To dream that you are hanging up clothes on a clothesline, suggests that you are clarifying your thoughts and elevating yourself to a new state of awareness.
Clothes Peg... (read all at source)
clothesline dream interpretations
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Clothesline... (read all at source)
Clothesline - Revealing yourself for others to see. Revealing hidden aspects that need to be aired. May also represent your hang-ups. (read all at source)
Clot, clot buster, clotbur, Clote, cloth cap, cloth covering, Clothe, clothed, Clothes, clothes basket, clothes closet, clothes designer, clothes drier, clothes dryer, clothes hamper, clothes hanger, clothes moth, clothes peg, clothes pin, clothesbrush, clotheshorse, clothesless, Clothesline,... (read all at source)
To dream that you are hanging out clothing on a clothesline, suggests that you are revealing hidden aspects of yourself, especially if they are underwear. The dream may also signify your hang-ups. (read all at source)