She had a young colt with large testicles suffering with an enlarged, herniated abdomen. I was puzzled and woke up. I fell asleep again only to dream of a cool misty jungle with snakes everywhere. The snakes were cold and pale all were dead or near death. Again, I was puzzled and woke up. (read all at source)
Colt - bearing the burden of others; or stubbornness
Crab - not easy to approach
Crow (raven) - confusion; outspoken; operating in envy or strife; hateful; unclean; God's minister of justice or provision... (read all at source)
To see a colt in your dream, suggests that you are feeling awkward and insecure. You are starting to unleash your unused potential.
Column... (read all at source)
cat, calmative, camel, camelopard, capybara, carabao, caribou, carpincho, carry on, cat, catamount, cat-a-mountain, cattalo, cavy, chamois, charger, cheetah, chevrotain, chinchilla, chipmunk, chloral hydrate, cinnamon bear, Citation, Cleveland Bay, clotheshorse, codeine, codeine cough syrup, colt,... (read all at source)
A baby animal, such as a puppy, kitten, calf, fawn, colt, or cub, in a dream usually represents your childlike, innocent side. (read all at source)
Soon after, oil was discovered on Rosa Hoots' property and she was able to honour her deceased husband's wish. U-See-It was subsequently shipped to be stood at stud by Black Toney. The offspring was a black colt which Rosa named "Black Gold" after the oil that had made his birth possible. (read all at source)