closed dream symbol
Something that is closed or sealed, such as a door or a box lid, can represent:... (read all at source)
closed door dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
Something that is closed or sealed, such as a door or a box lid, can represent:
An obstacle or challenge to moving forward somehow in your life
Inaccessibility or unavailability
A feeling that you lack permission to do something, say something, etc. (read all at source)
arcane, authoritarian, beyond reach, bigot, bigoted, blank, blind, blind-alley, borne, cabalistic, cecal, censored, choked, choked off, classified, close, closed forever to, closed to, concealed, constricted, contracted, cramped, creedbound, cryptic, dark, dead, dead-end, deaf, deaf to reason,... (read all at source)
For instance, a "closed" dream could link to the words "unwilling" and "ignore" and the dream capture a thought like "I am not really willing to speak to her - if she talks to me I will ignore her".
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
If the sensation of being enclosed occurs in a dream, it is often indicative of feeling isolated or alone. It can also imply the dreamer has little or no understanding of themself and are in fact afraid to find out who they are.
End... (read all at source)
Something that is enclosed, like a courtyard or corral can have associations with feeling trapped. At the same time, good feelings of being enclosed or embraced can suggest integration. (read all at source)
Closed a curtain.
Opened a curtain.
Seen a curtain.
Seen somebody else close or open a curtain.
Destroyed a curtain.
Hidden behind a curtain.
Seen somebody else hiding behind a curtain.
Been afraid of what is behind a curtain.
Encountered a curtain in the daylight. (read all at source)
Closed - Anything that is closed may symbolize those things that are not available to you. It also represents feelings of inadequacy and frustration.
Closet - A storage place for emotions and attitudes; may need cleaning (giving more thought to). Closing yourself off. (read all at source)
A closed door symbolizes something you must stop to get annoyed over. An open door means that your dreams will come true. Many open doors symbolize many good opportunities. If the door gets shut in your face will someone try to shut you out of something. (read all at source)
A closed can indicates that you want to know anything that is kept secret from you. An open invitation is to take an opportunity. In addition, the can symbolizes female sexuality. Important in the content of each case.
Psychologically:... (read all at source)
A closed belt can represent something that is cyclical, such as the cycle of life and death or a pattern that repeats itself in your life.
Opening a belt can stand for breaking a negative cycle. (read all at source)
gate - Closed
An opportunity for you to decide upon. Open: The beginning of an opportunity to leave your current situation.
To make you feel better about what the gift relates to. Something is coming to you, high expectations. (read all at source)
To see closed windows signifies desertion.
To see broken windows, symbolizes suspicions, unhappiness and disloyal friends.
To open the window in your dream means you will be rewarded for your efforts. (read all at source)
To see closed windows is a representation of desertion. If they are broken, you will be hounded by miserable suspicions of disloyalty from those you love. (read all at source)
To see a closed gate, inability to overcome present difficulties is predicted. To lock one, denotes successful enterprises and well chosen friends. A broken one, signifies failure and discordant surroundings. (read all at source)
To see a closed clam in your dream implies that you that you can sometimes be aloof and distant. You have a tendency to hold people at arms length and not allow then to see your emotions. (read all at source)
wall closed in; feelings blocked off and unavailable; rejection; sadness; loneliness; barrier to get through; keeping something out or in; feeling as if you are climbing the walls; driving someone up the wall; some off-the-wall idea; building walls or tearing them down;... (read all at source)
To see a closed clam in your dream suggests that you are emotionally cold. You may be shutting others out and not letting them in on your problems and what you are feeling. If you see an open clam, you are slowly learning to let others see the real you.
Clapping... (read all at source)
Anything closed, such as a window, door, gate, fence, or wall, constitutes an obstacle dream, and its significance is in accord... Continue dream interpretation - Barrier"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Baseball... (read all at source)
To see a closed gate in your dream, signifies your inability to overcome current difficulties. If you are unable to open the gate, then it indicates that your hard work will be seen as unsatisfactory. It may also mean that you are not ready or not prepared to move on to the next step.
Gauze... (read all at source)
Carrying a closed umbrella in the rain is highly unfortunate for the dreamer and his business plans. To dream of carrying an open umbrella in the rain is a very fortunate sign that speaks of good luck in most endeavors. A leaky umbrella denotes quarrels with loved ones.
Uncle... (read all at source)
A dream where a door is closed suggests that you have missed an opportunity. If you close a door then it suggests that you need to leave some aspect of ..Read more →
CLOTHES ... (read all at source)
If you see a closed door, then the Lord means for you to open it in the spirit:
Revelation 3:8 "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." (NIV)... (read all at source)
In a dream, a closed drawer, or the act of closing a drawer, can represent an introverted personality.
If you open a drawer in a dream, you could be looking for material gain. (read all at source)
With eyes still closed, think about the question for about 30 seconds - what information you'd need to answer the question, what kind of answer would be most helpful, what the most challenging aspects are.
