To see a clown in you dream, forewarns about unscrupulous people who are going to hurt your feelings and cause you much harm. Alternatively, clowns symbolize light-heartedness, and a childish manner.
Daughter... (read all at source)
To dream of a clown foretells that you will ignore important things because you will be distracted by worrying about silly matters.
Club... (read all at source)
1. A dream of contrary. Dreaming of the antics of a funny clown implies the way that some of your companions see you. Look to other symbols in the dream to discern if this is due to affection or disdain. (read all at source)
clown dream symbol
The role of entertainer or jokester (for example, if your Uncle Jerry is always telling funny stories that make people to laugh, he might show up in your dream dressed as a clown)... (read all at source)
Laughter makes you healthy, often bittersweet joy. (read all at source)
The role of entertainer or jokester (for example, if your Uncle Jerry is always telling funny stories that make people to laugh, he might show up in your dream dressed as a clown)... (read all at source)
ass, Babbitt, banana, bareback rider, be foolish, be stupid, blockhead, blunderer, blunderhead, boor, born fool, botcher, bounder, bourgeois, bucolic, buffo, buffoon, bumbler, bumpkin, bungler, burlesquer, cad, caper, caricaturist, churl, circus artist, clod, clodhopper, clodknocker, clot, clown... (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Joy; mask; empathy
Popular Expressions: To clown around; The joker in the pack... (read all at source)
Example dream : A clown dream linked to the dreamer having just had an abortion. The clown symbolised her husbands attempts to deal with this but not doing very well. He was trying to put on a brave face but this was all a little false. (read all at source)
Clown: The carnal nature; playing with God; childishness; work of the flesh. (Ecc. 7: 4)
Daughter: Child of God; ministry that is your child in the Spirit; look at similar character traits in yourself; the child herself; prophesy; complacent; dutiful; beautiful; given to lust; ideal. (read all at source)
Clown-a clown can symbolize happiness and joy. If seen in a nightmare a clown can represent a demonic heckler
Club-an instrument of war symbolic of God’s words shat�tering His enemies, Jer. 51:20... (read all at source)
A clown in a dream can represent the archetypal trickster, or it may be an aspect of yourself that is making fun of your pomposity or cynicism. (read all at source)
If you are dreaming of a clown, you are not acknowledging the truth about your feelings. The clown can be a representation of how you are using humor or lightness to avoid discussing something painful or difficult. (read all at source)
To see a clown in you dream, symbolizes absurdity, light-heartedness, and a childish side to your own character. The countenance of the clown is a reflection of your own feelings and emotions. (read all at source)
Clowns can represent fear of the unknown and the dark, insecure side you feel within. If your reaction toward the clown is one of happiness and joy, it can also mean you long for happier, simpler times.
club... (read all at source)
A clown symbolizes inner sadness that is not expressed.
A club is a male symbol and indicates that you have a male energy approach to life or the subject matter of the dream. You need to restore balance between male and female aspects of yourself. (read all at source)
clown: Self-depreciation.
club: Joining together, belonging.
coffin: What contains the end of something or someone, a reminder of your mortality. To put someone into a coffin might suggest that you want to get them out of your life. (read all at source)
The Coyote is a clown in the natural world, and in many Native American tribes view the symbolism of the Coyote as that of trickster, shape-shifter, and transformer. (read all at source)
If you find yourself dressed as a specific career choice (clown outfit, nurse uniform, janitorial clothes, etc.), your dream wants you to think about how that specific job pertains to your life. (read all at source)
Fool See archetype of the fool-clown-trickster. More
Flow - Up and Down Down flow and up flow are often shown in dreams when people are working on improving their inner life. There are two flows of energy in our being; the upflow is released potential from our […] More... (read all at source)
To dream that you are participating in a carnival, portends that you are soon to enjoy some unusual pleasure or recreation. A carnival when masks are used, or when incongruous or clownish figures are seen, implies discord in the home; business will be unsatisfactory and love unrequited. (read all at source)
circus circus life feeling like a three-ring circus; performing; flying high; nervous about your turn in the ring; traveling without roots. Who is clowning around?
city busy place with a lot happening; anonymity; industry; a city slicker. Who needs more stimulation? (read all at source)
One dream where I almost controlled it I was standing in the middle of a street and a clown was coming towards me on a motorcycle to torture me and in my mind I tried my best to change him and he started glowing and almost changed but it just wouldn't happen and I had to wake up instead. (read all at source)
i don't know one carrying the other for fear of touching the water one dragging a line or rope attached to a boat or raft not sure, they walked towards the island as they walked up i was back to seeing out of my eyes only to look towards where the blood had been coming from which was a dead clown in... (read all at source)