Colonel dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing or being commanded by a colonel, denotes you will fail to reach any prominence in social or business circles.
If you are a colonel, it denotes you will contrive to hold position above those of friends or acquaintances.
If you are a colonel, it denotes you will contrive to hold position above those of friends or acquaintances. (read all at source)
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Colonel :
A colonel symbolize that you want increased social status. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of seeing or being commanded by a colonel, denotes you will fail to reach any prominence in social or business circles. If you are a colonel, it denotes you will contrive to hold position above those of friends or acquaintances.. (read all at source)
A colonel in a dream can represent any authority figure. The way he behaves, and the way you behave toward him in your dream can provide insight on your attitude to authority in general. (read all at source)
-Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae (1872 - 1918)
The poem elicits feelings of transience, perhaps even the futility of conflict/violence. Moreover, the poem stirs up ephemeral concepts of life, how existence is at once fleeting yet also continual. (read all at source)
section, brass wind, brasses, brass-wind instrument, brassy, brazen, brazen boldness, bread, brigadier, brigadier general, bronze, bronzy, bucks, bugle, bugle horn, bust, cabbage, cabinet, cadre, cairn, callithumpian band, captain, celebrity, cenotaph, chamber orchestra, cheek, chicken colonel,... (read all at source)
To dream of Colonel means to rise above their friends and acquaintances.
general or admiral means to achieve fame and glory by patronage. (read all at source)
A colonel may suggest a hierarchy in your life. You have started to realise that you need to take orders and listen to someone who is in command. This will probably not be someone who has direct power over you but rather someone who has assumed command. (read all at source)