To dream that you are smoking cigarettes, means that you are trying to shield yourself and others against your emotions. You have trouble letting others in.
Cinderella... (read all at source)
Matching Terms:
cigarette, cigarette burn, cigarette butt, cigarette case, cigarette holder, cigarette lighter, cigarette paper, cigarette smoker... (read all at source)
To dream that you are smoking or offering a cigarette indicates that you require some down time or time for yourself. It may imply that you are too reliant on someone or something. (read all at source)
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of smoke cigarettes.
Happy. Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Dizzy. Proud.
Naked or Nude... (read all at source)
In the room I find little cigarette buts from ROLLED cigarettes. My great aunt smoked filtered cigarettes so I new there weren't hers and I didn't know where they came from but I thought it was strange and I tried to keep one for some reason. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Cigarettes
Smoking a cigarette in your dream is a lucky omen, as well as, giving, or offering them to another. This dream... Continue dream interpretation - Cigarettes"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Cipher... (read all at source)
*smoking cigarettes- bitter memories, unforgiving, jealousy, self-righteousness.
*Smoking a Pipe-Intellectual pride. (read all at source)
Example: I put my cigarettes and lighter beside me on top of the duvet and picked up my book. The bed trembled again and then slowly, rhythmically, the cigarettes and lighter moved across the bed and onto the floor. I was going mad.
Useful questions and hints:
What feelings did I meet in the dream? (read all at source)
We were talking about ventilation to the back bedrooms and smoking cigarettes. Wondering if the smell would get into them (weird I know.) then this white and black snake pops out of nowhere. The friends tell me it's theirs but they don't keep it locked up. It looks at me and hisses and goes on. (read all at source)
If you are a nonsmoker, dreaming of cigarettes could indicate you feel the words you are speaking could be harmful to yourself or others. If another person is smoking in the dream, the same may be true of someone you know. (read all at source)
camel be sure you drink enough water; watch your salt intake; a brand of cigarettes; artist's paintbrush. Who's carrying all the resources?
camera your dream is showing you a picture of something; look at the past for some clues. Where has time 'stood still' for you? (read all at source)
by other people's smoke, you may be experiencing some confusion and anxiety in daily life or in regard to a particular situation. Smoke or smoking usually depletes people of energy and hampers ones ability to think clearly and act directly with the issues at hand. See also: Cigarettes... (read all at source)
Cigarettes top list
The interpretation of this symbol, as with all others, depends on your relationship with cigarettes. If you are a smoker or are surrounded by smokers, cigarettes may be a regular part of your daily life which has been brought into your dream state. (read all at source)