seeing someone in a dream smoking a cigarette dream interpretations
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To dream that you are smoking or offering a cigarette indicates that you require some down time or time for yourself. It may imply that you are too reliant on someone or something. (read all at source)
*smoking cigarettes- bitter memories, unforgiving, jealousy, self-righteousness.
*Smoking a Pipe-Intellectual pride. (read all at source)
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'cigarette'
Cheating, Infidelity Dreams Dreaming of infidelity and cheating can be among the most disturbing of dreams. If it's your partner who is cheating, you may waken with feelings of betrayal and heartache. (read all at source)
Cigarette :
It depends on what feelings you have about smoking. If you are against smoking you must try to find out what you are doing that destroy your health. If you are not against smoking will a dream about this mean that you are pleased with yourself, and that you will have a pleasant time. (read all at source)
Cigar Cigarette
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Dreamhawk is the website of author and dream analyst Tony Crisp. It contains a fully searchable online Dream Dictionary, Dream Enclopedia, and many other articles... (read all at source)
A cigarette burning can represent the exhaustion or "burning up" of resources or energy somehow in your life.
See also: ash fire flame destroying cigar smoke
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)
cigarette trying to break a habit; saying how you feel may be clearer than sending smoke signals; take a deep breath without the cigarette. What are you craving in your life? (read all at source)
Buy an expensive cigarette lighter in a dream - to snobbery.
Dream Interpretation Birthday May June July August
To dream of a flame lighters - to hope. (read all at source)
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of smoke cigarettes.
Happy. Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Dizzy. Proud.
Naked or Nude... (read all at source)
Cigarette-symbolic of an addictive and negative behavior
Cinderella-symbolic of feeling used or disrespected by oth�ers
Cinnamon-symbolic of a holy anointing, something pleasing and set apart for God, Ex. 30:23-25... (read all at source)
The carpets are grey with what look like cigarette burns in them, the walls are grey and I distinctly remember the door looking like my fathers bedroom door from his old home. I open the door and to my absolute horror I find my mother laying motionless at the end of the bed. (read all at source)
cigarette dream symbol
The idea of an addiction or a nervous habit
Any source of physical, emotional, or mental toxicity in your life
Trying to fill a need for a stronger sense of self-identity and independence... (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are smoking or offering a cigarette means your need for a break. It may also points to issues of dependency. However if you are against smoking and have this dream, you must analyze aspects of your waking life and what you are dong that may adversely affect your health.
... (read all at source)
To dream that you are smoking cigarettes, means that you are trying to shield yourself and others against your emotions. You have trouble letting others in.
Cinderella... (read all at source)
Cigarette - A lack of self discipline that may lead to self destruction. May represent a warming of implied illness within the body. Are thing going up in smoke due to an inability to discipline yourself? (read all at source)
Smoking a cigarette in your dream is a lucky omen, as well as, giving, or offering them to another. This dream... Continue dream interpretation - Cigarettes"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Cipher... (read all at source)
by other people's smoke, you may be experiencing some confusion and anxiety in daily life or in regard to a particular situation. Smoke or smoking usually depletes people of energy and hampers ones ability to think clearly and act directly with the issues at hand. See also: Cigarettes... (read all at source)
We were talking about ventilation to the back bedrooms and smoking cigarettes. Wondering if the smell would get into them (weird I know.) then this white and black snake pops out of nowhere. The friends tell me it's theirs but they don't keep it locked up. It looks at me and hisses and goes on. (read all at source)
Cigarettes top list
The interpretation of this symbol, as with all others, depends on your relationship with cigarettes. If you are a smoker or are surrounded by smokers, cigarettes may be a regular part of your daily life which has been brought into your dream state. (read all at source)
If you are a smoker, this dream could be a literal warning to quit. If you are a nonsmoker, dreaming of cigarettes could indicate you feel the words you are speaking could be harmful to yourself or others. (read all at source)
In the room I find little cigarette buts from ROLLED cigarettes. My great aunt smoked filtered cigarettes so I new there weren't hers and I didn't know where they came from but I thought it was strange and I tried to keep one for some reason. (read all at source)