk lamps are very like an arm, with a joint in the middle where your elbow would be and a joint to control the direction of the lamp where your wrist would be. This means that you have a creative writing ability that works in combination with your psychic ability. Use both together to compliment... (read all at source)
To dream that you are giving a compliment, suggests that you need to be confident and not let others questions your position on things. To dream that you are being complimented, refers to your desire for romance and love.
Computer... (read all at source)
If you dream that someone is complimenting you, you could be feeling insecure about yourself in waking life.
A dream that you are complimenting someone else can mean that you feel that you have to flatter other people in order to succeed./p... (read all at source)
compliment tell someone something nice; reassurance that you are on the right track; be kind to yourself. What does your dream say about how flattering you are to yourself?
composer time to get it together; a need for some quiet time. What is falling apart? (read all at source)
I have compliments from men daily, so it really bothered me that the one man that i loved and wanted couldn't and wouldn't be intimate with me. We seaked a psychologist and found out that he felt he couldn't please me in bed and that was the reason for our lack of sex.. (read all at source)
General Meanings: Somebody makes you compliments about your skills and may soon lead to a promotion. This will improve your life conditions.
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Shooting... (read all at source)
To see bait in your dream, denotes that you may be fishing for a deal or a compliment. It may also indicate your desire to lure or entice someone. (read all at source)