The doorway was low and there were cobwebs in it. I had to duck through and i felt webs in my hair and i knelt down next to him and asked him if i had a spider in my hair. (read all at source)
Cobwebs can represent:
Lack of attention, emptiness, or being unused or unoccupied
A feeling of aloneness or eeriness
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)
Cobwebs - Unused talents; indecision.
Cocaine - May symbolize an addiction to some thing in your life. Dependency on something. Feelings of emptiness or devoid of emotions.
Cockroach - Psychological, emotional disturbances that need healing... (read all at source)
A dream where there are cobwebs suggests you are neglecting some part of your life. It can also imply that you are feeling low or are ignoring issues from the ..Read more →
COCKTAIL ... (read all at source)
To see a haunted house with cobwebs, or a house that resembles the Addams family residence, indicates you need to grow spiritually. To die in a haunted house signifies undue vanity. (read all at source)
An empty cobweb can represent a desire for peace and tranquility.
See also Spider. (read all at source)
Then we were in a basement and I was screaming at him to leave and he kept cleaning cobwebs. When I questioned him on it he kept saying that he was clearing out the cobwebs between us. (read all at source)
cobweb home of the spider; it is sticky and traps innocent bystanders; time to clean out the cobwebs in your mind and get a clear, fresh perspective. Who haven't you seen for a while?
cockpit place where the pilot sits; it may be time for you to take control. Which male is in the pits? (read all at source)
To see cobwebs in your dream, suggests that you have not reached your full potential. You are not utilizing your talents.
Cocaine... (read all at source)
candlelight, candle-meter, cannonball, carefree, casement, casement window, casual, catchpenny, central, cerebral, chambering, chance, changeable, chanticleer, cheap-jack, checked, cheer up, cheerful, cigarette lighter, clarification, clarify, clear, climb down, clobber, close, cloudless, cobwebby,... (read all at source)
A spider had spun a cobweb on her. The rubbish in the dream symbolised the appalling conditions and poverty this woman was living under - hearing about this had clearly had an effect on the dreamer. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Tangled traps; an ambush; uninhabitable abodes
Popular Expressions: Blow away the cobwebs; Oh, what a tangled web... (read all at source)
Cobweb. You'll be lucky if you dreamed of cobwebs in an acceptable place such as a wine cellar, attic etc; but if they were where they shouldn't be, for example on clothes, furniture, or books, they predict difficulties through secretly hostile competition; however, if you brushed them away,... (read all at source)