Coins dream meaning

Coins in a dream can represent wealth - emotional and spiritual, as well as material.
Superstitious dream interpretations say that if you dream that someone gives you coins you will lose money in waking life, but if you dream that you give coins to someone else, your financial wealth will increase. (read all at source)

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To dream of gold, denotes great prosperity and much pleasure derived from sight-seeing and ocean voyages.

Silver coin is unlucky to dream about. Dissensions will arise in the most orderly families.

For a maiden to dream that her lover gives her a silver coin, signifies she will be jilted by him.

Copper coins, denotes despair and physical burdens. Nickel coins, imply that work of the lowest nature will devolve upon you.

If silver coins are your ideal of money, and they are bright and clean, or seen distinctly in your possession, the dream will be a propitious one. (read all at source)

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Seeing coins in your dream indicates missed or overlooked opportunities that come your way. Seeing gold coins in your dream, represent success and wealth. Silver coins represents spirituality, values, and your self-worth. (read all at source)

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picking so many coins in the land what does it mean thank you
leonor says:... (read all at source)

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Money-finding money in a dream may be symbolic of an upcoming financial blessing. If you have a house made of money (dollar bills or coins) it can symbolize trusting in wealth, Prov. 10:15
Monk-symbolic of chastity
Monkey-playfulness, childlike... (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation Coins
To dream of gold, could denote great prosperity and much pleasure derived from sight-seeing and ocean voyages.
Silver coin is unlucky to dream about. Dissensions will arise in the most orderly families. (read all at source)

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Copper coins, denotes despair and physical burdens. Nickel coins, imply that work of the lowest nature will devolve upon you.
If silver coins are your ideal of money, and they are bright and clean, or seen distinctly in your possession, the dream will be a propitious one. (read all at source)

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See gold coins - you will honor; find - thankfully; find a treasure - to extreme luck; hear their bells - will be very wealthy man; you have been given - to the hope of a better; you pay someone gold coins - live to a very old age; in molten form - will cease to guide you to trust; bury,... (read all at source)

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To see gold coins in your dream represents success and wealth. Silver coins represent spirituality, values, and your self-esteem. Coins in dreams can also suggest missed opportunities. Also see "Dime", "Nickel", "Penny" and "Quarter."
Cold... (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Copper Plate, Coins
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Copper symbol. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of gold jewelry, coins, or a gold object indicates success is forthcoming. To dream of a room filled with gold suggests you feel very blessed and abundant in your life right now. If you dream your gold is not real, you are feeling deceived by someone or in some situation in your life. (read all at source)

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Not really, it means your gonna lose a relative or your parents might die. I dreamed loosing my teeth many times and i lost my grandma and 2 friends. You lose money when you dream of finding silver coins like twenty five cents
Chiara Fucarino... (read all at source)

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coins dream symbol
Value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value). Look for something of value you tend to give and receive in your life. Other possible meanings:... (read all at source)

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I had to melt two coins... but then i woke up just in time when the second vampire showed up to prevent me from melting his life line... so i searched for the dream, however the dream dictionary only contains vampires and blood no melting, no coins... (read all at source)

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vending machine small change; mechanical buying; frustration. What part(s) of yourself are you selling for a few coins?
ventriloquist a dummy in the picture; close lipped; speak up; find the real source of the information. Who is doing the talking for you? (read all at source)

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This seems like a no-brainer. If you're reading this website, odds are you are familiar with the Law of Attraction. Keeping a specific coin in your pocket and visualizing it as a seed, growing into many more coins sounds trite, but it can to get the money ball rolling. (read all at source)

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Lost and Found-Lose/Gain: Lost= Truth lost through tradition; gift lost through neglect; . Finding Silver Coins or Knives=Receiving revelation knowledge, soul lost through sin. Found=Revelations or gifts received from God, (See Silver, and Knives). (Col 2:8; John 6:12; Jer 15:16)... (read all at source)

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We are discussing something. Later I am walking down to the beach on a gentle pathway. There are some bags. I pick up this bag and it has some old junk in it. I decide that there is something of interest in it and a few coins so I pick it up. (read all at source)

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Coins in a dream are usually known to have a connection to health and wealth of the person having the dream. If the material of the coin is not the traditional (silver, gold or copper) and made of different materials or various methods then this dream is in connection with trying to make it in life. (read all at source)

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Coins can represent a number of things in a dream, including energy, your heart and circulatory system, intuition and hands-on healing. The value of the coin or indeed the quantity of coins can also be the significant symbol in the dream. (read all at source)

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To dream of gold coins denotes prosperity and pleasure derived form sight-seeing and Ocean voyages.
Colors... (read all at source)

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coins: Something of small value; things of little concern.
cold: Missed warmth or holding back of emotion. There is a feeling of neglect in this symbol, as in "being left out in the cold."
colors: Emotions, especially when they are vibrant. The vitality of something or of the self. (read all at source)

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Silver Bullion Coins
Home Cheese making
The meaning of the Obelisk in dreams symbolized idols or idol worship. The Obelisk is to the sun god Amon Re. The Egyptian believed the god existed in the obelisk structur it self. (read all at source)

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dreaming on hands holding you means the dream is real and will fulfill itself. dreaming on hands with coins means you have done something wrong and you want to be good again.
Find more dreams containing 'hands'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'hands'
graveyard... (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of gold, denotes great prosperity and much pleasure derived from sight-seeing and ocean voyages. Silver coin is unlucky Dreaming about. Dissensions will arise in the most orderly families. (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation: dreams
Cyprus Money - Cypriot Coins in Circulation
Egypt Money - Egyptian Coins in Circulation
Isle of Guernsey Money - Guernsey Coins in Circulation
Science for Kids: question followups... (read all at source)

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If the coins were counterfeit, the dream foretells a minor illness; otherwise it is a fortunate omen of unexpected gain. However,... Continue dream interpretation - Nickel"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Nickname... (read all at source)

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Value or currency of some kind (monetary, mental/emotional, effort, energy, or other things of value). Look for something of value you tend to give and receive in your life. Other possible meanings:... (read all at source)

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