3. Visualize receiving the answer. (read all at source)
- Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
- Deep cut and bleeding dream
- Being attacked by a shark while friend was laughing dream
- Don't judge a book by its cover - dream interpretation
- Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba... (read all at source)
My little sister is there and the room is really dark, the blinds are closed. We are talking and I put my book bag down. She goes in it pulls out the plastic bag and then takes out the dead rat with her hands and is just sort of handling it. (read all at source)
You meet him you can not, because for you it will be a "closed". You will experience a strong desire to know the person better, but for some reason he will ignore your society. It seems that the reason is that he once scalded milk began to blow on the water and are now wary of new acquaintances. (read all at source)
he closed the door and I told him "no leave the door open, my dad is home" and he replied saying "he went to bed his door is closed" and I tell him."alright, close the door".. (read all at source)
Fully clothed with her rear end at the very edge of the bed with her legs hanging over and her hands at her side, eyes closed and hair far more grey and longer than it is in real life. She has a large stab wound in her stomach below her navel. (read all at source)
With my fingers I closed the eyes, slowly recognising that the formless inner surgings were already at work reshaping this being. The crust of the body was like the dry skin of a chrysalis. But the Caterpillar had to die, to sacrifice itself to the unknown, to emerge as a butterfly. (read all at source)
Behind closed doors, words of honor were spoken in reverence to ancestors, special meals were eaten in observance of transitioned souls and ceremonies were held within the family to pay tribute to loved ones of days gone by. After a week of somber devotion, Feralia sparked a public festival. (read all at source)
We do not claim that this book will prove an interpreter of all dreams, or that the keys disclosed will open to you all the mysteries of the future, or even all those surrounding your own personality, but by studying the definitions and the plane upon which they were written, you will be able,... (read all at source)
Dreaming of a closed gate is an obstacle dream. However, the obstacles can be overcome if you work hard at it. To judge exactly what obstacles you face, look to other symbols in the dream.
3. (read all at source)
closing: With a door, it could mean you have closed yourself off to something or someone.
clothing: The stance we take in social situations. It is our identity and our self-image. What we put on to the rest of the world (see face). It is also what we put on to hide our real selves. (read all at source)
A closed door suggests something is inaccessible or hidden, or that an opportunity has passed by. If a door is broken, something may be hindering you from taking a new opportunity. (read all at source)
It is a common symbol in Western esoteric traditions. The rose in an enclosed garden is similar to the Grail quest, to the search for paradise and wholeness.
In Christian symbolism, the rose is the supreme symbol of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Roses are related to love [.]... (read all at source)
To dream that you use an open end thimble, but find that it is closed, denotes that you will have trouble, but friends will aid you in escaping its disastrous consequences.
Thirst... (read all at source)
Branded-branding can symbolize having something perma�nently etched in your mind. Branding can mean that your mind is closed off, 1 Tim. 4:2
Branding iron-symbolic of slavery, Isa. 3:24, 1 Tim. 4:2
Brazen face-symbolic of not having any fear, Prov. 7:13... (read all at source)
This could also represent deceitful and evil desires of one's heart. If the eye is injured or closed this could represent one being self centered or being willfully ignorant and not believing in truth. (Luke 11:34; Proverbs 6:13, 27:20; Acts 17:30; Isaiah 44:18)... (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: As one door closes, another one opens; Behind closed doors; By the back door
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
To dream that your hands are clasped or closed, signifies unity, completeness, acceptance or agreement. On a more negative note, it may suggest that you are close-minded, UN giving or unwilling to help. To dream that you have unusually large hands, denotes much success in achieving your goals. (read all at source)
Are you the one that is locked up inside, or are opportunities closed to you? Locks in your dreams may represent those things that are currently inaccessible to you. Other interpretations suggest that locks are symbols of security and, at times, may have sexual connotations. (read all at source)
A sharp knife signifies personal strife; a rusty knife means family troubles; a broken knife indicates failure in love; an open switchblade knife or penknife predicts legal troubles; a closed one suggests financial reverses; a dull knife portends hard work with little reward. (read all at source)
Going through a door may represent going from one state of consciousness to another, or from one inner plane to another. Locked or closed doors may represent an obstacle or opportunities that are not currently available to you . Many doors may represent your current choices. (read all at source)
You may prefer to keep your eyes closed or look at something bland such as the sheets close you your face. Whatever you do, don't start running through lists of what you have to do during the day. If you do, your dream will evaporate immediately. (read all at source)
A HALLWAY symbolizes that you have reached an area that is necessary to journey through in order to get to the other side, and it may be a narrow path that has to be traversed with care and awareness. If you have that "closed in,... (read all at source)
The number 3 will often appear in dreams about the heart as people who have closed off their heart to others often lack commitment. A triangle or pyramid also indicate commitment and request the dreamer to meditate on the subject matter of the dream. (read all at source)
I tried at least 4 times and gave up then I said to my son we don't need to go to the hospital anyway because we aren't bleeding anyway. I remember looking at the wounds in my dream and they were closed with just a line like they were already healed. (read all at source)
To receive or buy a new thimble, portends new associations in which you will find contentment. To dream that you use an open end thimble, but find that it is closed, denotes that you will have trouble, but friends will aid you in escaping its disastrous consequences. (read all at source)
I came to a door and with curiosity pushed open the door. There were women in the room. They were half naked and in their underwear. They were very embarrassed for their shame was found out. I closed the door between me and them. (read all at source)
Eye/Eyes To dream that your eyes are closed suggests your refusal to see the truth about something. This dream can also mean that you are avoiding intimacy. You may be expressing feelings of hurt, pain or sympathy. (read all at source)